[vc_row top_padding=»30″][vc_column width=»1/1″][vc_column_text]
Pilar Bachiller
pilarb (at) unex (dot) es
PhD in Computer Science
Computer and Communication Technology Dept.[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=»Biography» tab_id=»1487329202279-9f61b0a0-67e5″][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Research» tab_id=»1487329202356-c414bfdd-4245″][vc_column_text]
Her research area is related to Computer Vision[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Publications» tab_id=»1487329240811-4fcbe980-fa05″][vc_column_text]
PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis, Pilar Bachiller. «Percepción dinámica del entorno de un robot móvil». Advisor Pablo Bustos. University of Extremadura, Polytechnic School of Cáceres. April 2008
P. Bachiller Burgos, «Percepción dinámica del entorno en un robot móvil,» PhD Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2008.
[Bibtex]@phdthesis{phd-thesis-pilar-percepcion, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, booktitle = {Tesis doctoral}, title = {{Percepci{\'{o}}n din{\'{a}}mica del entorno en un robot m{\'{o}}vil}}, year = {2008}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Bustos García, Pablo} }
Article, Books, Refereed Journals and Conferences
L.J. Manso, P. Bustos, P. Bachiller, P. Núñez. «A Perception-aware Architecture for Autonomous Robots». In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ISSN 1729-8806), InTech, Vol. 12, No. 174, 2015. DOI: 10.5772/61742.
Bustos, P. and Martínez-Gómez, J. and García-Varea, I. and Rodríguez-Ruiz, L. and Bachiller, P. and Calderita, L.V. and Sánchez, A. and Bandera, A. and Bandera, J. P. «Multimodal Interaction with Loki». Proceedings, Workshop of Phisical Agents, WAF 2013.
P. Bustos García, J. Martınez-Gómez, I. Garcıa-Varea, L. Rodrıguez-Ruiz, P. Bachiller Burgos, L. V. Calderita Estévez, L. J. Manso Argüelles, A. Sánchez Domínguez, A. Bandera, and J. Bandera, «Multimodal Interaction with Loki,» in Workshop of physical agents, Madrid, 2013, p. 1–8.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{multimodal-interaction-loki, abstract = {Developing a simple multimodal interaction game with a 31 dof's mobile manipulator can become a challenging enterprise. A conceptually simple task quickly unfolds into a rather complex ensemble of driver-oriented, framework-based, software-enabled, state-machine controlled mechatronics. In this paper we propose a multimodal interaction game designed to test the initial steps of a cognitive robotics architecture called RoboCog. In the game, a human shows an object to the robot and asks him to touch it with one of his hands. Loki, the robot, searches, gazes, represents and touches the object, then talks and waits for new events. The game goes on until the human player decides to quit. In this paper we describe the steps taken to achieve this goal, analyzing the decisions made in terms of architectural choices and describing how the sequential control of multimodal resources was built. To conclude, several snapshots of the game are presented and commented along with video material of Loki playing with a volunteer.}, author = {Bustos García, Pablo and J Martınez-G{\'{o}}mez and I Garcıa-Varea and L Rodrıguez-Ruiz and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and A Bandera and Jp Bandera}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, pages = {1--8}, title = {{Multimodal Interaction with Loki}}, address = {Madrid}, url = {http://ljmanso.com/files/Multimodal_interaction_with_Loki.pdf}, year = {2013} }
Luis J. Manso, Pablo Bustos, Pilar Bachiller and Marco A. Gutierrez. «Graph Grammars for Active Perception». In Proc. of 12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions ISSN 978-972-98603-4-8, pp 63-68. April 2012.
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller, and M. A. Gutierrez, «Graph Grammars for Active Perception,» in 12th international conference on autonomous robot systems and competitions, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2012, p. 4–8.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-graph-grammars, abstract = {The complexity of the applications in which robots are being used does not stop growing. Different solutions such as sophisticated control architectures have been proposed in order to deal with complexity in robot control. These solutions make robotic systems more robust, scalable and easier to distribute, understand and monitor. However, it is still not clear how to cope with the complexity of the interaction dynamics that underlie the perception of the environment. With this issue in mind this paper presents the concept of cognitive graph grammar and two algorithms that make use of it. Cognitive graph grammars are a grammar-based theoretical framework designed to support cognitive perception and, especially, the active nature of perception. They provide a means to describe how graph- based models can be generated and the behaviors to execute depending on the perceptual context. This is done in such a way that the information provided using this formalism can be used for different perceptive purposes at the same time, such as to link action and perception or to diminish perceptive errors. The paper also describes an experiment in which a cognitive graph grammar is used in an autonomous robot in order to efficiently model an environment made of rectangular rooms with obstacles}, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller, Pilar and Gutierrez, Marco A}, booktitle = {12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions}, pages = {4--8}, address = {Guimaraes, Portugal}, title = {{Graph Grammars for Active Perception}}, year = {2012} }
A. Naranjo-Saucedo, C. Suárez, C. Parra-Calderón, E. González-Aguado, F. Böckel, A. Yuste, P. Bustos, L. Manso, P. Bachiller, S. Plana, J. Díaz, R. Boniche, A. Marco. «Interactive games with robotic and augmented reality technology in cognitive and motor rehabilitation».Book, Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools: Development and Design, 2100, Books http://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-serious-games-educational/58271, pages 1212-1233, April, 2012
A. Yuste-marco, P. Bustos García, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bachiller Burgos, S. Plana, J. M. Diaz, and R. Boniche, Interactive games with robotic and augmented reality technology in cognitive and motor rehabilitation, , 2012.
[Bibtex]@book{yuste-marco-interactive-games, abstract = {Over the years, robotic has become a technological service tool in different application domains. This chapter presents a direct application of games and robotics as therapeutic tools in the health care of patients These strategies are used in ACROSS project, involving more than 100 researchers from 13 Spanish entities. The main objective of this project will be to modify the current perspective of the therapies, taking advantage of the game properties that will be implemented in social robots which are blocked in providing predefined services. These new systems are able to self-reconfigure and adapt autonomously. In 1 order to provide an open framework for collaboration between universities, research centres and the Administration, ACROSS will develop Open Source Services available to everybody. This chapter aims to contribute a new overview of treatment therapies with elderly and paediatric patients that present cognitive and motor impairments as well as present the methodology of evaluation to determine the effect of games and social robots as a means to carry out a therapy}, author = {Yuste-marco, Antoni and Bustos García, Pablo and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Plana, Sergi and Diaz, Jose M and Boniche, Ricardo}, booktitle = {Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools: Development and Design}, doi = {10.4018/978-1-4666-0149-9.ch063}, isbn = {978-1-4666-0149-9 (Hardcover), 978-1-4666-0150-5 (Digital (undefined format))}, keywords = {augmented reality,cerebral palsy,cognitive training,dementia,games,motor training,obstetrical brachial paralysis,robot assistant,social robotic}, pages = {1212--1233}, title = {{Interactive games with robotic and augmented reality technology in cognitive and motor rehabilitation}}, year = {2012} }
Luis J. Manso, Pablo Bustos, Pilar Bachiller and J. Franco. «Indoor scene perception for object detection and manipulation». Symposium on Spatial Cognition in Robotics. 5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition. Rome, Italy, September 2012.
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and J. Franco Campos, «Indoor scene perception for object detection and manipulation,» in 5th international conference on spatial cognition. symposium on spatial cognition in robotics., Rome, Italy, 2012, p. 1–6.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-indoor-manipulation, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Franco Campos, José}, booktitle = {5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition. Symposium on Spatial Cognition in Robotics.}, pages = {1--6}, address = {Rome, Italy}, title = {{Indoor scene perception for object detection and manipulation}}, year = {2012} }
L.J. Manso, P. Bustos, P. Bachiller, J. Franco. «Indoor Scene Perception for Object Detection and Manipulation». Cognitive Processing (JCR = 1,567), volume 13, supplement 1, pages 55-56, DOI 10.1007/s10339-012-0509-1, Springer, September 2012.
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and J. Franco Campos, «Indoor scene perception for object detection and manipulation,» in 5th international conference on spatial cognition. symposium on spatial cognition in robotics., Rome, Italy, 2012, p. 1–6.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-indoor-manipulation, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Franco Campos, José}, booktitle = {5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition. Symposium on Spatial Cognition in Robotics.}, pages = {1--6}, address = {Rome, Italy}, title = {{Indoor scene perception for object detection and manipulation}}, year = {2012} }
Ramón Cintas, Luis J. Manso, Luis Pinero, Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos. «Robust Behavior and Perception using Hierarchical State Machines: A Pallet Manipulation Experiment». Proceedings, Journal of Physical Agents, ISSN 1888-0258. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 35-44. March 2011
R. Cintas Peña, L. J. Manso Argüelles, L. Pinero, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Bustos García, «Robust behavior and perception using hierarchical state machines: a pallet manipulation experiment,» in Journal of physical agents, Cáceres, 2011, p. 35–44.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cintas-robust-behavior, author = {Cintas Peña, Ramón and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Pinero, L. and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Journal of Physical Agents}, issn = {18880258}, keywords = {Active Perception,Autonomous Robots,Mobile Manipulators}, number = {1}, pages = {35--44}, title = {Robust behavior and perception using hierarchical state machines: A pallet manipulation experiment}, volume = {5}, year = {2011}, address={Cáceres} }
P. Núñez, P. Bustos, E. Jaramillo, P. Bachiller, I. García-Varea. «Robots Sociales para la Mejora de la Calidad de Vida de las Personas Dependientes». Proceedings, IBERDISCAP. Palma de Mallorca, Junio 2011
P. Bustos García, E. Jaramillo, P. Núñez Trujillo, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Robots sociales para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas dependientes,» in Iberdiscap, Palma de Mallorca, 2011.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bustos-robots-personas-dependientes, abstract = {La rob{\'{o}}tica social est{\'{a}} experimentando un gran auge en las {\'{u}}ltimas d{\'{e}}cadas. Estos robots permiten interactuar con el ser humano o con otros robots siguiendo pautas y comportamientos sociales. Los escenarios de uso de los robots sociales van desde la rob{\'{o}}tica del hogar hasta la asistencia en museos, vigilancia, seguridad o incluso, en la rehabilitaci{\'{o}}n y ayuda a las personas dependientes. {\'{E}}ste {\'{u}}ltimo es el marco de desarrollo del presente trabajo. En este art{\'{i}}culo presentamos un robot social desarrollado para interaccionar con pacientes con la enfermedad del Parkinson. El dise{\~{n}}o del hardware y del software es descrito con detalle, acercando la parte de ingenier{\'{i}}a a las aplicaciones reales para las cuales va a ser utilizado. En la descripci{\'{o}}n de los mecanismos de interacci{\'{o}}n que formar{\'{a}}n parte del robot se han tenido en cuenta los trabajos realizados por la Unidad de Geriatr{\'{i}}a del Complejo Hospitalario de C{\'{a}}ceres y su Hospital de d{\'{i}}a}, author = {Bustos García, Pablo and Jaramillo, E and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, booktitle = {Iberdiscap}, keywords = {discapacidad,interacci{\'{o}}n multimodal hombre-robot,rob{\'{o}}tica social}, number = {March}, address = {Palma de Mallorca}, title = {Robots Sociales para la Mejora de la Calidad de Vida de las Personas Dependientes}, year = {2011} }
Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos, Luis J. Manso. «Attentional Behaviors for Environment Modeling by a Mobile Robot». Book, Stereo Vision, InTech, ISBN 978-953-307-837-3, pp 17-40. July 2011
P. Bachiller Burgos, P. Bustos García, and L. J. Manso Argüelles, «Attentional behaviors for environment modeling by a mobile robot,» in Advances in stereo vision, 2011, p. 372.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-modeling-mobile, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús}, booktitle = {Advances in Stereo Vision}, editor = {{J. R. Torreao}}, isbn = {978-953-307-837-3}, pages = {372}, publisher = {INTECH}, journal = {INTECH}, title = {Attentional Behaviors for Environment Modeling by a Mobile Robot}, year = {2011} }
Marco A. Gutiérrez, P. Bachiller, L. J. Manso, P. Bustos, P. Núñez. «An incremental hybrid approach to indoor modeling». Proceedings, European Conference on Mobile Robots. September, 2011. Sweden.
M. A. Gutiérrez Giraldo, P. Bachiller Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «An incremental hybrid approach to indoor modeling,» in European conference on mobile robots, Sweden, 2011, p. 1–7.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-incremental-hybrid, author = {Gutiérrez Giraldo, Marco Antonio and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {European Conference on Mobile Robots}, pages = {1--7}, address = {Sweden}, title = {An incremental hybrid approach to indoor modeling}, year = {2011} }
L. V. Calderita, P. Bachiller, Juan P. Bandera, P. Bustos, P. Núñez. «MIMIC: A Human motion imitation component for Robocomp». Proceedings, 1st Workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding (REACTS), 2011
L. V. Calderita Estévez, P. Bachiller Burgos, J. P. Bandera, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «MIMIC: A Human motion imitation component for RoboComp ˜,» in 1st workshop on recognition and action for scene understanding (reacts), Málaga, 2011.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{calderita-mimic-motion, address = {M{\'{a}}laga}, author = {Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bandera, Juan P and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {1st Workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding (REACTS)}, title = {{MIMIC: A Human motion imitation component for RoboComp ˜}}, year = {2011} }
A. B. Naranjo-Saucedo , C. Suarez, P. Bustos, L.V. Calderita, R. Cintas, P. Bachiller, C. Parra-Calderon. «Design of a Social Robot as assistant to training children with motor impairments». Proceedings Robot 2011. November, 2011.
P. Bustos García, L. V. Calderita Estévez, R. Cintas Peña, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Design of a social robot as assistant to training children with motor impairments,» in Robot 2011, Sevilla, 2011, p. 54–59.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bustos-design-social-robot, abstract = {This work is being developed under the ACROSS Project whose goal is to provide intelligent systems capable of adapting to the user demands, modifying autonomously their behavior. The project includes three application domains in which the technical developments carried out by project partners will be validated with end-users. In this paper one of them will be presented: Social Assistance and Psycho-affective Disorder, in which a robotic teddy bear has been built to train paediatric patients with motor impairments. Moreover, this treatment will include a virtual trainer, augmented reality techniques and the execution of interactive games.}, author = {Bustos García, Pablo and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, booktitle = {Robot 2011}, isbn = {9788461567874}, pages = {54--59}, title = {Design of a Social Robot as assistant to training children with motor impairments}, year = {2011}, address={Sevilla} }
J. Mateos, A. Sánchez, Luis J. Manso, Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos. «RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform». Proceedings, Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF2010), Valencia, Spain, 2010
J. Mateos Sánchez, A. Sánchez Domínguez, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Bustos García, «RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform,» in Jophanet, Valencia, Spain, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{mateos-robex-open-hardware, abstract = {Autonomous robots are usually given a considerable sensing capacity. However, they are seldom equipped with the necessary actuators to perform active perception techniques or human-like tasks. This paper presents two robot actuators and RobEx, the robot platform where they have been tested. The first of the actuators is a forklift. The other presented actuator is a four DOF stereo head. Both, the mechanical and electronic designs are released as open-hardware. The software that controls all the presented robotic hardware is also available under the GPL license.}, author = {Mateos Sánchez, José and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Jophanet}, address = {Valencia, Spain}, title = {{RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform}}, url = {http://www.jopha.net/waf/index.php/waf/waf10/paper/viewPDFInterstitial/69/55}, year = {2010} }
L.J. Manso, P. Bustos, P. Bachiller, J. Moreno. «Multi-cue Visual Obstacle Detection for Mobile Robots». Article, Journal of Physical Agents, ISSN 1888-0258. Vol 4, No 1, pp 3-10. January, 2010
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Multi-cue visual obstacle detection for mobile robots,» Journal of physical agents, vol. 4, iss. 1, p. 3–10, 2010. Red de agentes físicos.
[Bibtex]@article{manso-visual-obstacle, abstract = {Autonomous navigation is one of the most essential capabilities of autonomous robots. In order to navigate autonomously, robots need to detect obstacles. While many approaches achieve good results tackling this problem with lidar sensor devices, vision based approaches are cheaper and richer solutions. This paper presents an algorithm for obstacle detection using a stereo camera pair that overcomes some of the limitations of the existing state of the art algorithms and performs better in many heterogeneous scenarios. We use both geometric and color based cues in order to improve its robustness. The contributions of the paper are improvements to the state of the art on single and multiple cue obstacle detection algorithms and a new heuristic method for merging its outputs.}, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, issn = {18880258}, journal = {Journal of Physical Agents}, keywords = {[Autonomous robots, Obstacle detection, Visual nav}, number = {1}, publisher = {Red de Agentes Físicos}, pages = {3--10}, title = {Multi-cue visual obstacle detection for mobile robots}, volume = {4}, year = {2010} }
L. Manso, P. Bachiller, P. Bustos, P. Nuñez, R. Cintas and L.Calderita. «Un Framework de Desarrollo para Robótica». Proceedings, I Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores, pp 33-38, ISBN 978-84-693-1707-5. Cáceres, April 2010
R. Cintas Peña, L. V. Calderita Estévez, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Un framework de Desarrollo para Robótica,» in I jornadas jóvenes investigadores universidad de extremadura, Caceres, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cintas-framework-desarrollo, address = {Caceres}, author = {Cintas Peña, Ramón and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {I Jornadas J{\'{o}}venes Investigadores Universidad de Extremadura}, keywords = {complejos,componentes,las peculiaridades de los,no hace falta conocer,porque para entender el,sistema globalmente}, title = {{Un framework de Desarrollo para Rob{\'{o}}tica}}, keywords = {complejos,componentes,las peculiaridades de los,no hace falta conocer,porque para entender el,sistema globalmente}, year = {2010} }
L. Pinero, Ramón Cintas, Luis J. Manso, Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos. «Visually-guided Object Manipulation by a Mobile Robot». Proceedings, Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF2010), pp 145-152. October, 2010, Valencia, Spain
L. Pinero, R. Cintas Peña, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Bustos García, «Visually-guided Object Manipulation by a Mobile Robot,» in Workshop of physical agents, Valencia, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pinero-visually-guided, abstract = {For mobile robots, the problem of interaction with simple objects in a semi-controlled environment is a rich source of challenging situations. In this paper we present a real experiment dealing with the design of a sequential task and its implications in the active nature of the perceptual process involved. In order to set up this experiment, it is required a non trivial set of functioning senso-motor behaviours. We build on this set to design and test a pallet picking task in which the robot has to locate, approach, obtain the pose and, finally, pick up the target. The only sensorial information available to the robot is its binocular vision system and its internal odometry. To carry out this task we have equipped a RobEx robot with a 1 dof forklift and a 4 dof's binocular head. We present the conceptual and computational models and the results of the initial experiments in a real setup.}, author = {Pinero, L and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, address = {Valencia}, title = {{Visually-guided Object Manipulation by a Mobile Robot}}, url = {http://www.jopha.net/waf/index.php/waf/waf10/paper/viewPDFInterstitial/75/58}, year = {2010} }
L. Manso, P. Bachiller, P. Bustos, P. Nuñez, R. Cintas and L.Calderita. «RoboComp: a Tool-based Robotics Framework». Proceedings, SIMPAR Second International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots. ISBN 978-3-540-89075-1, pp 251-262. November 15 – 8, 2010, Darmstadt, Germany
Luis J. Manso, Pablo Bustos, Pilar Bachiller, Jose Moreno. «Obstacle Detection on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using Color and Geometric Cues». Proceedings, X Workshop de Agentes Físicos (WAF’2009), pp 95-101. September 10 – 11, 2009, Cáceres, Spain.
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Obstacle Detection on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using Color and Geometric Cues,» in Workshop of physical agents, Caceres, Spain, 2009, p. 95–101.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-obstacle-detection, abstract = {Autonomous navigation is one of the most essen- tial capabilities of autonomous robots. In order to navigate autonomously, robots need to detect obstacles. While many approaches achieve good results tackling this problem with lidar sensor devices, vision based approaches are cheaper and richer solutions. This paper presents an algorithm for obstacle detection using a stereo camera pair that overcomes some of the limitations of the existing algorithms and performs better on heterogeneous circumstances. We use both geometric and color based cues in order to improve its robustness. The contributions of the paper are improvements to the state of the art on single and multiple cue obstacle detection algorithms and a new heuristic method for merging its outputs.}, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, address = {Caceres, Spain}, pages = {95--101}, title = {{Obstacle Detection on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using Color and Geometric Cues}}, url = {http://www.jopha.net/waf/index.php/waf/waf09/paper/viewPDFInterstitial/49/39}, year = {2009} }
Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos. «Manteniendo el Foco: Control de Seguimiento y Vergencia en un Sistema de Atencion Visual». Proceedings, IX Workshop sobre agentes físicos (WAF’2008), September 11 – 12, 2008, Vigo, Spain.
P. Bachiller Burgos and P. Bustos García, «Manteniendo el Foco: Control de Seguimiento y Vergencia en un Sistema de Atencion Visual,» in Workshop of physical agents, Vigo, 2008.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-manteniendo-foco-seguimiento, address = {Vigo}, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, title = {{Manteniendo el Foco: Control de Seguimiento y Vergencia en un Sistema de Atencion Visual}}, url = {http://www.jopha.net/waf/index.php/waf/waf08/paper/viewPDFInterstitial/19/19}, year = {2008} }
Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos, Luis J. Manso. «Attentional Selection for Action in Mobile Robots». Book, Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control, I-Tech Education and Publishing, pp 111-136. October, 2008.
P. Bachiller Burgos, P. Bustos García, and L. J. Manso Argüelles, Attentional Selection for Action in Mobile Robots, A. R. T. {Jesus Aramburo}, Ed., I-tech education and publishing,, 2008.
[Bibtex]@book{bachiller-attentional-selection, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús}, abstract = {During the last few years attention has become an important issue in machine vision. Studies of attentional mechanisms in biological vision have inspired many computational models (Tsotsos et al., 1995; Itti {\{}{\&}{\}} Koch, 2000; Frintrop et al., 2005; Torralba et al., 2006; Navalpakkan {\{}{\&}{\}} Itti, 2006). Most of them follow the assumption of limited capacity associated to the role of attention from psychological proposals (Broadbent, 1958; Laberge, 1995). These theories hypothesize that the visual system has limited processing capacity and that attention acts as a filter selecting the information that should be processed. This assumption has been criticized by many authors who affirm that the human perceptual system processing capacity is enormous (Neumann et al., 1986; Allport, 1987). From this point of view, a stage selecting the information to be processed is not needed. Instead, they claim the role of attention from the perspective of selection for action (Allport, 1987). According to this new conception, the function of attention is to avoid behavioural disorganization by selecting the appropriate information to drive task execution. Such a notion of attention is very interesting in robotics, where the aim is to build autonomous robots that interact with complex environments, keeping multiple behavioural objectives. Attentional selection for action can guide robot behaviours by focusing on relevant visual targets while avoiding distracting elements. Moreover, it can be conceived as a coordination mechanism, since stimuli selection allows serializing the actions of, potentially, multiple active behaviours.}, booktitle = {Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control}, chapter = {7}, editor = {{Jesus Aramburo}, Antonio Ramirez Trevino}, keywords = {Action,Attentional,Automation,Mobile Robots,selection}, pages = {111--136}, publisher = {I-Tech Education and Publishing,}, title = {{Attentional Selection for Action in Mobile Robots}}, url = {http://robolab.unex.es/people/pilar/Attentional{\_}Selection{\_}for{\_}Action{\_}in{\_}Mobile{\_}Robots.pdf}, year = {2008} }
Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos, J. M. Cañas, R. Royo. «An experiment in distributed visual attention». Proceedings, 3rd. Int. Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems (MARS 2007-ICINCO), May 10, 2007, Angers, France.
J. M. Cañas, M. Martínez, Pablo Bustos, Pilar Bachiller. «Overt visual attention inside JDE control arquitecture». Proceedings, IROBOT 12th workshop inside Portuguese Conference on Artifical Intelligence, EPIA, December 5 – 8 2005, Covilha, Portugal.
J. Canas, M. D. L. Casa, P. Bustos García, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Overt visual attention inside jde control architecture,» in Portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, Covilha, Portugal, 2005.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{canas-overt-visual, abstract = {In this paper a visual overt attention mechanism is presented. It builds and keeps updated a scene representation of all the relevant objects around a robot, specially if they are far away of each other and do not lie in the same camera image. The algorithm chooses the next fixation point for a monocular camera, which is mounted over a pantilt unit. Our approach is based on two related dynamics: liveliness and saliency. The liveliness of each relevant object diminishes in time but increases with new observations of such object. The position of each valid object is a possible fixation point for the camera. The saliency of each fixation point increases in time but is reset after the camera visit such location. Real experiments with a pioneer robot endowed with a firewire camera on a pantilt unit are displayed}, author = {Canas, JM and Casa, MM De La and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, booktitle = {Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Covilha, Portugal}, title = {Overt visual attention inside JDE control architecture}, url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&btnG=Search&q=intitle:Overt+visual+attention+inside+JDE+control+architecture#0}, year = {2005} }
Pilar Bachiller, F. Monasterio, Pablo Bustos, J. Vicente. «Fuzzy Controller for Dynamic Vergence in a Stereo Head». Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 30 June to 3 July, 2003, Coimbra, Portugal.
P. Bachiller Burgos, F. Monasterio, P. Bustos García, and J. Vicente, «Fuzzy Controller for Dynamic Vergence in a Stereo Head.,» in 11 international conference on advanced robotics, Coimbra, Portugal, 2003.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-fuzzy-controller, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Monasterio, F and Bustos García, Pablo and Vicente, J}, booktitle = {11 International Conference on Advanced Robotics}, address = {Coimbra, Portugal}, title = {{Fuzzy Controller for Dynamic Vergence in a Stereo Head.}}, year = {2003} }
P. Bachiller. «Optimizing and learning algorithm for feedforward neural networks and its implementation by systolic array». Book, Neural Networks and Systolic Array Design, 2002, Vol 49, pages 205 – 227.
- P. Bachiller Burgos, «Optimizing and learning algorithm for feedforward neural networks and its,» Neural networks and systolic array design, vol. 49, p. 205, 2002. World scientific.
[Bibtex]@article{bachiller-optimizing-learning, title={OPTIMIZING AND LEARNING ALGORITHM FOR FEEDFORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS AND ITS}, author={Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, journal={Neural Networks and Systolic Array Design}, volume={49}, pages={205}, year={2002}, publisher={World Scientific} }
Pilar Bachiller, J. Vicente, Pablo Bustos. «Modelado 3D Dinámico del entorno por un robot móvil con visión estreoscópica». Proceedings, III Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF’2002), March 14 – 15, 2002, Murcia, Spain.
P. Bachiller Burgos, J. Vicente, and P. Bustos García, «Modelado 3D Dinámico del entorno por un robot móvil con visión estreoscópica.,» in Iii workshop en agentes físicos, Murcia, 2002.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-dinamico-vision, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Vicente, J and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {III Workshop en Agentes F{\'{i}}sicos}, address = {Murcia}, title = {{Modelado 3D Din{\'{a}}mico del entorno por un robot m{\'{o}}vil con visi{\'{o}}n estreosc{\'{o}}pica.}}, year = {2002} }
P. Bachiller, J. González. «Optimizing and learning algorithm for feedforward neural networks». Article, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, February, 2001, Vol 5, pages 51 – 57.
Pablo Bustos, Pilar Bachiller, J. Vicente, M. Broncano, C. Fernández. «Murphy: hacia un robot con visión estereoscópica». Proceedigns, II Workshop on Physical Agents, March 15 – 16, 2001, Madrid, Spain.
P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, J. Vicente, M. Broncano, and C. Fernández, «Murphy: hacia un robot con visión estereoscópica,» in Ii workshop en agentes físicos, Madrid, 2001.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bustos-murphy-vision, author = {Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Vicente, J and Broncano, M and Fern{\'{a}}ndez, C}, booktitle = {II Workshop en Agentes F{\'{i}}sicos}, number = {March 2017}, address = {Madrid}, title = {{Murphy: hacia un robot con visi{\'{o}}n estereosc{\'{o}}pica}}, url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&btnG=Search&q=intitle:Murphy:+Hacia+un+robot+con+visi?n+estereosc?pica.#0}, year = {2001} }
Pablo Bustos, J. Vicente, Pilar Bachiller, M. Broncano. «Real-Time Sparse 3D Reconstruction for a Stereo Mobile Robot». Proceedings, XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica, June 6 – 8, 2001, Badajoz, Spain
P. Bustos García, J. Vicente, P. Bachiller Burgos, and M. Broncano, «Reconstrucción 3D en tiempo real para un robot móvil,» in Xiii congreso internacional de ingeniería gráfica, Badajoz, 2001.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bustos-reconstruccion-robot-movil, abstract = {La percepci{\'{o}}n de un entorno tridimensional en un robot m{\'{o}}vil es a{\'{u}}n un problema abierto para la comunidad cient{\'{i}}fica. Hay dos cuestiones claves que motivan la dificultad para resolver este problema. La primera es la relaci{\'{o}}n existente entre la percepci{\'{o}}n de un espacio sin objetos y la percepci{\'{o}}n de los objetos. La segunda cuesti{\'{o}}n hace referencia al concepto de objetos y a la manera de llegar a ellos. Recientemente se han realizado avances sobre la teor{\'{i}}a geom{\'{e}}trica de la visi{\'{o}}n estereosc{\'{o}}pica y la visi{\'{o}}n en movimiento, que permiten iniciar nuevas l{\'{i}}neas de exploraci{\'{o}}n de estas cuestiones. La propuesta que se presenta en este art{\'{i}}culo se basa en las teor{\'{i}}as anteriores para generar la percepci{\'{o}}n del espacio en un robot m{\'{o}}vil (Murphy). El sistema desarrollado es capaz de extraer informaci{\'{o}}n 3D visualmente y convertirla en una representaci{\'{o}}n interna. Asimismo, se presentan estrategias para refinar esta representaci{\'{o}}n utilizando reproyecciones sobre las im{\'{a}}genes y movimientos del robot.}, author = {Bustos García, Pablo and Vicente, J and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Broncano, M}, booktitle = {XIII Congreso internacional de ingenier{\'{i}}a gr{\'{a}}fica}, address = {Badajoz}, title = {{Reconstrucci{\'{o}}n 3D en tiempo real para un robot m{\'{o}}vil}}, year = {2001} }
J. Vicente, P. Bustos, P. Bachiller. «Extended visual sequence metric reconstruction from uncalibrated cameras». Proceedings, XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica, June 6 – 8, 2001, Badajoz, Spain.
J. Vicente, P. Bustos García, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Extended visual sequence metric reconstruction from uncalibrated cameras,» in Xiii congreso internacional de ingeniería gráfica, Badajoz, 2001.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{vicente-extended-visual-sequence, abstract = {This paper is focused on real-time algorithms for estimating dense 3D structure and camera motion from images sequence. Within this approach a practical method is proposed which can retrieve metric reconstruction from continuous image sequences obtained with uncalibrated cameras. Our approach can be divided in two main stages. First, the projection matrices between non-differential camera displacement are estimated, it's known this process relies on correct estimations of matched points. In order to efficiently deal with correspondence searches, a continuous differential tracking of interest points is accomplished by a real-time parameter estimation procedure. Making use of those projection matrices, a self-calibration and camera ego-motion estimation are carried out. Secondly, a dense point reconstruction is performed combining optical flow constraint with the projective model of a moving camera that has been determined in previous stage. In both stages no correspondence searches are found in an explicit way, alternatively corresponding point searches are guided by a continuous tracking of interest points and optical flow constraint. Additionally, we implement a multi-resolution approach to avoid failures in employing differential models such as optical flow constraint, that is the case of large image displacements}, author = {Vicente, J and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, booktitle = {XIII Congreso internacional de ingeniería gráfica}, address = {Badajoz}, title = {Extended visual sequence metric reconstruction from uncalibrated cameras}, year = {2001} }
J.L. Gordo Rivera, J.L. González Sánchez, A. Gazo Cervero, P. Bachiller Burgos, P. García Rodríguez, F. Sánchez. «Descripción técnica de Campus Virtual Multimedia como propuesta para la aplicación de la teleenseñanza y el teletrabajo en la innovación docente». Proceedings, VIII Congreso de Innovación Educativa en Enseñanzas Técnica, September 4 – 6, 2000, San Sebastián, Spain
G. J. L. Rivera, G. J. L. Sánchez, G. A. Cervero, P. Bachiller Burgos, G. P. Rodríguez, and F. Sánchez, «Descripción técnica de Campus Virtual Multimedia como propuesta para la aplicación de la teleenseñanza y el teletrabajo en la innovación docente,» in Conferencia de directores de escuelas de ingenierías técnicas, San Sebastián, España, 2000.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{descripcion-tecnica-campus, author = {J.L. Gordo Rivera and J.L. Gonz{\'{a}}lez S{\'{a}}nchez and A. Gazo Cervero and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and P. Garc{\'{i}}a Rodr{\'{i}}guez and F. S{\'{a}}nchez}, title = {{Descripci{\'{o}}n t{\'{e}}cnica de Campus Virtual Multimedia como propuesta para la aplicaci{\'{o}}n de la teleense{\~{n}}anza y el teletrabajo en la innovaci{\'{o}}n docente}}, booktitle = {Conferencia de Directores de Escuelas de Ingenierías Técnicas}, address = {San Sebastián, España}, year = {2000} }
P. Bachiller, I. Castuera, P. García, A. Gazo, A. Gómez, J.L.González-Sánchez, J.M. Murillo, M. Sánchez, F. Sánchez, A.M. Silva. «Servicio de Telematriculación para Centros de Enseñanza Universitaria». Proceedings, VI Jornadas sobre Tecnologías de la Información para la Modernización de las Administraciones Públicas (TECNIMAP’2000). October, 2000, Cáceres, Spain.
R.M. Pérez, P. Bachiller, P. Martínez, P.L. Aguilar. «Neural network quantifier for solving the mixture problem and its implementation by systolic arrays». Article, Microelectronics Journal, January, 1999, Vol 30, pages 77 – 82.
P. Bachiller Burgos, P. Martı, P. L. Aguilar, and R. M. Pe, «Neural network quantifier for solving the mixture problem and its implementation by systolic arrays,» Microelectronics journal, vol. 30, p. 77–82, 1999. Elsevier.
[Bibtex]@article{bachiller-neural-quantifier, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Martı, P and Aguilar, P L and Pe, R M}, keywords = {neural networks,orthogonal transformation,pattern recognition,signal processing,systolic arrays}, pages = {77--82}, journal = {Microelectronics Journal}, publisher = {Elsevier}, title = {{Neural network quantifier for solving the mixture problem and its implementation by systolic arrays}}, volume = {30}, year = {1999} }
P. Bachiller, R.M. Pérez, P. Martínez, P.L. Aguilar, P. Díaz. «Optimal hidden structure for feedforward neural networks». Proceedings, 6th Fuzzy days in Dortmund. May 25 – 27, 1999, Dortmund, Germany.
P. Bachiller Burgos, R. M. Pérez, P. Martínez, P. L. Aguila, and P. Díaz, «Optimal Hidden Structure for Feedforward Neural Networks 1 Selection of the Optimal Hidden Structure,» in Fuzzy days in dortmund, Germany, 1999, p. 2–3.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-opmital-hidden-structure, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and P{\'{e}}rez, R.M. and Mart{\'{i}}nez, P. and Aguila, P.L. and D{\'{i}}az, P.}, pages = {2--3}, booktitle = {Fuzzy days in Dortmund}, title = {{Optimal Hidden Structure for Feedforward Neural Networks 1 Selection of the Optimal Hidden Structure}}, year = {1999}, address = {Germany} }
P. Bachiller, R.M. Pérez, P. Martinez, P.L. Aguilar. «Neural network size reduction through orthogonal transformation». Proceedings, IEEE International workshop on intelligent signal processing (WISP’99). September 4 – 7, 1999, Budapest, Hungary.
P. Bachiller, R.M. Pérez, P. Martínez, P.L. Aguilar, A. I. Merchán. «Optimize on the size of a backpropagation neural network solving the mixture problem». Proceedings, International symposium on engineering of intelligent systems (EIS’98). February 11 – 13, 1998, Tenerife, Spain.
P.L. Aguilar, R.M. Pérez, P. Martínez, P. Bachiller, A. I. Merchán. «Spectra evaluation and recognition in the mixture problem using SOFM algorithm». Proceedings, International symposium on engineering of intelligent systems (EIS’98). February 11 – 13, 1998, Tenerife, Spain.
P. Bachiller, R.M. Pérez, P. Martinez, P.L. Aguilar, J. E. Calle. «A method based on orthogonal transformations for the design of optimal feedforward neural networks». Proceedings, 3rd International meeting on vector and parallel processing (VECPAR’98). June 21 – 23, 1998, Porto, Portugal.
P. Bachiller Burgos, R. M. Pérez, P. Martinez, P. L. Aguilar, and J. E. Calle, «A method based on orthogonal transformations for the design of optimal feedforward neural networks,» in Vecpar’98, Porto, Portugal, 1998.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-method-orthogonal, author = {Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and P{\'{e}}rez, R.M. and Martinez, P. and Aguilar, P.L. and Calle, J. E.}, title = {{A method based on orthogonal transformations for the design of optimal feedforward neural networks}}, booktitle = {Vecpar'98}, year = {1998}, address = {Porto, Portugal} }
L. A. Álvarez, P. Bachiller. «Herramientas de apoyo en la docencia de la inteligencia artificial». Proceedings, IV Jornadas sobre la enseñanza universitaria en la informática (JENUI’98). July 9 – 10, 1998, Andorra.
A.M. Silva, P. Martínez, R.M. Pérez, P. Bachiller. «Análisis del comportamiento no lineal de monitores TRC Color». Proceedings, IV Congreso nacional del color. June 4 – 6, 1997, Badajoz, Spain.
R.M. Pérez, P. Bachiller, P. Martínez, P.L. Aguilar. «Arquitectura sistólica para una red neuronal Back-propagation óptima que resuelve el problema de la mezcla». Proceedings, VIII Jornadas de paralelismo, Libro de actas de las VIII Jornadas de paralelismo. September 10 – 12, 1997, Cáceres, Spain.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Teaching» tab_id=»1487329257928-a86f5527-3266″][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»CV» tab_id=»1487329294046-93741dec-d497″][vc_column_text]