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Pedro Núñez
pnuntru (at) unex (dot) es
PhD in Telecommunication (Univ. of Málaga)
Computer and Communication Technology Dept.[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=»Biography» tab_id=»1489483809476-c4dcde0a-4516″][vc_column_text]
Brief Biography Description
Pedro Núñez is Assistant Professor associated to Tecnología de los Computadores y las Comunicaciones department, at University of Extremadura (Spain). He is Telecommunications Engineer since 2003, and PhD in 2008, at the University of Malaga (Spain). During these years he developed his research as member of the group of Ingeniería de Sistemas Integrados (ISIS) at University of Malaga. In 2007 he starts as professor at University of Extremadura, whitin the Robolab (Laboratorio de Robótica y Visión Artificial) group. He has published more than 40 international publications, some of them in the most important international conferences or journal on the robotics topic, and currently he is leader of different research projects related to social robots.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Research» tab_id=»1489483809549-cc67745e-7b81″][vc_column_text]
Main topics are related to autonomous mobile robot. More concretely, these are the outstanding research issues:
- Navigation and localization of mobile robots
- Augemented reality
- Human-Robot interaction
- Social robots
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Publications» tab_id=»1489483916089-0d506482-9b41″][vc_column_text]
G. Trinidad Barnech, G. Tejera, J. Valle-Lisboa, P. M. Núñez Trujillo, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Bustos García de Castro, «Initial results with a simulation capable in robotics cognitive architecture,» in Proceedings of robot2022: fifth iberian robotics conferenc, Zaragoza, España, 2023.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{robot2022, author = {Trinidad Barnech, Guillermo and Tejera, G. and Valle-Lisboa, J. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro Miguel and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García de Castro, Pablo}, title = {Initial Results with a Simulation Capable in Robotics Cognitive Architecture}, address = {Zaragoza, España}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conferenc}, year = {2023} }
J. C. García García, P. M. Núñez Trujillo, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Bustos García, «Towards the design of efficient and versatile cognitive robotic architecture based on distributed, low-latency working memory,» in Proceedings of ieee international conference on autonomous robot systems and competitions (icarsc 2022), Santa Maria da Faira, Portugal, 2022.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{dsr-icarsc2022, author = {García García, Juan Carlos and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro Miguel and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo}, title = {Towards the design of efficient and versatile cognitive robotic architecture based on distributed, low-latency working memory}, address = {Santa Maria da Faira, Portugal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2022)}, year = {2022} }
J. Durán, F. Vidarte, A. Vega, P. Bustos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A novel human-awarenss solution for person-following robot’s behavior problem based on proxemics,» in Proceedings of workshops at 18th international conference on intelligent environments, Biarritz, Francia, 2022.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{nunez2022ubic, author = {Durán, Javier and Vidarte, Félix and Vega, Araceli and Bustos, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, title = {A novel human-awarenss solution for person-following robot's behavior problem based on proxemics}, address = {Biarritz, Francia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshops at 18th International Conference on Intelligent Environments}, year = {2022} }
L. V. Calderita, A. Vega-Magro, P. Bustos García de Castro, and P. M. Núñez Trujillo, «A new human-aware robot navigation framework based on time-dependent social interaction spaces: An application to assistive robots in caregiving centers,» Robotics and autonomous systems, iss. 103873), 2021.
[Bibtex]@article{calderita2021, author = {Calderita, Luis Vicente and Vega-Magro, Araceli and Bustos García de Castro, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro Miguel}, journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, number = {103873)}, title = {{A new human-aware robot navigation framework based on time-dependent social interaction spaces: An application to assistive robots in caregiving centers}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2021.103873}, year = {2021} }
P. Bustos García, J. C. García, R. Cintas Peña, E. Martinena Guerrero, P. Bachiller Burgos, P. Núñez Trujillo, and A. Bandera, «Dsrd: a proposal for a low-latency, distributed working memory for cortex,» in Advances in physical agents ii, Cham, 2021, p. 109–122.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{proposal-latency-bustos, author="Bustos García, Pablo and Garc{\'i}a, Juan C. and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Martinena Guerrero, Esteban and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bandera, Antonio", editor="Bergasa, Luis M. and Oca{\~{n}}a, Manuel and Barea, Rafael and L{\'o}pez-Guill{\'e}n, Elena and Revenga, Pedro", title="DSRd: A Proposal for a Low-Latency, Distributed Working Memory for CORTEX", booktitle="Advances in Physical Agents II", year="2021", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="109--122", abstract="Robotics Cognitive Architectures (RCA) are becoming a key element in the design of robots that need to be aware of its surrounding space and of their role in it. This is especially important for robots that interact with people in household, eldercare or industrial collaborative scenarios. We have proposed in earlier works an RCA called CORTEX designed for social robots operating in HRI environments. One of CORTEX's main elements is a working memory designed as a graph-like data structure that is accessed by all the computational modules in charge of some relevant function in the system. Our current implementation is based on the concept of a real-time database, where one of the modules stores, receives and publishes changes to all modules. In this paper, we propose a new design of this element based on the Conflict-free Distributed Replicated Data Types (CRDT) theory of distributed data types. The new working memory presents important advantages over existing designs that are demonstrated with several experiments.", isbn="978-3-030-62579-5" }
- P. Núñez Trujillo, S. Barroso Ramírez, B. Muriel Holgado, M. Lucas Bonilla, B. Montalbán Pozas, and P. Bustos García, «Sistema de información del sistema Cyber-Físico SmartPoliTech,» in Monitorización y evaluación de la habitabilidad, calidad del aire y eficiencia energética de los edificios, 2020 ed., , 2020, p. 49–58.
[Bibtex]@incollection{Nunez2020, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Barroso Ramírez, Sergio and Muriel Holgado, Beatriz and Lucas Bonilla, Marta and Montalbán Pozas, Beatriz and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Monitorizaci{\'{o}}n y evaluaci{\'{o}}n de la habitabilidad, calidad del aire y eficiencia energ{\'{e}}tica de los edificios}, edition = {2020}, isbn = {978-84-122767-4-9}, pages = {49--58}, title = {{Sistema de informaci{\'{o}}n del sistema Cyber-F{\'{i}}sico SmartPoliTech}}, year = {2020} }
- B. Montalbán Pozas, B. Muriel Holgado, M. Lucas Bonilla, S. Barroso Ramírez, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Metodología para la monitorización de un edificio docente. Caso de estudio: Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres,» in Monitorización y evaluación de la habitabilidad, calidad del aire y eficiencia energética de edificios. experiencias españolas, 2020 ed., , 2020, p. 253–266.
[Bibtex]@incollection{Montalban2020, author = {Montalbán Pozas, Beatriz and Muriel Holgado, Beatriz and Lucas Bonilla, Marta and Barroso Ramírez, Sergio and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {Monitorizaci{\'{o}}n y evaluaci{\'{o}}n de la habitabilidad, calidad del aire y eficiencia energ{\'{e}}tica de edificios. Experiencias espa{\~{n}}olas}, edition = {2020}, isbn = {978-84-122767-4-9}, pages = {253--266}, title = {{Metodolog{\'{i}}a para la monitorizaci{\'{o}}n de un edificio docente. Caso de estudio: Escuela Polit{\'{e}}cnica de C{\'{a}}ceres}}, url = {https://redmonitor.ietcc.csic.es/index.php/libro-2-ponencias-2020/}, year = {2020} }
A. Vega, L. V. Calderita Estévez, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Human-aware robot navigation based on time-dependent social interaction spaces: a use case for assistive robotics,» in 2020 ieee international conference on autonomous robot systems and competitions (icarsc), 2020.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{human-aware-official, author="Araceli Vega and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro", booktitle="2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)", title="Human-aware Robot Navigation based on Time-dependent Social Interaction Spaces: a use case for assistive robotics", year="2020", place="Portugal" }
L. Manso Argüelles, P. Núñez Trujillo, L. V. Calderita Estévez, D. R. Faria, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Socnav1: a dataset to benchmark and learn social navigation conventions,» Data, vol. 5, iss. 1, p. 7, 2020. Mdpi ag.
[Bibtex]@article{benchmark-datasocial, title="SocNav1: A Dataset to Benchmark and Learn Social Navigation Conventions", volume="5", ISSN="2306-5729", url="http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/data5010007", DOI="10.3390/data5010007", number="1", journal="Data", publisher="MDPI AG", author="Manso Argüelles, Luis and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Faria, Diego R. and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar", year="2020", month="Jan", pages="7" }
L. V. Calderita Estévez, A. Vega, S. Barroso-Ramírez, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Designing a cyber-physical system for ambient assisted living: a use-case analysis for social robot navigation in caregiving centers,» Sensors, vol. 20, iss. 14, 2020.
[Bibtex]@Article{designing-pablo-pedro, AUTHOR = {Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Vega, Araceli and Barroso-Ramírez, Sergio and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, TITLE = {Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living: A Use-Case Analysis for Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Centers}, JOURNAL = {Sensors}, VOLUME = {20}, YEAR = {2020}, NUMBER = {14}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {4005}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/14/4005}, ISSN = {1424-8220}, ABSTRACT = {The advances of the Internet of Things, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence, to give just a few examples, allow us to imagine promising results in the development of smart buildings in the near future. In the particular case of elderly care, there are new solutions that integrate systems that monitor variables associated with the health of each user or systems that facilitate physical or cognitive rehabilitation. In all these solutions, it is clear that these new environments, usually called Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), configure a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) that connects information from the physical world to the cyber-world with the primary objective of adding more intelligence to these environments. This article presents a CPS-AAL for caregiving centers, with the main novelty that includes a Socially Assistive Robot (SAR). The CPS-AAL presented in this work uses a digital twin world with the information acquired by all devices. The basis of this digital twin world is the CORTEX cognitive architecture, a set of software agents interacting through a Deep State Representation (DSR) that stored the shared information between them. The proposal is evaluated in a simulated environment with two use cases requiring interaction between the sensors and the SAR in a simulated caregiving center.}, DOI = {10.3390/s20144005} }
L. Calderita, A. Vega, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Social robot navigation adapted to time-dependent affordance spaces: a use case for caregiving centers,» in 29th ieee international conference on robot and human interactive communication (ro-man), 2020, pp. 944-949.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{nunez-roman2020, author = {Calderita, Luis and Vega, A. and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, year = {2020}, month = {08}, pages = {944-949}, booktitle={29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)}, place={Nápoles, Italia}, title = {Social Robot Navigation adapted to Time-dependent Affordance Spaces: a Use Case for Caregiving Centers}, doi = {10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223514} }
- P. Núñez Trujillo, B. Montalbán Pozas, P. García Rodríguez, and P. Bustos García, «SmartPoliTech – Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres,» in Monitorización y evaluación de la habitabilidad, calidad del aire y eficiencia energética de los edificios, , 2019.
[Bibtex]@incollection{PedroMariaNunezTrujilloBeatrizMontalbanPozas2019, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Montalbán Pozas, Beatriz and García Rodríguez, Pablo and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Monitorizaci{\'{o}}n y evaluaci{\'{o}}n de la habitabilidad, calidad del aire y eficiencia energ{\'{e}}tica de los edificios}, isbn = {978-84-120787-2-5}, title = {{SmartPoliTech – Escuela Polit{\'{e}}cnica de C{\'{a}}ceres}}, url = {https://redmonitor.ietcc.csic.es/index.php/difusion/}, year = {2019} }
- S. Barroso, A. Sánchez Domínguez, P. Núñez Trujillo, P. García, and P. Bustos García, «Smartpolitech: estimación del consumo de agua basado en modelo de mezclas gaussianas,» in International green cities congress, 2019.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{, author="Sergio Barroso and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Pablo García and Bustos García, Pablo", booktitle="International Green Cities Congress", title="Smartpolitech: Estimación del consumo de agua basado en modelo de mezclas gaussianas", year="2019", place="Málaga" }
- A. Vega, R. Cintas Peña, L. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Socially path planning for robot navigation based on social interaction spaces,» in Fourth iberian robotics conference, 2019.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{, author="Araceli Vega and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Manso Argüelles, Luis and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro", booktitle="Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference", title="Socially Path Planning for Robot Navigation based on Social Interaction Spaces", year="2019", place="Portugal" }
M. A. Gutiérrez Giraldo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Núñez Trujillo, and P. Bustos García, «Planning object informed search for robots in household environments,» in Proceedings of ieee international conference on autonomous robot systems and competitions (icarsc 2018)), Torres Vedras, Portugal, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-planning-object-robot, author = {Gutiérrez Giraldo, Marco Antonio and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bustos García, Pablo}, title = {Planning Object Informed Search for Robots in Household Environments}, address = {Torres Vedras, Portugal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2018))}, year = {2018} }
M. A. Gutierrez, L. Manso Argüelles, P. Núñez Trujillo, and P. Bustos García, «Planning object informed search for robots in household environments,» in 2018 ieee international conference on autonomous robot systems and competitions (icarsc), 2018, pp. 205-210.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{planning-object-marco, author="Gutierrez, Marco A and Manso Argüelles, Luis and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bustos García, Pablo", booktitle="2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC)", title="Planning object informed search for robots in household environments", year="2018", volume="", number="", pages="205-210", keywords="cognition;cognitive systems;learning (artificial intelligence);mobile robots;path planning;robot vision;software agents;households environments;software agent;robot autonomy;informed search;household environments;social robots;nontrivial tasks;household scenario;fledged agent;CORTEX robotics cognitive architecture;planning capabilities;cognitive architecture;object informed search;find-and-pick task;Passive Learning Sensor algorithm;Robot kinematics;Semantics;Search problems;Task analysis;Computer architecture;Robot sensing systems", doi="10.1109/ICARSC.2018.8374184", ISSN="", month="April" }
A. Vega, L. Manso Argüelles, D. G. Macharet, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Socially aware robot navigation system in human-populated and interactive environments based on an adaptive spatial density function and space affordances,» Pattern recognition letters, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{vega-socially, title = "Socially aware robot navigation system in human-populated and interactive environments based on an adaptive spatial density function and space affordances", journal = "Pattern Recognition Letters", year = "2018", issn = "0167-8655", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2018.07.015", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167865518303052", author = "Araceli Vega and Manso Argüelles, Luis and Douglas G. Macharet and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro", keywords = "Social navigation, Aware robot navigation, Affordances" }
A. Vega, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A flexible and adaptive spatial density model for context-aware social mapping: towards a more realistic social navigation,» in Proceedings of the 15th international conference on control, automation, robotics and vision, Singapore, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pedro-flexible-luis, title = "A Flexible and Adaptive Spatial Density Model for Context-Aware Social Mapping: Towards a More Realistic Social Navigation", abstract = "Social navigation is a topic with enormous interest in autonomous robotics. Robots are gradually being used in human environments, working individually or collaborating with humans in their daily tasks. Robots in these scenarios have to be able to behave in a socially acceptable way and, for this reason, the way in which robots move has to adapt to humans and context. Proxemics has been extensively studied with the aim of improving social navigation. However, these works do not take into account that, in several situations, the personal space of the humans depends on the context (\textit{e.g.}, this human space is not the same in a narrow corridor than in a wide room). This work proposes the definition of an adaptive and flexible space density function that allows, on the one hand, to describe the comfort space of individuals during an interaction and, on the other hand, dynamically adapt its value in terms of the space that surrounds this interaction. In order to validate the performance, this article describes a set of simulated experiments where the robustness and improvements of the approach are tested in different environments.", keywords = "robotics, social navigation, HRI", author = "Araceli Vega and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro", year = "2018", month = "11", day = "21", language = "English", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision", publisher = "IEEE", address = "Singapore", }
A. Vega, L. J. Manso Argüelles, R. Cintas Peña, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Planning human-robot interaction for social navigation in crowded environments: proceedings of the 19th international workshop of physical agents (waf 2018).» , 2018, pp. 195-208.
[Bibtex]@inbook{inbook-pedro-planning-human, author = "Araceli Vega and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro", year = "2018", month = "11", pages = "195-208", title = "Planning Human-Robot Interaction for Social Navigation in Crowded Environments: Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF 2018)", place = "Madrid, Spain", isbn = "978-3-319-99884-8", doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-99885-5_14" }
E. Martinena Guerrero, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, J. B. Pagador, J. L. Moyano-Cuevas, F. M. Esteban, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Plataforma tic roboage para la promoción del envejecimiento activo a través de serious games,» in Congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica, caseib2018, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{martinena-congreso-plataforma, author="Martinena Guerrero, Esteban and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and J. B. Pagador and J.L. Moyano-Cuevas and F.M. Esteban and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro", booktitle="Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, CASEIB2018", title="Plataforma TIC RoboAGE para la promoción del envejecimiento activo a través de Serious Games", year="2018", place = "Madrid", month="11" }
F. M. Esteban, J. L. Gómez-Moyano, F. Sánchez-Margallo, N. Vaquero, F. Blanco, C. Vila-Vila, E. Martinena Guerrero, P. Núñez Trujillo, and B. Pagador, «Promoción de la actividad física en personas mayores mediante las nuevas tecnologías: prueba de concepto,» in Congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica, caseib2018, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{martinena-congreso-actividad-fisica, author="F. M. Esteban and J.L. Gómez-Moyano and F. Sánchez-Margallo and N. Vaquero and F. Blanco and C. Vila-Vila and Martinena Guerrero, Esteban and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and B. Pagador", booktitle="Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, CASEIB2018", title="Promoción de la actividad física en personas mayores mediante las nuevas tecnologías: prueba de concepto", year="2018", place = "Madrid", month="11" }
- P. Núñez Trujillo, A. Vega, L. J. Manso Argüelles, R. Rocha, P. J. Sequeira, and J. L. Moyano-Cuevas, «Avances del proyecto euroage para el envejecimiento activo con robots asistenciales y entornos inteligentes,» in Ii congreso intersectorial de envejecimiento y dependencia, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pedro-avances-inteligentes, author="Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and A. Vega and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and R. Rocha and P.J. Sequeira and J.L. Moyano-Cuevas", booktitle="II Congreso Intersectorial de Envejecimiento y Dependencia", title="Avances del proyecto EuroAGE para el envejecimiento activo con robots asistenciales y entornos inteligentes", year="2018", place = "Jaen", month="10" }
P. Núñez Trujillo, P. Bustos García, E. Martinena Guerrero, P. Bachiller Burgos, M. T. Rodríguez, and F. Esteban, «Roboage: aplicación tic para promover el envejecimiento activo y saludable a través de serious games,» in Ii congreso intersectorial de envejecimiento y dependencia, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{martinena-congreso-plataforma, author="Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bustos García, Pablo and Martinena Guerrero, Esteban and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and M. T. Rodríguez and F. Esteban", booktitle="II Congreso Intersectorial de Envejecimiento y Dependencia", title="roboAGE: aplicación TIC para promover el envejecimiento activo y saludable a través de serious games", year="2018", place = "Jaen", month="10" }
- J. L. Gómez-Moyano, F. M. Esteban, B. Pagador, N. Serra, P. Núñez Trujillo, and F. Sánchez-Margallo, «Análisis preliminar de la percepción de los terapeutas ocupacionales sobre los actuales programas para la promoción del envejecimiento,» in Ii congreso intersectorial de envejecimiento y dependencia, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{analisis-promocion-envejecimiento, author="J.L. Gómez-Moyano and F. M. Esteban and B. Pagador and Nuno Serra and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and F. Sánchez-Margallo", booktitle="II Congreso Intersectorial de Envejecimiento y Dependencia", title="Análisis preliminar de la percepción de los terapeutas ocupacionales sobre los actuales programas para la promoción del envejecimiento", year="2018", place = "Jaen", month="10" }
M. dos Santos, P. O. Ribeiro, P. Núñez Trujillo, P. Drews-Jr, and S. Botelho, «Object classification in semi structured enviroment using forward-looking sonar,» Sensors, iss. 10, 2017. Mdpi.
[Bibtex]@article{object-pedro-clasification, author = {dos Santos, Matheus and Ribeiro, Pedro Otávio and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Drews-Jr, Paulo and Botelho, Silvia}, title = {Object Classification in Semi Structured Enviroment Using Forward-Looking Sonar}, journal = {Sensors}, valume = {17}, year = {2017}, publisher = {MDPI}, number = {10}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/17/10/2235}, issn = {1424-8220}, abstract = {The submarine exploration using robots has been increasing in recent years. The automation of tasks such as monitoring, inspection, and underwater maintenance requires the understanding of the robot’s environment. The object recognition in the scene is becoming a critical issue for these systems. On this work, an underwater object classification pipeline applied in acoustic images acquired by Forward-Looking Sonar (FLS) are studied. The object segmentation combines thresholding, connected pixels searching and peak of intensity analyzing techniques. The object descriptor extract intensity and geometric features of the detected objects. A comparison between the Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Random Trees classifiers are presented. An open-source tool was developed to annotate and classify the objects and evaluate their classification performance. The proposed method efficiently segments and classifies the structures in the scene using a real dataset acquired by an underwater vehicle in a harbor area. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the method described in this paper.}, doi = {10.3390/s17102235} }
M. dos Santos, P. Núñez Trujillo, P. Drews-Jr, and S. Botelho, «Object recognition and semantic mapping for underwater vehicles using sonar data,» Journal of intelligent & robotic systems, 2017. Elsevier.
[Bibtex]@article{otro-de-pedro-underwater-behicles, author = {dos Santos, Matheus and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Drews-Jr, Paulo and Botelho, Silvia}, title={Object Recognition and Semantic Mapping for Underwater Vehicles Using Sonar Data}, journal={Journal of Intelligent {\&} Robotic Systems}, year={2017}, month={Oct}, day={23}, abstract={The application of robots as a tool to explore underwater environments has increased in the last decade. Underwater tasks such as inspection, maintenance, and monitoring can be automatized by robots. The understanding of the underwater environments and the object recognition are required features that are becoming a critical issue for these systems. On this work, a method to provide a semantic mapping on the underwater environment is provided. This novel system is independent of the water turbidity and uses acoustic images acquired by Forward-Looking Sonar (FLS). The proposed method efficiently segments and classifies the structures in the scene using geometric information of the recognized objects. Therefore, a semantic map of the scene is created, which allows the robot to describe its environment according to high-level semantic features. Finally, the proposal is evaluated in a real dataset acquired by an underwater vehicle in a marina area. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the method described in this paper.}, issn={1573-0409}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi={10.1007/s10846-017-0721-4}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-017-0721-4} }
M. A. Gutiérrez Giraldo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, H. Pandya, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A passive learning sensor architecture for multimodal image labeling: an application for social robots,» Sensors, vol. 17, iss. 2, 2017. Mdpi.
[Bibtex]@article{passive-learning-sensor, address= {Switzerland}, author={Gutiérrez Giraldo, Marco Antonio and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Harit Pandya and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, title={A Passive Learning Sensor Architecture for Multimodal Image Labeling: An Application for Social Robots}, journal={Sensors}, publisher = {MDPI}, year={2017}, volume={17}, number={2}, doi={10.3390/s17020353} }
A. Vega, L. J. Manso Argüelles, D. G. Macharet, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A new strategy based on an adaptive spatial density function for social robot navigation in human-populated environments,» in Reacts workshop at the international conference on computer analysis and patterns, caip, Ystad Saltsjöbad, 2017.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{reacts-araceli, abstract = {With robots shifting towards human-populated environment, robot navigation is challenging because there are a lot of factors to take into account, such as social rules or the human intentions. While traditional robot navigation algorithms treat all sensor readings, including humans, as objects to be avoided, now it is important to provide robots with the capability to behave in a socially acceptable manner. This work presents a new strategy for social robot navigation based on an adaptive spatial density function to efficiently cluster groups of people according to its pattern of arrangement. The proposed function defines regions where navigation is either discouraged or forbidden. The navigation architecture combines the Probabilistic Road Map and the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree path planners and an adaptation of the elastic band algorithm to include the social behaviour. Numerous trials in real and simulated environments were carried out, which demonstrate the performance of the clustering algorithm and the social navigation architecture.}, author = {Araceli Vega and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Douglas G. Macharet and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, address = {Ystad Saltsjöbad}, title = {A new Strategy based on an Adaptive Spatial Density Function for Social Robot Navigation in Human-Populated Environments}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {REACTS workshop at the International Conference on Computer Analysis and Patterns, CAIP} }
A. Vega, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Núñez Trujillo, and D. G. Macharet, «Socially acceptable robot navigation over groups of people,» in Ieee conference on robot and human interactive communication, ro-man2017, Portugal, 2017.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{roman-araceli-final, abstract = {Considering the widespread use of mobile robots in different parts of society, it is important to provide them with the capability to behave in a socially acceptable manner. Therefore, a research topic of great importance recently has been the study of Human-Robot Interaction. Autonomous navigation is a fundamental task in Robotics, and several different strategies that produce paths that are either length or time optimized can be found in the literature. However, considering the recent use of mobile robots in a more social context, the use of such classical techniques is restricted. Therefore, in this article we present a social navigation approach considering environments with groups of people. The proposal uses a density function to efficiently represent groups of people, and modify the navigation architecture in order to include the social behaviour of the robot during its motion. This architecture is based on the combined use of the Probabilistic Road Mapping (PRM) and the Rapidlyexploring Random Tree (RRT) path planners and an adaptation of the elastic band algorithm. Experimental evaluation was carried out in different simulated environments, providing insight on the performance of the proposed technique, which surpasses classical techniques with no proxemics awareness in terms of social impact.}, author = {Araceli Vega and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Douglas G. Macharet}, address = {Portugal}, title = {Socially Acceptable Robot Navigation over Groups of People}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN2017} }
P. Bustos García, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Navigation among people with cortex,» in Reacts workshop at the international conference on computer analysis and patterns, caip, Ystad Saltsjöbad, 2017.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{react-navigation-cortex, title={Navigation among people with Cortex}, booktitle={REACTS workshop at the International Conference on Computer Analysis and Patterns, CAIP}, author={Bustos García, Pablo and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, address = {Ystad Saltsjöbad}, year={2017} }
E. Mogena, P. Núñez Trujillo, and J. L. Gonzalez, «Automatic human body feature extraction in serious games applied to rehabilitation robotics,» Jopha, 2017. Raf / universidad de alicante.
[Bibtex]@article{jopha, title={Automatic Human Body Feature Extraction in Serious Games applied to rehabilitation Robotics}, author={Mogena, Eva and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Gonzalez, Jose Luis}, address = {Alicante}, journal = {JOPHA}, publisher = {RAF / Universidad de Alicante}, year={2017} }
A. Bandera, J. P. Bandera, P. Bustos García, F. Férnandez, A. García-Olaya, J. García-Polo, I. García-Varea, L. J. Manso Argüelles, R. Marfil, J. Martínez-Gómez, P. Núñez Trujillo, J. M. Perez-Lorenzo, P. Reche-Lopez, C. Romero-González, and R. Viciana-Abad, «Lifebots i: building the software infrastructure for supporting lifelong technologies,» in Robot 2017: third iberian robotics conference: volume 1, A. Ollero, A. Sanfeliu, L. Montano, N. Lau, and C. Cardeira, Eds., Cham: Springer international publishing, 2017, p. 391–402.
[Bibtex]@inbook{bandera-robot-conference, author={Bandera, Antonio and Bandera, Juan P. and Bustos García, Pablo and Férnandez, Fernando and García-Olaya, Angel and García-Polo, Javier and García-Varea, Ismael and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Marfil, Rebeca and Martínez-Gómez, Jesús and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Perez-Lorenzo, Jose M. and Reche-Lopez, Pedro and Romero-González, Cristina and Viciana-Abad, Raquel}, editor={Ollero, Anibal and Sanfeliu, Alberto and Montano, Luis and Lau, Nuno and Cardeira, Carlos}, title={LifeBots I: Building the Software Infrastructure for Supporting Lifelong Technologies}, bookTitle={ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference: Volume 1}, year={2017}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, address={Cham}, pages={391--402}, abstract={The goal of the LifeBots project is the study and development of long-life mechanisms that facilitate and improve the integration of robotics platforms in smart homes to support elder and handicapped people. Specifically the system aims to design, build and validate an assistive ecosystem formed by a person living in a smart home with a social robot as her main interface to a gentler habitat. Achieving this goal requires the use and integration of different technologies and research areas, but also the development of the mechanisms in charge of providing an unified, pro-active response to the user's needs. This paper describes some of the mechanisms implemented within the cognitive robotics architecture CORTEX that integrates deliberative and reactive agents through a common understanding and internalizing of the outer reality, which materializes in a shared representation derived from a formal graph grammar.}, isbn={978-3-319-70833-1}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-70833-1_32}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70833-1_32} }
C. Ávila, L. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Vrcomponent: a virtual reality software for neuro-rehabilitation with robotics technologies,» in Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation ii: proceedings of the 3rd international conference on neurorehabilitation (icnr2016), october 18-21, 2016, segovia, spain, J. Ibáñez, J. González-Vargas, J. M. Azorín, M. Akay, and J. L. Pons, Eds., Springer international publishing, 2017, p. 1327–1332.
[Bibtex]@inbook{avila-vrcomponent, author={Ávila, Christopher and Manso Argüelles, Luis and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, editor={Ibáñez, Jaime and González-Vargas, José and Azorín, José María and Akay, Metin and Pons, José Luis}, title={VRComponent: A Virtual Reality Software for Neuro-Rehabilitation with Robotics Technologies}, booktitle={Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), October 18-21, 2016, Segovia, Spain}, year={2017}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, pages={1327--1332}, abstract={Autonomous robots that are interfaced with virtual or augmented reality gaming are increasingly being developed to provide repetitive intensive practice to promote increased compliance and facilitate better outcomes in neurorehabilitation therapies. These therapist robots, equipped with a set of sensors and actuators for monitorizing the environment, allows health professionals to supervise the recovery of patients with serious disability. In this paper, a new system for supervising neuro-rehabilitation therapies using autonomous robots is presented. The therapy explained in this work is based on a set of virtual reality games developed by using robotics technologies, such as RGB-D camera and depth image processing. Three different virtual reality games have been developed in the application to gain better outcomes during the therapy, each one focuses on a typical exercise: `Touch the apple', `Follow the path' and `Imitate the dance'. Both, the virtual reality games and the main robotics technologies for their development, are explained in this paper.}, isbn={978-3-319-46669-9}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-46669-9_217}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46669-9_217} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Drews-Jr, and D. G. Macharet, «A Proposal for the Design of a Semantic Social Path Planner using CORTEX ˜,» in Workshop of physical agents 2016, Málaga, Spain, 2016.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{proposal-design-semantic, abstract = {Path planning is one of the basic and widely studied problems in robotics navigation, being its aim to determine the path from one coordinate location to another along a set of way- points. Traditionally, this problem has been addressed using the geometric world, that is, 2D or 3D coordinates from a geometric map. New generation of robots should be able to plan this path also taking into account social conventions, which is commonly called social navigation. This paper describes the ongoing work of a new proposal for the path planning problem where the semantic knowledge of the robot surrounding and different social rules are used to determine the best route from the robot to the target poses. In this work, a specific type of semantic map is described, which integrates both, geometrical information and semantic knowledge. The proposal uses CORTEX, an agent-based Robotics Cognitive Architecture which provides a set of different agents in the deliberative-reactive spectrum. The proposal is going to be tested in two different social robots within the NAVLOC project 1}, address = {Málaga, Spain}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Paulo Drews-Jr and Douglas G. Macharet}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents 2016}, title = {{A Proposal for the Design of a Semantic Social Path Planner using CORTEX ˜}}, volume = {1}, year = {2016} }
M. Machado, P. Drews, P. Núñez Trujillo, and S. Botelho, «Semantic mapping on underwater environment using sonar data,» in Robotics symposium and iv brazilian robotics symposium (lars/sbr), 2016 xiii latin american, Switzerland, 2016, p. 245–250.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{machado-semantic, title={Semantic Mapping on Underwater Environment Using Sonar Data}, author={Machado, M and Drews, P and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Botelho, S}, booktitle={Robotics Symposium and IV Brazilian Robotics Symposium (LARS/SBR), 2016 XIII Latin American}, pages={245--250}, address = {Switzerland}, year={2016}, organization={IEEE} }
- J. L. González and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Human body feature detection and classification for rehabilitation therapies with robots,» in 17th workshop of physical agents, Malaga, 2016.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pedro-human-body, title={Human Body Feature Detection and Classification for Rehabilitation Therapies with Robots}, author={González, J.L. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle={17th Workshop of Physical Agents}, address = {Malaga}, year={2016} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Drews Jr., and D. G. Macharet, «Towards a new semantic social navigation paradigm for autonomous robots using cortex,» in Ieee international symposium on robot and human interactive communication (ro-man 2016) – bailar2016 workshop, New York City, USA, 2016.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{ped-tow, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Drews Jr., Paulo and Macharet, Douglas G.}, address = {New York City, USA}, month = {26-31 August}, booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016) - BAILAR2016 Workshop}, title = {Towards a new Semantic Social Navigation Paradigm for Autonomous Robots using CORTEX}, year = {2016} }
F. Cid Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A Novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach for Affective Human Robot Interaction,» in Proceedings of the workshop on multimodal and semantics for robotics systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{novel-multimodal-human-robot, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, title = {{A Novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach for Affective Human Robot Interaction}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal and Semantics for Robotics Systems}, year = {2015}, address = {Hamburg, Germany} }
F. Cid Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Improvements and considerations related to human-robot interaction in the design of a new version of the robotic head muecas,» in Ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems (iros2015), Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cid-improvements-human-robot, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, title = {Improvements and considerations related to human-robot interaction in the design of a new version of the robotic head Muecas}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015)}, address = {Hamburg, Germany} }
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, R. Alami, G. Milliez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Planning human-robot interaction tasks using graph models,» in Reacts, Malta, 2015.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-planning-human-robot, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Alami, R and Milliez, G and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {REACTS}, keywords = {graph models,human-robot interaction,theory of mind}, title = {Planning Human-Robot Interaction Tasks Using Graph Models}, year = {2015}, address={Malta} }
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A perception-aware architecture for autonomous robots,» International journal of advanced robotic systems, vol. 12, iss. 12, p. 1, 2015. In-tech.
[Bibtex]@article{perception-aware-architecture, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, abstract = {SAGE Publications Ltd, unless otherwise noted. Manuscript content on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Licenses.Service robots are required to operate in indoor environments to help humans in their daily lives. To achieve the tasks that they might be assigned, the robots must be able to autonomously model and interact with the elements in it. Even in homes, which are usually more predictable than outdoor scenarios, robot perception is an extremely challenging task. Clutter, distance and partial views complicate modelling the environment, making it essential for robots to approach the objects to perceive in order to gain favourable points of view. This article proposes a novel grammar-based distributed architecture, designed with reusability and scalability in mind, which enables robots not only to find and execute the perception-aware plans they need to achieve their goals, but also to verify that the world representation they build is valid according to a set of grammatical rules for the world model. Additionally, it describes a real-world example of use, providing qualitative results, in which a robot successfully models the room in which it is located and finds a coffee mug.}, doi = {10.5772/61742}, issn = {1729-8806}, journal = {International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems}, keywords = {active perception,clutter and noise are,distant and partial views,from ideal,perception-aware planning,robot architec,semantic perception,significant issues that,some of the most,their duties are far,tures}, number = {12}, pages = {1}, publisher = {In-tech}, title = {A Perception-aware Architecture for Autonomous Robots}, volume = {12}, year = {2015} }
F. Fern, M. Mart, J. Mart, P. Bustos García, L. J. Manso Argüelles, L. V. Calderita Estévez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Gualzru’s path to the advertisement world,» in Iros-finer workshop and ceur proceedings, Hamburg, Germany, 2015, p. 55–65.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{fern-gualzru-world, author = {Fern, F and Mart, M and Mart, J and Bustos García, Pablo and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, abstract = {—This paper describes the genesis of Gualzru, a robot commissioned by a large Spanish technological company to provide advertisement services in open public spaces. Gualzru has to stand by at an interactive panel observing the people passing by and, at some point, select a promising candidate and approach her to initiate a conversation. After a small verbal interaction, the robot is supposed to convince the passerby to walk back to the panel, leaving the rest of the selling task to an interactive software embedded in it. The whole design and building process took less than three years of team composed of five groups at different geographical locations. We describe here the lessons learned during this period of time, from different points of view including the hardware, software, architectural decisions and team collaboration issues.}, booktitle = {IROS-FineR Workshop and CEUR Proceedings}, issn = {16130073}, pages = {55--65}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, title = {Gualzru's path to the advertisement world}, volume = {1484}, year = {2015} }
J. Almeida, L. J. Manso Argüelles, A. Bandera, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A Multi-layer Description of the Environment using Curvature Information for Robot Navigation,» in Xv workshop of physical agentes (waf2014), León, Spain, 2014, p. 1–9.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{multi-curvature-information, author = {Almeida, J and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bandera, A and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, number = {June}, pages = {1--9}, title = {{A Multi-layer Description of the Environment using Curvature Information for Robot Navigation}}, year = {2014}, booktitle = {XV Workshop of Physical Agentes (WAF2014)}, address = {León, Spain} }
F. Cid Burgos and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Learning Emotional Affordances based on Affective Elements in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios,» in Xv workshop of physical agentes (waf2014), León, Spain, 2014, p. 1–10.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{learning-emotional-affordances, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, number = {June}, pages = {1--10}, booktitle = {XV Workshop of Physical Agentes (WAF2014)}, title = {{Learning Emotional Affordances based on Affective Elements in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios}}, year = {2014}, address = {León, Spain} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, and P. Drews-jr, «A Novel Robust Scene Change Detection Algorithm for Autonomous Robots Using Mixtures of Gaussians Regular Paper,» International journal of advanced robotic systems, p. 1–11, 2014. Intech.
[Bibtex]@article{novel-robust-scene-detection, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Drews-jr, Paulo}, doi = {10.5772/57360}, keywords = {change detection,gaussian mixture models}, pages = {1--11}, publisher = {InTech}, title = {{A Novel Robust Scene Change Detection Algorithm for Autonomous Robots Using Mixtures of Gaussians Regular Paper}}, journal = {International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems}, year = {2014} }
F. Cid Burgos, J. Moreno del Pozo, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation,» Sensors (basel, switzerland), vol. 14, iss. 5, p. 7711–37, 2014. Mdpi.
[Bibtex]@article{cid-muecas-multi-sensor, abstract = {This paper presents a multi-sensor humanoid robotic head for human robot interaction. The design of the robotic head, Muecas, is based on ongoing research on the mechanisms of perception and imitation of human expressions and emotions. These mechanisms allow direct interaction between the robot and its human companion through the different natural language modalities: speech, body language and facial expressions. The robotic head has 12 degrees of freedom, in a human-like configuration, including eyes, eyebrows, mouth and neck, and has been designed and built entirely by IADeX (Engineering, Automation and Design of Extremadura) and RoboLab. A detailed description of its kinematics is provided along with the design of the most complex controllers. Muecas can be directly controlled by FACS (Facial Action Coding System), the de facto standard for facial expression recognition and synthesis. This feature facilitates its use by third party platforms and encourages the development of imitation and of goal-based systems. Imitation systems learn from the user, while goal-based ones use planning techniques to drive the user towards a final desired state. To show the flexibility and reliability of the robotic head, the paper presents a software architecture that is able to detect, recognize, classify and generate facial expressions in real time using FACS. This system has been implemented using the robotics framework, RoboComp, which provides hardware-independent access to the sensors in the head. Finally, the paper presents experimental results showing the real-time functioning of the whole system, including recognition and imitation of human facial expressions.}, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, doi = {10.3390/s140507711}, issn = {1424-8220}, journal = {Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)}, publisher = {mdpi}, keywords = {Biomimetics,Biomimetics: instrumentation,Computer Communication Networks,Computer Communication Networks: instrumentation,Equipment Design,Equipment Failure Analysis,Head,Head: anatomy {\&} histology,Head: physiology,Humans,Man-Machine Systems,Robotics,Robotics: instrumentation,Transducers}, month = {jan}, number = {5}, pages = {7711--37}, pmid = {24787636}, title = {Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation}, url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=4063071{\&}tool=pmcentrez{\&}rendertype=abstract}, volume = {14}, year = {2014} }
C. Doblado, E. Mogena, F. Cid Burgos, L. V. Calderita Estévez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «RGB-D Database for Affective Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction,» in Xiv workshop on physical agents (waf2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013, p. 35–40.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{dobloado-rgb-multimodal, author = {Doblado, C and Mogena, E and Cid Burgos, Felipe and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, pages = {35--40}, title = {{RGB-D Database for Affective Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction}}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {XIV Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF2013)}, address = {Madrid, Spain} }
P. Romero, F. Cid Burgos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A Novel Real Time Facial Expression Recognition system based on Candide-3 Reconstruction Model,» in Xiv workshop on physical agents (waf 2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{romero-recognition-system, author = {Romero, P and Cid Burgos, Felipe and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, title = {{A Novel Real Time Facial Expression Recognition system based on Candide-3 Reconstruction Model}}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {XIV Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF 2013)}, address = {Madrid, Spain} }
F. Cid Burgos, A. J. Palomino, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A new paradigm for learning affective behaviors : emotional affordances in human robot interaction,» in Xiv workshop de agentes físicos (waf 2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013, p. 47–52.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cid-new-paradigm, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Palomino, A J and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, pages = {47--52}, title = {A New Paradigm for Learning Affective Behaviors : Emotional Affordances in Human Robot Interaction}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {XIV Workshop de Agentes Físicos (WAF 2013)}, address = {Madrid, Spain} }
F. Cid Burgos, J. A. Prado, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A real time and robust facial expression recognition and imitation approach for affective human-robot interaction using gabor filtering,» in Ieee international conference on intelligent robots and systems, Tokio, 2013, p. 2188–2193.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cid-real-time-robust, abstract = {Facial expressions are a rich source of communicative information about human behavior and emotion. This paper presents a real-time system for recognition and imitation of facial expressions in the context of affective Human Robot Interaction. The proposed method achieves a fast and robust facial feature extraction based on consecutively applying filters to the gradient image. An efficient Gabor filter is used, along with a set of morphological and convolutional filters to reduce the noise and the light dependence of the image acquired by the robot. Then, a set of invariant edge-based features are extracted and used as input to a Dynamic Bayesian Network classifier in order to estimate a human emotion. The output of this classifier updates a geometric robotic head model, which is used as a bridge between the human expressiveness and the robotic head. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed approach compared to similar systems.}, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Prado, Jose Augusto and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2013.6696662}, isbn = {9781467363587}, issn = {21530858}, address = {Tokio}, pages = {2188--2193}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs{\_}all.jsp?arnumber=6696662}, title = {A real time and robust facial expression recognition and imitation approach for affective human-robot interaction using Gabor filtering}, year = {2013} }
F. Cid Burgos, J. A. Prado, P. Manzano, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Imitation system for humanoid robotics heads,» Journal of physical agents, vol. 7, iss. 1, p. 22–29, 2013. Redaf.
[Bibtex]@article{cid-robotics-heads, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Prado, J. A. and Manzano, P. and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, journal = {Journal of Physical Agents}, issn = {18880258}, keywords = {Facial expression recognition,Human robot interaction,Imitation}, number = {1}, pages = {22--29}, title = {Imitation system for humanoid robotics heads}, volume = {7}, publisher = {RedAF}, year = {2013} }
S. C. Mejías, C. Echevarría, P. Núñez Trujillo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, L. V. Calderita Estévez, S. Leal, and C. Parra, Ursus: A Robotic Assistant for Training of Children with Motor Impairments, T. D. {J.L Pons} and M. Pajaro, Eds., Springer, 2013, vol. 1.
[Bibtex]@book{mejias-ursus-robotic-assistant, abstract = {Restoring human motor and cognitive function has been a fascinating research area during the last century. Interfacing the human nervous system with electro-mechanical rehabilitation machines is facing its crucial passage from research to clinical practice, enhancing the potentiality of therapists, clinicians and researchers to rehabilitate, diagnose and generate knowledge. The 2012 International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR2012, www.icnr2012.org) brings together researchers and students from the fields of Clinical Rehabilitation, Applied Neurophysiology and Biomedical Engineering, covering a wide range of research topics: {\textperiodcentered} Clinical Impact of Technology{\textperiodcentered} Brain-Computer Interface in Rehabilitation{\textperiodcentered} Neuromotor & Neurosensory modeling and processing{\textperiodcentered} Biomechanics in Rehabilitation{\textperiodcentered} Neural Prostheses in Rehabilitation{\textperiodcentered} Neuro-Robotics in Rehabilitation{\textperiodcentered} Neuromodulation This Proceedings book includes general contributions from oral and poster sessions, as well as from special sessions. A section is also dedicated to pre-post conference workshops, including invited contributions from internationally recognized researchers. A selection of most relevant papers have been considered for publication in international journals (e. g. AJPM&R, JNER, JACCES), therefore they will appear soon in their extended versions in Special Issues.}, author = {Mej{\'{i}}as, C. Su{\'{a}}rez and Echevarr{\'{i}}a, C. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Leal, S. and Parra, C.}, booktitle = {Converging clinical & engineering research on NR}, chapter = {Ursus: A R}, editor = {{J.L Pons}, D. Torricelli and Marta Pajaro}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-34546-3}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-642-34545-6}, issn = {2195-3562}, keywords = {cerebral palsy,design,exoskeleton,pediatrics,rehabilitation}, pages = {255--258}, title = {{Ursus: A Robotic Assistant for Training of Children with Motor Impairments}}, url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-642-34546-3}, volume = {1}, year = {2013} }
F. Cid Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, L. V. Calderita Estévez, A. Sánchez Domínguez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Engaging human-to-robot attention using conversational gestures and lip-synchronization,» in Jopha, Spain, 2012, p. 3–10.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cid-engaging-human-robot, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, number = {1}, pages = {3--10}, booktitle = {JoPhA}, title = {{Engaging human-to-robot attention using conversational gestures and lip-synchronization}}, volume = {6}, year = {2012}, address = {Spain} }
A. Sánchez, P. Núñez Trujillo, L. J. Manso Argüelles, and P. Bustos García, «Experiments in self-calibration of an autonomous mobile manipulator,» in Workshop of physical agents, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2012, p. 1–7.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-experiments-self-calibration, abstract = {Current autonomous mobile manipulators are very complex machines built with dozens of motors and sensors connected through feedback loops. On top of this first layer of real-time controllers, subsequent levels of software modules interact in many ways to create increasingly sophisticated be- haviors. One of the initial requirements for all these elements to work properly, is that the robot be properly calibrated. The size of each link and the relative positions among them have to be estimated. Also, many sensors have intrinsic parameters that have also to be estimated in order to relate the incoming data to a common reference system. In this paper, this crucial problem has been studied for a new humanoid robot named Loki. Loki has been built in the Robotics and Artificial Vision (RoboLab) laboratory for research in social and service robotics. Two different optimization approaches have been explored, the Levenverg-Maquardt gradient-descent procedure and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulated Annealing algorithm. Both meth- ods are compared under this high dimension self-calibration problem and the results are analyzed and compared. Finally, several strategies to continue research in this area and to achieve fully autonomous calibration and re-calibration procedures are described.}, author = {S{\'{a}}nchez, A. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, address = {Santiago de Compostela, Spain}, pages = {1--7}, title = {{Experiments in self-calibration of an autonomous mobile manipulator}}, year = {2012} }
F. Cid Burgos, J. Prado, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Development of a facial expression recognition and imitation method for affective hri,» in Workshop of physical agents, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España, 2012, p. 1–6.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cid-development-facial-expression, abstract = {This paper presents a system for recognizing and imitating facial expressions using visual information acquired by a robot. The proposed approach is capable of estimating the emotion state of a human interlocutor through the recognition of facial expressions (i.e. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, neutral) using a Bayesian approach, which is achieved in real time. This information updates the knowledge of the robot about the people in its field of view, and thus, allows the robot to use it for future actions and interactions. In this paper, the human facial expression is imitated by Muecas, a 12 degree of freedom (DOF) robotics face. This paper also introduces the concept of the human and robot facial expressions models, which are included inside of a new cognitive module that builds and updates selective representations of the robot and the agents in its environment for enhancing future HRI. Experimental results demonstrate the quality of the detection and imitation using different scenarios with Muecas avatar}, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Prado, JA and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, pages = {1--6}, address = {Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España}, title = {Development of a Facial Expression Recognition and Imitation Method for Affective HRI}, url = {http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pablo_Bustos/publication/235887168_Development_of_a_Facial_Expression_Recognition_and_Imitation_Method_for_Affective_HRI/links/0deec51f7d2f9c1fc9000000.pdf}, year = {2012} }
R. Gallego, N. Saura, and P. Núñez Trujillo, AR-Learning: libro interactivo basado en realidad aumentada con aplicación a la enseñanza, , 2012.
[Bibtex]@book{ar-learning-book-realidad-aumentada, abstract = {Resumen: El uso de las Tecnolog{\'{i}}as de la Informaci{\'{o}}n y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en la sociedad actual ha avanzado de forma progresiva y con resultados satisfactorios en la {\'{u}}ltima d{\'{e}}cada. Una de las {\'{a}}reas donde estas tecnolog{\'{i}}as est{\'{a}}n revolucionando el concepto cl{\'{a}}sico se sit{\'{u}}a en el {\'{a}}rea educativa. Hace a{\~{n}}os era impensable tener en un aula un ordenador cada dos alumnos, exponer la lecci{\'{o}}n sobre una pantalla de proyecci{\'{o}}n o el uso de una pizarra digital en lugar de una pizarra tradicional. Estudios recientes demuestran que el uso de las TICs como apoyo a la docencia presenta una serie de ventajas de cara a los resultados del alumnado: mayor motivaci{\'{o}}n, inter{\'{e}}s, creatividad, etc. Una de las tecnolog{\'{i}}as que pueden suponer una innovaci{\'{o}}n en las aulas es la Realidad Aumentada. Esta t{\'{e}}cnica permite integrar modelos virtuales 3D (avatares) a la realidad f{\'{i}}sica mediante un dispositivo de adquisici{\'{o}}n de v{\'{i}}deo y un ordenador. El presente proyecto, denominado AR-Learning, hace uso de la Realidad Aumentada para el apoyo a las clases de M{\'{u}}sica (Educaci{\'{o}}n primaria). Nuestra aplicaci{\'{o}}n tiene como objetivo el apoyo al aprendizaje de los principios b{\'{a}}sicos de la m{\'{u}}sica al alumnado, visualizando en tres dimensiones instrumentos, as{\'{i}} como escuchando su sonido caracter{\'{i}}stico cuando interact{\'{u}}en con ellos. Tambi{\'{e}}n se ense{\~{n}}an las notas b{\'{a}}sicas del pentagrama musical y las cualidades del sonido como son altura, timbre o intensidad. La aplicaci{\'{o}}n ha sido probada con alumnos del Colegio Gabriel y Gal{\'{a}}n}, author = {Gallego, R. and Saura, N. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {Tejuelo: Did{\'{a}}ctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educaci{\'{o}}n}, isbn = {1988-8430}, pages = {74--89}, title = {{AR-Learning: libro interactivo basado en realidad aumentada con aplicaci{\'{o}}n a la ense{\~{n}}anza}}, year = {2012} }
M. A. Gutiérrez Giraldo, E. Martinena Guerrero, A. Sánchez Domínguez, R. G. Rodríguez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A Cost-Efficient 3D Sensing System for Autonomous Mobile Robots,» in Waf, Albacete, Spain, 2011, p. 1–8.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{gutierrez-cost-efficient, author = {Gutiérrez Giraldo, Marco Antonio and Martinena Guerrero, Esteban and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Rodr{\'{i}}guez, Rosario G. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, pages = {1--8}, title = {{A Cost-Efficient 3D Sensing System for Autonomous Mobile Robots}}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {WAF}, address = {Albacete, Spain} }
F. Cid Burgos, R. Cintas Peña, L. J. Manso Argüelles, L. V. Calderita Estévez, A. Sánchez Domínguez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A real-time synchronization algorithm between Text-To-Speech ( TTS ) system and Robot Mouth for Social Robotic Applications,» in Waf, Albacete, Spain, 2011.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cid-real-time-synchronization, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, isbn = {4300002010}, booktitle = {WAF}, title = {{A real-time synchronization algorithm between Text-To-Speech ( TTS ) system and Robot Mouth for Social Robotic Applications}}, year = {2011}, address = {Albacete, Spain} }
L. V. Calderita Estévez, P. Bachiller Burgos, J. P. Bandera, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «MIMIC: A Human motion imitation component for RoboComp ˜,» in 1st workshop on recognition and action for scene understanding (reacts), Málaga, 2011.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{calderita-mimic-motion, address = {M{\'{a}}laga}, author = {Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bandera, Juan P and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {1st Workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding (REACTS)}, title = {{MIMIC: A Human motion imitation component for RoboComp ˜}}, year = {2011} }
M. A. Gutiérrez Giraldo, P. Bachiller Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «An incremental hybrid approach to indoor modeling,» in European conference on mobile robots, Sweden, 2011, p. 1–7.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-incremental-hybrid, author = {Gutiérrez Giraldo, Marco Antonio and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {European Conference on Mobile Robots}, pages = {1--7}, address = {Sweden}, title = {An incremental hybrid approach to indoor modeling}, year = {2011} }
I. García-Varea, A. Jiménez-Picazo, J. Martínez, A. Revuelta, L. Rodríguez, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Apedros: asistencia a personas con discapacidad mediante robots sociales,» in Iberdiscap, Palma de Mallorca, 2011, p. 1–6.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{garcia-vare-apedros, abstract = {Uno de los principales retos sociales en pa{\'{i}}ses desarrollados es el de la atenci{\'{o}}n a las personas dependientes y el procurar mejorar su calidad de vida promocionando su autonom{\'{i}}a personal. Un gran paso en este sentido ser{\'{i}}a la utilizaci{\'{o}}n de las modernas Tecnolog{\'{i}}as de la Informaci{\'{o}}n y las Comunicaciones (TICs) en este {\'{a}}mbito. De hecho {\'{u}}ltimamente se est{\'{a}} demostrando c{\'{o}}mo la rob{\'{o}}tica juega un rol importante en este tipo de situaciones y retos, siendo de especial inter{\'{e}}s la rob{\'{o}}tica social. En este trabajo presentamos el proyecto APEDROS, poniendo especial atenci{\'{o}}n a los objetivos a cubrir durante su desarrollo, cuya {\'{u}}ltima finalidad es la de mejorar el bienestar social y la calidad de vida de las personas dependientes haciendo uso de la rob{\'{o}}tica social. Por tanto, el principal objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar y evaluar experimentalmente formas de interacci{\'{o}}n Hombre-Robot que pongan de manifiesto las ventajas y/o inconvenientes del uso de la rob{\'{o}}tica social en este tipo de escenarios.}, author = {Garc{\'{i}}a-Varea, I. and Jim{\'{e}}nez-Picazo, A and {J. Mart{\'{i}}nez} and Revuelta, A and Rodr{\'{i}}guez, L. and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {Iberdiscap}, address = {Palma de Mallorca}, keywords = {discapacidad,interacci{\'{o}}n multimodal hombre-robot,rob{\'{o}}tica social}, pages = {1--6}, title = {APEDROS: Asistencia a Personas con Discapacidad mediante Robots Sociales}, year = {2011} }
P. Bustos García, E. Jaramillo, P. Núñez Trujillo, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Robots sociales para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas dependientes,» in Iberdiscap, Palma de Mallorca, 2011.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bustos-robots-personas-dependientes, abstract = {La rob{\'{o}}tica social est{\'{a}} experimentando un gran auge en las {\'{u}}ltimas d{\'{e}}cadas. Estos robots permiten interactuar con el ser humano o con otros robots siguiendo pautas y comportamientos sociales. Los escenarios de uso de los robots sociales van desde la rob{\'{o}}tica del hogar hasta la asistencia en museos, vigilancia, seguridad o incluso, en la rehabilitaci{\'{o}}n y ayuda a las personas dependientes. {\'{E}}ste {\'{u}}ltimo es el marco de desarrollo del presente trabajo. En este art{\'{i}}culo presentamos un robot social desarrollado para interaccionar con pacientes con la enfermedad del Parkinson. El dise{\~{n}}o del hardware y del software es descrito con detalle, acercando la parte de ingenier{\'{i}}a a las aplicaciones reales para las cuales va a ser utilizado. En la descripci{\'{o}}n de los mecanismos de interacci{\'{o}}n que formar{\'{a}}n parte del robot se han tenido en cuenta los trabajos realizados por la Unidad de Geriatr{\'{i}}a del Complejo Hospitalario de C{\'{a}}ceres y su Hospital de d{\'{i}}a}, author = {Bustos García, Pablo and Jaramillo, E and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, booktitle = {Iberdiscap}, keywords = {discapacidad,interacci{\'{o}}n multimodal hombre-robot,rob{\'{o}}tica social}, number = {March}, address = {Palma de Mallorca}, title = {Robots Sociales para la Mejora de la Calidad de Vida de las Personas Dependientes}, year = {2011} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, P. Drews, A. Bandera, R. Rocha, M. Campos, and J. Dias, «Change detection in 3D environments based on Gaussian Mixture Model and Robust Structural Matching for Autonomous robotic applications,» in Environments, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{nunez-change-detection, abstract = {The ability to detect perceptions which were never experienced before, i.e. novelty detection, is an important component of autonomous robots working in real environments. It is achieved by comparing current data provided by its sensors with a previously known map of the environment. This often constitutes an extremely challenging task due to the large amounts of data that must be compared in real- time. With respect to previously proposed approaches, this paper detects changes in 3D environment based on probabilistic models, the Gaussian Mixture Model, and a fast and robust combined constraint matching algorithm. The matching allows to represent the scene view as a graph which emerges from the comparison betweenMixtures of Gaussians. Finding the largest set of mutually consistent matches is equivalent to find the maximum clique on a graph. The proposed approach has been tested for mobile robotics purposes in real environments and compared to other matching algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposal.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Drews, P and Bandera, A and Rocha, R and Campos, M and Dias, J}, booktitle = {Environments}, title = {{Change detection in 3D environments based on Gaussian Mixture Model and Robust Structural Matching for Autonomous robotic applications}}, year = {2010}, address = {Taipei, Taiwan} }
D. P. Jr, P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Rocha, M. Campos, and J. Dias, «Novelty detection and 3d shape retrieval using superquadrics and multi-scale sampling for autonomous mobile robots,» in Ieee icra 2010 workshop on multimodal human-robot interfaces, Alaska, USA, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{jr-novelty-detection, author = {Jr, P Drews and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Rocha, R and Campos, M and Dias, J}, title = {Novelty Detection and 3D Shape Retrieval using Superquadrics and Multi-Scale Sampling for Autonomous Mobile Robots}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {IEEE ICRA 2010 WORKSHOP ON MULTIMODAL HUMAN-ROBOT INTERFACES}, address = {Alaska, USA} }
R. Cintas Peña, L. V. Calderita Estévez, L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Un framework de Desarrollo para Robótica,» in I jornadas jóvenes investigadores universidad de extremadura, Caceres, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cintas-framework-desarrollo, address = {Caceres}, author = {Cintas Peña, Ramón and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, booktitle = {I Jornadas J{\'{o}}venes Investigadores Universidad de Extremadura}, keywords = {complejos,componentes,las peculiaridades de los,no hace falta conocer,porque para entender el,sistema globalmente}, title = {{Un framework de Desarrollo para Rob{\'{o}}tica}}, keywords = {complejos,componentes,las peculiaridades de los,no hace falta conocer,porque para entender el,sistema globalmente}, year = {2010} }
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bachiller Burgos, P. Bustos García, P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Cintas Peña, and L. V. Calderita Estévez, «Robocomp: a tool-based robotics framework,» in Lecture notes in computer science. simulation, modeling and programming in autonomous robotsrobots, N. Ando, S. Balakirsky, T. Hemker, M. Reggiani, and O. von Stryk, Eds., Darmstadt, Germany: Springer, 2010, vol. 6472, p. 251–262.
[Bibtex]@incollection{manso-robocomp-robotic-framework, abstract = {This paper presents RoboComp, an open-source componentoriented robotics framework. Ease of use and low development effort has proven to be two of the key issues to take into account when building frameworks. Due to the crucial role of development tools in these questions, this paper deeply describes the tools that make RoboComp more than just a middleware. To provide an overview of the developer experience, some examples are given throughout the text. It is also compared to the most open-source relevant projects with similar goals, specifying its weaknesses and strengths.}, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente}, address = {Darmstadt, Germany}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Simulation, Modeling and Programming in Autonomous RobotsRobots}, chapter = {LNCS 6472}, editor = {Ando, Noriaki and Balakirsky, Stephen and Hemker, Thomas and Reggiani, Monica and von Stryk, Oskar}, mendeley-groups = {Automatically Imported}, pages = {251--262}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {RoboComp: a Tool-based Robotics Framework}, url = {https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007{\%}2F978-3-642-17319-6}, volume = {6472}, year = {2010} }
R. Vázquez-Martín, P. Núñez Trujillo, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Spectral clustering for feature-based metric maps partitioning in a hybrid mapping framework,» in Proceedings – ieee international conference on robotics and automation, Kobe, Japan, 2009, p. 4175–4181.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{spectral-clustering-feature-based, abstract = {Hybrid maps combine metric and topological information for efficiently managing large-scale environments. In a feature-based mapping framework, this paper describes the application of a spectral clustering approach for automatically detecting the transitions between subsequently traversed local maps. Contrary to recently proposed approaches, this algorithm considers each individual map feature as a node of a graph whose edges link two nodes if they are simultaneously observed. Thus, given a sequence of observations, an auxiliary graph is incrementally built whose edges carry non-negative weights according to the locality of the features. Given a feature, its locality defines the set of features that has been observed simultaneously with it at least once. At each execution of the mapping approach, the feature-based graph is split into two subgraphs using a normalized spectral clustering algorithm. If the graph partition is validated, the algorithm determines that the robot is moving into a new area and a new local map is generated. We have tested the proposed approach in real environments where features are obtained using 2D laser sensors or vision. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposal. {\textcopyright} 2009 IEEE.}, author = {V{\'{a}}zquez-Mart{\'{i}}n, Ricardo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bandera, Antonio and Sandoval, Francisco}, booktitle = {Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152476}, isbn = {9781424427895}, issn = {10504729}, pages = {4175--4181}, title = {{Spectral clustering for feature-based metric maps partitioning in a hybrid mapping framework}}, year = {2009}, address = {Kobe, Japan} }
H. Aliakbarpour, P. Núñez Trujillo, P. J, K. K, and D. J, «An Efficient Algorithm For Extrinsic Calibration Between a 3D Laser Range Finder And A Stereo Camera For Surveillance,» in International conference on advanced robotics, Munich, Germany, 2009, p. 1–6.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{calibration-between-d-laser, abstract = {The combined use of 3D laser range finders (LRF) and cameras is increasingly common in the navigation application for autonomous mobile robots. The integration of laser range information and images requires the estimation of the Euclidean 3-dimensional transformation between the coordinate systems of the LRF and the cameras. This paper describes a new and efficient method to perform the extrinsic calibration between a 3D LRF and a stereo camera with the aid of inertial data. The main novelty of the proposed approach compared to other state of the art calibration procedures is the use of an inertial measurement unit (IMU), which decreases the number of points needed to a robust calibration. Furthermore, a freely moving bright spot is the only calibration object. A set of virtual 3D points is made by waving the bright spot through the working volume in three different planes. Its projections onto the images are found with sub-pixel precision and verified by a robust RANSAC analysis. These same points are extracted according to the laser scan data and are corresponded to the virtual 3D points in the stereo pair. Experimental results presented in this paper demonstrate the accuracy of our approach. Furthermore, the applicability of the proposed technique is high, only requiring of an inertial sensor coupled to the sensor platform. This approach has been also extended for a camera network.}, author = {Aliakbarpour, H and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and J, Prado and K, Kholshhal and J, Dias}, booktitle = {International Conference on Advanced Robotics}, doi = {10.1016/S0263-2241(96)00065-6}, isbn = {9781424409112}, issn = {02632241}, pages = {1--6}, title = {{An Efficient Algorithm For Extrinsic Calibration Between a 3D Laser Range Finder And A Stereo Camera For Surveillance}}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5174703}, address = {Munich, Germany}, year = {2009} }
R. Vázquez-Martí, R. Marfil, P. Núñez Trujillo, A. Bandera, F. Sandoval, and others, «A novel approach for salient image regions detection and description.» 2009, p. 1464–1476.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{nunez-novel-approach, title={A novel approach for salient image regions detection and description}, author={V{\'{a}}zquez-Mart{\'{i}}, R and Marfil, Rebeca and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bandera, Antonio and Sandoval, F and others}, journal={Pattern Recognition Letters}, volume={30}, number={16}, pages={1464--1476}, year={2009}, publisher={Elsevier} }
R. Vázquez-Martín, P. Núñez Trujillo, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Curvature-based environment description for robot navigation using laser range sensors,» in Sensors, Basel, Switzerland, 2009, p. 5894–5918.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pedro-curvature-based, abstract = {This work proposes a new feature detection and description approach for mobile robot navigation using 2D laser range sensors. The whole process consists of two main modules: a sensor data segmentation module and a feature detection and characterization module. The segmentation module is divided in two consecutive stages: First, the segmentation stage divides the laser scan into clusters of consecutive range readings using a distance-based criterion. Then, the second stage estimates the curvature function associated to each cluster and uses it to split it into a set of straight-line and curve segments. The curvature is calculated using a triangle-area representation where, contrary to previous approaches, the triangle side lengths at each range reading are adapted to the local variations of the laser scan, removing noise without missing relevant points. This representation remains unchanged in translation or rotation, and it is also robust against noise. Thus, it is able to provide the same segmentation results although the scene will be perceived from different viewpoints. Therefore, segmentation results are used to characterize the environment using line and curve segments, real and virtual corners and edges. Real scan data collected from different environments by using different platforms are used in the experiments in order to evaluate the proposed environment description algorithm.}, author = {R. V{\'{a}}zquez-Mart{\'{i}}n and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and A. Bandera and F. Sandoval}, booktitle = {Sensors}, doi = {10.3390/s90805894}, issn = {14248220}, keywords = {Adaptive curvature estimation,Laser scan data segmentation,Mobile robot navigation}, number = {8}, pages = {5894--5918}, pmid = {22461732}, title = {{Curvature-based environment description for robot navigation using laser range sensors}}, volume = {9}, year = {2009}, address = {Basel, Switzerland} }
P. Drews-jr, J. M. Dias, P. Núñez Trujillo, D. P. Jr, R. Rocha, and J. Dias, «Data Fusion Calibration for a 3D Laser Range Finder and a Camera using Inertial Data .,» in 4th european conference on mobile robots, Mlini/Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{drews-fata-fusion-calibration, author = {Drews-jr, Paulo and Dias, Jorge Miranda and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Jr, P Drews and Rocha, R and Dias, J}, number = {March 2017}, title = {{Data Fusion Calibration for a 3D Laser Range Finder and a Camera using Inertial Data .}}, year = {2009}, booktitle = {4th European Conference on Mobile Robots}, address = {Mlini/Dubrovnik, Croatia} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Vázquez-Martín, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Combined constraint matching algorithm for stereo visual odometry based on local interest points,» in 2009 ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems, iros 2009, St. Louis, USA, 2009.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{nunnez-laser, abstract = {In this paper, we describe a new approach which uses scale-invariant image features to estimate the motion of a stereo head. These point features are matched between pairs of frames and linked into image trajectories at video rate, generating what it is called visual odometry, i.e. motion estimates from visual input alone. With respect to previously proposed approaches, the main novelty of our proposal is that the matching between sets of features associated to stereo pairs and between sets of image features associated to consecutive frames are conducted by means of a fast combined constraint matching algorithm. Besides, the efficiency of the approach is increased by using a closed-form solution to estimate the final robot displacement between consecutive acquired frames. We have tested the proposed approach for navigational purposes in a real environment. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposal. {\textcopyright} 2009 IEEE.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and R. V{\'{a}}zquez-Mart{\'{i}}n and A. Bandera and F. Sandoval}, booktitle = {2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009}, doi = {10.1109/IROS.2009.5354667}, isbn = {9781424438044}, address = {St. Louis, USA}, title = {Combined Constraint Matching Algorithm for Stereo Visual Odometry based on Local Interest Points}, year = {2009} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, P. Drews, R. Rocha, M. Campos, and J. Dias, «Novelty detection and 3d shape retrieval based on gaussian mixture models for autonomous surveillance robotics,» in Ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems, (iros’09), St. Louis, USA, 2009, p. pp. 4724–4730.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{nunnez-retrieva-gauss, abstract = {This paper describes an efficient method for retrieving the 3-dimensional shape associated to novelties in the environment of an autonomous robot, which is equipped with a laser range finder. First, changes are detected over the point clouds using a combination of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and the earth mover's distance (EMD) algorithms. Next, the shape retrieval is achieved using two different algorithms. First, new samplings are generated from each Gaussian function, followed by a random sampling consensus (RANSAC) algorithm to retrieve geometric primitives. Furthermore, a new algorithm is developed to directly retrieve the shape according to the mathematical space of Gaussian mixture. In this paper, the set of geometric primitives has been limited to the set C = {sphere, cylinder, plane}. The two shape retrieval methods are compared in terms of computational cost and accuracy. Experimental results in various real and simulated scenarios demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Drews, P and Rocha, R and Campos, M and Dias, J}, booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (IROS'09)}, doi = {10.1109/iros.2009.5354712}, isbn = {9781424438044}, keywords = {3D shape retrieval,Gaussian mixture models,Gaussian processes,autonomous surveillance robotics,earth mover distance algorithms,geometric primitive retrieval,image retrieval,mobile robots,object detection,random sampling consensus}, pages = {pp. 4724--4730}, address = {St. Louis, USA}, title = {Novelty Detection and 3D Shape Retrieval Based on Gaussian Mixture Models for Autonomous Surveillance Robotics}, year = {2009} }
R. Vázquez Martín, P. Núñez Trujillo, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Curvature-based environment description for robot navigation using laser range sensors,» Sensors, vol. 9, iss. 8, p. 5894–5918, 2009. Mdpi.
[Bibtex]@article{nunez-curvature, abstract = {This work proposes a new feature detection and description approach for mobile robot navigation using 2D laser range sensors. The whole process consists of two main modules: a sensor data segmentation module and a feature detection and characterization module. The segmentation module is divided in two consecutive stages: First, the segmentation stage divides the laser scan into clusters of consecutive range readings using a distance-based criterion. Then, the second stage estimates the curvature function associated to each cluster and uses it to split it into a set of straight-line and curve segments. The curvature is calculated using a triangle-area representation where, contrary to previous approaches, the triangle side lengths at each range reading are adapted to the local variations of the laser scan, removing noise without missing relevant points. This representation remains unchanged in translation or rotation, and it is also robust against noise. Thus, it is able to provide the same segmentation results although the scene will be perceived from different viewpoints. Therefore, segmentation results are used to characterize the environment using line and curve segments, real and virtual corners and edges. Real scan data collected from different environments by using different platforms are used in the experiments in order to evaluate the proposed environment description algorithm.}, author = {Vázquez Martín, Ricardo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bandera, Antonio and Sandoval, Francisco}, doi = {10.3390/s90805894}, issn = {14248220}, journal = {Sensors}, publisher = {mdpi}, keywords = {Adaptive curvature estimation,Laser scan data segmentation,Mobile robot navigation}, number = {8}, pages = {5894--5918}, pmid = {22461732}, title = {Curvature-based environment description for robot navigation using laser range sensors}, volume = {9}, year = {2009} }
R. {Vázquez Martín}, A. J. {Bandera Rubio}, J. Martinez, P. Núñez Trujillo, and F. {Sandoval Hernández}, «A new hybrid approach for simultaneous localization and mapping,» En emerging technologies, robotics and control systems, vol. 2 (s. pennacchio, ed.), international society for advanced research, p. pp. 71-79, 2008. Internationalsar.
[Bibtex]@article{a-new-hybrid, author = {{V{\'{a}}zquez Mart{\'{i}}n}, R. and {Bandera Rubio}, A. J. and Martinez, J. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and {Sandoval Hern{\'{a}}ndez}, F}, title = {A new hybrid approach for simultaneous localization and mapping}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Internationalsar}, journal = "en Emerging Technologies, Robotics and Control Systems, Vol. 2 (S. Pennacchio, Ed.), International Society for Advanced Research", pages = "pp. 71-79" }
R. Vázquez-martín, J. Martinez, J. C. Toro, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A software control architecture based on active perception for mobile robotics 1,» Wseas transactions on circuits and systems, 2008. Wseas.
[Bibtex]@article{active-perception-mobile, abstract = {The conceptual architecture of a robot is the organization of its\nactuation, perception and processing capabilities with the aim of\ngenerating a whole set of autonomous behaviours. In order to accomplish\na task, autonomous mobile robots must be capable of perceiving its\nenvironment and maintaining an exact model of the world. Usually,\na robot is equipped with several sensor systems to gather information\nfrom the environment and update this model. In this paper, we present\na control architecture based on perceptions, which is specified from\nthe sensors up to the highest level. The control architecture scheme\nfollows the hybrid guidelines and maintains an environment representation\nwhere the highest level is built from perception outcomes. The system\nis composed of reactive and deliberative layers. In the reactive\nlayer perceptions are organized into a set of modules divided into\ndifferent levels of sensory representation: primitives, such as localization\nor landmark detection, and compound perceptions, such as feature\nmaps (local SLAM). The other part of the reactive layer is the action\nmodule, where a set of behaviours provide the robot with navigation\ncapabilities. Finally, the deliberative layer builds a symbolic environmental\nrepresentation (topological map) and integrates suitable algorithms\nto accomplish the execution of a task. Key Words:- autonomous robot,\nhybrid control architecture, active perception, framework, design\npatterns 1}, author = {V{\'{a}}zquez-mart{\'{i}}n, R. and Martinez, J. and Toro, J C and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, keywords = {- autonomous robot,active perception,design patterns,framework,hybrid control architecture}, title = {A Software Control Architecture based on Active Perception for Mobile Robotics 1}, journal = {WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems}, publisher = {WSEAS}, year = {2008} }
R. Vazquez-Martin, P. Núñez Trujillo, J. C. del Toro, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Simultaneous mobile robot localization and mapping using an adaptive curvature-based environment description,» in Melecon 2008 – the 14th ieee mediterranean electrotechnical conference, Ajaccio, France, 2008, p. 343–349.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{mobile-robot-curvature, author = {Vazquez-Martin, R. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and del Toro, J.C. and Bandera, A. and Sandoval, F.}, booktitle = {MELECON 2008 - The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference}, doi = {10.1109/MELCON.2008.4618458}, isbn = {978-1-4244-1632-5}, pages = {343--349}, title = {{Simultaneous mobile robot localization and mapping using an adaptive curvature-based environment description}}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4618458}, year = {2008}, address = {Ajaccio, France} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Vázquez-Martín, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Cf-idc: a robust robot’s self-localization in dynamic environments using curvature information,» in 14th ieee mediterranean electrotechnical conference, Ajaccio, France, 2008, p. 330–336.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{robust-selft-localization, abstract = {This paper describes a complete laser-based approach for self-localization of mobile robots. The presented algorithm is a novel variant of the classic Iterative Dual Correspondence Method (IDC). Our scan matching method improves results of this popular algorithm in dynamic environments, due to the changed elements between two consecutive scans acquired by the robot are detected and removed of the matching process. To do that, the curvature information of each element of the environment is used. The proposed scan matching algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly, the whole raw data laser is segmented into groups of consecutive range readings using a distance-based criterion and the adaptive curvature function for each group is computed. Then, this set of curvature functions is matched to the set of curvature functions associated to the previously acquired laser scan. Finally, IDC algorithm is applied only considering those scan points which belong to the set of matched curvature functions. Thus, the system is outstanding in terms of robustly, accuracy and computation time. The implemented algorithm is evaluated and compared to the classic IDC scan matching approaches. Experimental results show that the new variant of the popular IDC algorithm performs well as it adjusts in a good way to changing environments. {\textcopyright} 2008 IEEE.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and V{\'{a}}zquez-Mart{\'{i}}n, R. and Bandera, A. and Sandoval, F.}, doi = {10.1109/MELCON.2008.4618456}, isbn = {9781424416332}, booktitle = {14TH IEEE MEDITERRANEAN ELECTROTECHNICAL CONFERENCE}, keywords = {Adaptive curvature function,Mobile robotics,Scan matching}, number = {Idc}, pages = {330--336}, title = {CF-IDC: A robust robot's self-localization in dynamic environments using curvature information}, address = {Ajaccio, France}, year = {2008} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, R. V??zquez-Mart??n, J. C. del Toro, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Natural landmark extraction for mobile robot navigation based on an adaptive curvature estimation,» Robotics and autonomous systems, vol. 56, iss. 3, p. 247–264, 2008. Elsevier.
[Bibtex]@article{natural-landmark-extraction, abstract = {This paper proposes a geometrical feature detection system which is to be used with conventional 2D laser range finders. It consists of three main modules: data acquisition and pre-processing, segmentation and landmark extraction and characterisation. The novelty of this system is a new approach for laser data segmentation based on an adaptive curvature estimation. Contrary to other works, this approach divides the laser scan into line and curve segments. Then, these items are used to directly extract several types of landmarks associated with real and virtual features of the environment (corners, center of tree-like objects, line segments and edges). For each landmark, characterisation provides not only the parameter vector, but also complete statistical information, suitable to be used in a localization and mapping algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is efficient to detect landmarks for structured and semi-structured environments. ?? 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and V??zquez-Mart??n, R. and del Toro, J. C. and Bandera, A. and Sandoval, F.}, journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems}, doi = {10.1016/j.robot.2007.07.005}, isbn = {0921-8890}, issn = {09218890}, keywords = {Adaptive curvature estimation,Covariance matrix,Mobile robot navigation,Natural landmark extraction}, number = {3}, pages = {247--264}, publisher = {Elsevier}, title = {Natural landmark extraction for mobile robot navigation based on an adaptive curvature estimation}, volume = {56}, year = {2008} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Vazquez-Martin, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «An algorithm for fitting 2-D data on the circle: Applications to mobile robotics,» in Ieee signal processing letters, New Jersey, USA, 2008, p. 127–130.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{fitting-data-circle, abstract = {In this paper, an approach for fitting a circle to 2-D data which represent only a small part of the curve is described. This approach deals with the particular case where data is specified in terms of its Cartesian coordinates and the errors in both coordinates are not independent. Besides, an associated uncertainty ellipse which describes the measurement error and the variance matrix associated to the estimated parameters are obtained. This method is particularly well designed to fit a circle to a set of measured range readings provided by a 2-D laser range finder when these range readings are specified in terms of its Cartesian coordinates. Therefore, it has been successfully applied to acquire circle-shaped landmarks in a mobile robotics navigation task.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Vazquez-Martin, R. and Bandera, A. and Sandoval, F.}, booktitle = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters}, doi = {10.1109/LSP.2007.912964}, isbn = {1070-9908}, issn = {10709908}, keywords = {Circle fitting,Laser landmark acquisition,Mobile robotics}, number = {2}, pages = {127--130}, title = {{An algorithm for fitting 2-D data on the circle: Applications to mobile robotics}}, volume = {15}, year = {2008}, address = {New Jersey, USA} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Vázquez-Martín, a. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Fast laser scan matching approach based on adaptive curvature estimation for mobile robots,» International journal of factory automation, robotics and soft computing, vol. 27, iss. 03, p. 469, 2008. Cambridge. print.
[Bibtex]@article{nunez-fast-laser, abstract = {This paper describes a complete laser-based approach for tracking the pose of a robot in a dynamic environment. The main novelty of this approach is that the matching between consecutively acquired scans is achieved using their associated curvature-based representations. The proposed scan matching algorithm consists of three stages. Firstly, the whole raw laser data is segmented into groups of consecutive range readings using a distance-based criterion and the curvature function for each group is computed. Then, this set of curvature functions is matched to the set of curvature functions associated to the previously acquired laser scan. Finally, characteristic points of pairwise curvature functions are matched and used to correctly obtain the best local alignment between consecutive scans. A closed form solution is employed for computing the optimal transformation and minimizing the robot pose shift error without iterations. Thus, the system is outstanding in terms of accuracy and computation time. The implemented algorithm is evaluated and compared to three state of the art scan matching approaches.}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and V{\'{a}}zquez-Mart{\'{i}}n, R. and Bandera, a. and Sandoval, F.}, doi = {10.1017/S0263574708004840}, isbn = {0263574708004}, issn = {0263-5747}, journal = {International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing}, keywords = {Adaptive curvature function,Mobile robotics,Scan matching,adaptive curvature function,scan matching}, number = {03}, pages = {469}, publisher = {Cambridge. Print}, title = {Fast laser scan matching approach based on adaptive curvature estimation for mobile robots}, url = {http://www.journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0263574708004840%5Cnhttp://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0263574708004840}, volume = {27}, year = {2008} }
R. {Vázquez Martín}, P. Núñez Trujillo, R. {Marfil Robles}, and A. J. {Bandera Rubio}, «Robust vision landmark acquisition and data association for an autonomous robot,» En emerging technologies, robotics and control systems, vol. 2 (s. pennacchio, ed.), international society for advanced research, p. pp. 102-107, 2007. Internationalsar.
[Bibtex]@article{robust-vision-landmark, author = {{V{\'{a}}zquez Mart{\'{i}}n}, R. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and {Marfil Robles}, R. and {Bandera Rubio}, A. J}, title = {Robust Vision Landmark Acquisition and Data Association for an Autonomous Robot}, journal = "en Emerging Technologies, Robotics and Control Systems, Vol. 2 (S. Pennacchio, Ed.), International Society for Advanced Research", pages = "pp. 102-107", publisher = {Internationalsar}, year = {2007}, address = {Korea} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «A curvature based method to extract natural landmarks for mobile robot navigation,» in Ieee int. symposium on intelligent signal processing, Alcala de Henares, Spain, 2007.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{landmarks-mobile-navigation, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bandera, Antonio and Sandoval, Francisco}, keywords = {- natural landmark extraction,adaptive curvature estimation,mobile robot navigation}, title = {A Curvature based Method to Extract Natural Landmarks for Mobile Robot Navigation}, booktitle = {IEEE INT. SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT SIGNAL PROCESSING}, year = {2007}, address = {Alcala de Henares, Spain} }
R. Vazquez-Martin, P. Núñez Trujillo, D. J. C. Toro, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Adaptive Observation Covariance for EKF-SLAM in Indoor Environments using Laser Data,» in Melecon 2006 – 2006 ieee mediterranean electrotechnical conference, Málaga, Spain, 2006, p. 445–448.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{adaptive-covarience-laser-data, abstract = {In this paper we describe an approach to concurrently localize a robot and to build a feature based map using laser sensor. Stochastic simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is performed by storing the robot pose and map landmarks in a single state vector, and estimating this state vector via a recursive process of prediction and updating. In our case, these estimates are updated using an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The main novelty of this proposal is the development and test of an adaptive measurement covariance matrix that permits to include close and distant features in the updating stage of the EKF-SLAM algorithm, providing more precision to closer detected features}, author = {Vazquez-Martin, R. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Toro, J.C. Del and Bandera, A. and Sandoval, F.}, booktitle = {MELECON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference}, doi = {10.1109/MELCON.2006.1653134}, isbn = {1-4244-0087-2}, pages = {445--448}, title = {{Adaptive Observation Covariance for EKF-SLAM in Indoor Environments using Laser Data}}, year = {2006}, address = {Málaga, Spain} }
R. Vazquez-Martin, J. Martinez, D. Toro, P. Núñez Trujillo, and F. Sandoval, «An active perception control architecture for autonomous robots,» in Icai’06: proceedings of the 7th wseas international conference on automation & information, Cavtat, Croatia, 2006, p. 144–149.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{active-perception-architecture, author = {Vazquez-Martin, R and Martinez, J and Toro, Del and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Sandoval, F}, booktitle = {ICAI'06: Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Automation \& Information}, doi = {citeulike-article-id:2761825}, keywords = {control-theory,multisensory-integration,perception,reviews,robotics}, pages = {144--149}, title = {{An active perception control architecture for autonomous robots}}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1362937.1362964}, year = {2006}, address = {Cavtat, Croatia} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, R. Vazquez-Martin, J. C. del Toro, A. Bandera, and F. Sandoval, «Feature extraction from laser scan data based on curvature estimation for mobile robotics,» in Proceedings of the 2006 ieee international conference on robotics and automation, Orlando, Florida, 2006, p. 1167–1172.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{feature-extraction-from-laser, abstract = {This paper presents a geometrical feature detection system to use with conventional 2D laser rangefinders. This system consists of three main modules: data acquisition and pre-processing, rupture and breakpoint detection and feature extraction. The novelty of this system is a new efficient approach for natural feature extraction based on curvature estimation. This approach permits to extract and characterise line segments, corners and curve segments from the laser scan. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is very fast and permit to verify its effectiveness in indoor and outdoor environments}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Vazquez-Martin, Ricardo and del Toro, Jose C and Bandera, Antonio and Sandoval, Francisco}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2006.1641867}, isbn = {0-7803-9505-0}, issn = {10504729}, keywords = {Feature Extraction,LIDAR,laserscanner,mapping,robots}, number = {May}, pages = {1167--1172}, title = {{Feature extraction from laser scan data based on curvature estimation for mobile robotics}}, year = {2006}, address = {Orlando, Florida} }
P. Núñez Trujillo, J. P. Bandera, J. M. P. Perez-Lorenzo, and F. Sandoval, «A Human-Robot Interaction System for Navigation Supervision based on Augmented Reality,» in Melecon 2006 – 2006 ieee mediterranean electrotechnical conference, Málaga, Spain, 2006, p. 441–444.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{human-robot-interaction, abstract = {This paper proposes an innovative human-robot interaction mechanism that permits users to interact intuitively with an autonomous mobile robot which localisation problem is solved using a new and fast feature extraction method. To allow that human-robot interaction, we use an augmented reality display. This mechanism makes it possible to overlay planning, world model and sensory data provided by the robot over the same field of view. The determination of the camera pose in the AR system is solved using this novelty feature-based localisation method. Thus, the human user can intuitively help to build a topological map in an unknown environment by setting and manipulating map nodes and visualize and correct the robot's path planning}, author = {Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and Bandera, J.P. and Perez-Lorenzo, J.M.P. and Sandoval, F.}, booktitle = {MELECON 2006 - 2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference}, doi = {10.1109/MELCON.2006.1653133}, isbn = {1-4244-0087-2}, issn = {2158-8473}, number = {Mcl}, pages = {441--444}, title = {{A Human-Robot Interaction System for Navigation Supervision based on Augmented Reality}}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1653133}, year = {2006}, address = {Málaga, Spain} }
R. VAZQUEZ-MARTIN, P. Núñez Trujillo, J. C. {DEL TORO}, A. BANDERA, and F. SANDOVAL, «Slam With Corner Features From a Novel Curvature-Based Local Map Representation,» in Applied artificial intelligence – proceedings of the 7th international flins conference, Genova, Italy, 2006, p. 711–718.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{slam-corner-features, author = {VAZQUEZ-MARTIN, R. and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro and {DEL TORO}, J. C. and BANDERA, A. and SANDOVAL, F.}, booktitle = {Applied Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference}, doi = {10.1142/9789812774118_0100}, isbn = {9789812566904}, pages = {711--718}, title = {{Slam With Corner Features From a Novel Curvature-Based Local Map Representation}}, url = {http://eproceedings.worldscinet.com/9789812774118/9789812774118_0100.html}, year = {2006}, address = {Genova, Italy} }
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Teaching» tab_id=»1489569059181-d8a2ac5b-921e»][vc_column_text]
Grado de Ingeniero de Imagen y Sonido
- Sistemas de Comunicación por línea (3er curso)
- Redes y Servicios de Telecomunicación (4º curso)
- Teoría de la Comunicación (2º curso)
Máster TIC – Telecomunicación
- Implementación de Sistemas de Comunicación por línea y vía satélite
- Ingeniería de Servicios TIC
Máster Universitario de Iniciación a la Investigación. Especialidad Informática y las Comunicaciones
- Iniciación a la investigación en teoría de la Señal y las Comunicaciones
Master Thesis Proposals
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «Augmented Reality: Complex virtual objects in 3D real scenes». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «Tracking of Human walking in indoor environment using Kinect RGBD sensor». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «ARR: Augmented Reality with robots: Applications to neurorehabilitation I». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «ARR: Augmented Reality with robots: Applications to neurorehabilitation II». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «Segmentation in dense 3D maps for robot navigation». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «Natural landmarks characterization usin LRF for robot navigation». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Unassigned. «Who are you? Face detection, recognition and tracking for HRI». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Ongoing Master Thesis
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Antonios Cespedes. «AR-Learning: Realidad Aumentada y mecanismos de interacción al servicio de la educación.». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Leandro Pavón. «Virtual Blackboard based on human motion tracking». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Belén Carbajo. «Calibration Software for UTM-30LX laser sensor and Stereo camera». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Mónica Asperilla. «Detección de cambios en mapas robóticos usando GPGPU». Directed by Pedro Nuñez.
Completed Master Thesis
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Eva Mogena Cisneros. «Análisis de imágenes de profundidad en terapias de rehabilitación supervisadas por robots autónomos». Directed by Pedro Nuñez and José Luis González. September 2015.
E. M. Mogena Cisneros, «Análisis de imágenes de profundidad en terapias de rehabilitación supervisadas por robots autónomos,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2015.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{profundidad-terapias, author = {Mogena Cisneros, Eva María}, title = {{An{\'{a}}lisis de im{\'{a}}genes de profundidad en terapias de rehabilitaci{\'{o}}n supervisadas por robots aut{\'{o}}nomos}}, year = {2015}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Antonio Redondo López. «Extracción de Características de Imagen para Navegación de Robots Móviles». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. February 2011
A. Redondo López, «Extracción de características de imagen para navegación de robots móviles,» PFC – Escuela Politécnica 2011.
[Bibtex]@techreport{navegacion-robots-moviles-pedro, author = {Redondo López, Antonio}, title = {Extracción de Características de Imagen para Navegación de Robots Móviles}, year = {2011}, institution = {PFC - Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Marta Martín Gallego. «Interacción hombre-máquina usando gestos». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. February 2011.
M. Martín Gallego, «Interacción hombre-máquina usando gestos,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2011.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{interaccion-hombre-maquina-usando-gestos, author = {Martín Gallego, Marta}, title = {{Interacci{\'{o}}n hombre-m{\'{a}}quina usando gestos}}, year = {2011}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Luisa F. Sánchez. «Grid-location for autonomous robot working in indoor environment». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. October 2010
L. F. Sánchez Peralta, «Grid-location for autonomous robot working in indoor environment,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2010.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{grid-location-indoor-environment, author = {Sánchez Peralta, Luisa F.}, title = {{Grid-location for autonomous robot working in indoor environment}}, year = {2010}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Marcial Martín Román. «UTM-30LX and URG-04LX laser range sensors for autonomous robot navigation». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. October 2010.
M. Martín Román, «UTM-30LX and URG-04LX laser range sensors for autonomous robot navigation,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2010.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{utm-urg-range-sensors, author = {Martín Román, Marcial}, title = {{UTM-30LX and URG-04LX laser range sensors for autonomous robot navigation}}, year = {2010}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Carlos Municio Serrano. «Scan Matching Algorithms For Robot Localization Using an UTM30LX Laser Range Sensor». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. October 2010
C. Municio Serrano, «Scan Matching Algorithms For Robot Localization Using an UTM30LX Laser Range Sensor,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2010.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{scan-robot-localization-utm, author = {Municio Serrano, Carlos}, title = {{Scan Matching Algorithms For Robot Localization Using an UTM30LX Laser Range Sensor}}, year = {2010}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Roberto Gallego Delgado. «AR-Learning: Interactive book based on augmented reality for educational intentions». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. October 2010
R. Gallego Delgado, «AR-Learning: Interactive book based on augmented reality for educational intentions,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2010.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{ar-learning-augmented, author = {Gallego Delgado, Roberto}, title = {{AR-Learning: Interactive book based on augmented reality for educational intentions}}, year = {2010}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. Eva Chaparro Laso. «Tracking automático de objetos en secuencias de imágenes usando Filtro de Partículas». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. October 2009
E. Chaparro Laso, «Tracking automático de objetos en secuencias de imágenes usando Filtro de Partículas,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2009.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{tracking-automatico-secuencias, author = {Chaparro Laso, Eva}, title = {{Tracking autom{\'{a}}tico de objetos en secuencias de im{\'{a}}genes usando Filtro de Part{\'{i}}culas}}, year = {2009}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }
Master Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres. María Isabel Menor Flores. «Tracking automático de objetos en secuencias de imágenes usando el filtro de Kalman». Directed by Pedro Nuñez. October 2009
M. I. Menor Flores, «Tracking automático de objetos en secuencias de imágenes usando el filtro de Kalman,» Master Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2009.
[Bibtex]@mastersthesis{tracking-automatico-filtro-kalman, author = {Menor Flores, María Isabel}, title = {{Tracking autom{\'{a}}tico de objetos en secuencias de im{\'{a}}genes usando el filtro de Kalman}}, year = {2009}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Núñez Trujillo, Pedro} }