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Jose Moreno
josemore (at) unex (dot) es
PhD in Science
Computer Sciencie and Telematic Systems Engineering Dept.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row top_padding=»20″][vc_column width=»1/1″][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=»Biography» tab_id=»1488976218139-e738f7fb-c9f9″][vc_column_text]
Brief Biography Description
José Moreno del Pozo es Profesor Titular de Universidad en el Área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos y Telemáticos de la Universidad de Extremdura. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Ciencias (1981), su grado de Licenciatura (1983) y su doctorado en Ciencias Físicas (1994) en la UEx. En el curso 1987/1988 se incorpora como docente a esta universidad, comenzando su investigación en el grupo de Física de Superficies. En el año 1997, junto a un grupo de profesores de la E. P., fundó el Laboratorio de Robótica y Visión Artificial (Robolab), donde actualmente realiza sus investigaciones. Ha participado en proyectos de CICYT, Plan Nacional y Plan Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico. Actualmente dirige como investigador principal el proyecto PRI_PDT “Scanner Móvil Autónomo Robotizado (SMAR)” y participa como investigador en los proyectos ELDERTOY, APSUBA (U. de Coimbra), ACROSS (Plan Avanza) y FRACTURE ASSISTANT (CCMI)[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Research» tab_id=»1488976218219-2f2d2dfc-d709″][vc_column_text]
His research area is related to Robotics and Computer Vision[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Publications» tab_id=»1488976997367-d1b86b75-9e6d»][vc_column_text]
Article, Books, Refereed Journals and Conferences
Juan A. Sánchez Margallo, Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo, José Moreno del Pozo y Enrique J. Gómez Aguilera. «Methods for laparoscopic instrument tracking and motion analysis for objective assessment of surgical technical skills». GRIN. http://www.grin.com/en/e-book/286604/methods-for-laparoscopic-instrument-tracking-and-motion-analysis-for-objective.
PhD Thesis, Juan Alberto Sánchez Margallo. «Desarrollo y validación de sistemas de seguimiento de instrumental laparoscópico para la evaluación objetiva de destrezas quirúrgicas». Advisor José Moreno. University of Extremadura, Polytechnic School of Cáceres. 2014.
J. A. Sánchez Margallo, «Desarrollo y validación de sistemas de seguimiento de instrumental laparoscópico para la evaluación objetiva de destrezas quirúrgicas,» PhD Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2014.
[Bibtex]@phdthesis{sanchez-margallo-laparoscopico, author = {Sánchez Margallo, Juan Alberto}, title = {{Desarrollo y validaci{\'{o}}n de sistemas de seguimiento de instrumental laparosc{\'{o}}pico para la evaluaci{\'{o}}n objetiva de destrezas quir{\'{u}}rgicas}}, year = {2014}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Moreno del Pozo, Jose} }
F. Cid, J. Moreno, P. Bustos and P. Núñez. «Muecas: A Multi-Sensor Robotic Head for Affective Human Robot Interaction and Imitation». Sensors 2014, (Impact Factor 1.953, 14(5), 7711-7737; doi:10.3390/s140507711). April 2014.
F. Cid Burgos, J. Moreno del Pozo, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation,» Sensors (basel, switzerland), vol. 14, iss. 5, p. 7711–37, 2014. Mdpi.
[Bibtex]@article{cid-muecas-multi-sensor, abstract = {This paper presents a multi-sensor humanoid robotic head for human robot interaction. The design of the robotic head, Muecas, is based on ongoing research on the mechanisms of perception and imitation of human expressions and emotions. These mechanisms allow direct interaction between the robot and its human companion through the different natural language modalities: speech, body language and facial expressions. The robotic head has 12 degrees of freedom, in a human-like configuration, including eyes, eyebrows, mouth and neck, and has been designed and built entirely by IADeX (Engineering, Automation and Design of Extremadura) and RoboLab. A detailed description of its kinematics is provided along with the design of the most complex controllers. Muecas can be directly controlled by FACS (Facial Action Coding System), the de facto standard for facial expression recognition and synthesis. This feature facilitates its use by third party platforms and encourages the development of imitation and of goal-based systems. Imitation systems learn from the user, while goal-based ones use planning techniques to drive the user towards a final desired state. To show the flexibility and reliability of the robotic head, the paper presents a software architecture that is able to detect, recognize, classify and generate facial expressions in real time using FACS. This system has been implemented using the robotics framework, RoboComp, which provides hardware-independent access to the sensors in the head. Finally, the paper presents experimental results showing the real-time functioning of the whole system, including recognition and imitation of human facial expressions.}, author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro}, doi = {10.3390/s140507711}, issn = {1424-8220}, journal = {Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)}, publisher = {mdpi}, keywords = {Biomimetics,Biomimetics: instrumentation,Computer Communication Networks,Computer Communication Networks: instrumentation,Equipment Design,Equipment Failure Analysis,Head,Head: anatomy {\&} histology,Head: physiology,Humans,Man-Machine Systems,Robotics,Robotics: instrumentation,Transducers}, month = {jan}, number = {5}, pages = {7711--37}, pmid = {24787636}, title = {Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation}, url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=4063071{\&}tool=pmcentrez{\&}rendertype=abstract}, volume = {14}, year = {2014} }
PhD Thesis, José Blas Pagador Carrasco. «Técnicas de robótica y visión artificial para el entrenamiento quirúrgico de mínima invasión». Advisor José Moreno. University of Extremadura, Polytechnic School of Cáceres. 2013.
J. B. Pagador Carrasco, «Técnicas de robótica y visión artificial para el entrenamiento quirúrgico de mínima invasión,» PhD Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, 2013.
[Bibtex]@phdthesis{carrasco-tecnicas-robotica, title={T{\'{e}}cnicas de rob{\'{o}}tica y visi{\'{o}}n artificial para el entrenamiento quir{\'{u}}rgico de m{\'{i}}nima invasi{\'{o}}n}, author={Pagador Carrasco, José Blas}, year={2013}, school={Universidad de Extremadura}, note = {Advisor: Moreno del Pozo, Jose} }
PhD Thesis, Javier de Matías Bejarano. «Técnicas de fotogrametría y visión por computador para el modelado 3D de estructuras geomorfológicas». Advisor José Moreno. University of Extremadura, Polytechnic School of Cáceres. 2013
J. de Matías Bejarano, «Técnicas de fotogrametría y visión por computador para el modelado 3d de estructuras geomorfológicas dinámicas,» PhD Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, 2013.
[Bibtex]@phdthesis{de-tecnicas-vision, title={T{\'{e}}cnicas de fotogrametr{\'{i}}a y visi{\'{o}}n por computador para el modelado 3D de estructuras geomorfol{\'{o}}gicas din{\'{a}}micas}, author={de Matías Bejarano, Javier}, year={2013}, school={Universidad de Extremadura}, note = {Advisor: Moreno del Pozo, Jose} }
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J.B. Pagador, I. Oropesa, M. Lucas, E.J. Gómez, J. Moreno. «Technical Evaluation of a Third Generation Optical Pose Tracker for Motion Analysis and Image-Guided Surgery». Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. (2013 April, vol. 7761, pags. 75-82, ISBN: 978-3-642-38078-5).
J. A. Sánchez-Margallo, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. B. Pagador, I. Oropesa, M. Lucas, E. J. Gómez, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Technical evaluation of a third generation optical pose tracker for motion analysis and image-guided surgery,» in Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), 2013, p. 75–82.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-optical-tracker, abstract = {Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are an essential component in image-guided interventions and offer new possibilities to improve and automate objective assessment methods of surgical skills. In this study we present our system design to apply a third generation optical pose tracker (Micron-Tracker{\textregistered}) to laparoscopic practice. A technical evaluation of this design is performed in order to analyze its accuracy in computing the laparoscopic instrument tip position. Results show a stable fluctuation error over the entire analyzed workspace. The relative position errors are 1.776±1.675 mm, 1.817±1.762 mm, 1.854±1.740 mm, 2.455±2.164 mm, 2.545±2.496 mm, 2.764±2.342 mm, 2.512±2.493 mm for distances of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 mm, respectively. The accumulated distance error increases with the measured distance. The instrument inclination covered by the system is high, from 90 to 7.5 degrees. The system reports a low positional accuracy for the instrument tip. {\textcopyright} Springer-Verlag 2013.}, author = {S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Juan A. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Francisco M. and Pagador, Jos{\'{e}} B. and Oropesa, Ignacio and Lucas, Marcos and G{\'{o}}mez, Enrique J. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-38079-2_10}, isbn = {9783642380785}, issn = {16113349}, keywords = {Image-guided surgery,Laparoscopic tool tracking,Motion analysis,Optical pose tracker}, pages = {75--82}, title = {Technical evaluation of a third generation optical pose tracker for motion analysis and image-guided surgery}, volume = {7761 LNCS}, year = {2013} }
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J.B. Pagador, I. Oropesa, E.J. Gómez, J. Moreno. «Usefulness of an optical tracking system in laparoscopic surgery for motor skills assessment». Cirugía Española, In press, May, 2013.
J. A. Sánchez-Margallo, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. B. {Pagador Carrasco}, I. {Oropesa García}, E. J. {Gómez Aguilera}, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Utilidad de un sistema de seguimiento óptico de instrumental en cirugía laparoscópica para evaluación de destrezas motoras,» in Cirugia espanola, Madrid, 2014, p. 421–428.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-utilidad-seguimiento, abstract = {Introduction: The objective of this study is to assess the usefulness of an evaluation system of surgical skills based on motion analysis of laparoscopic instruments. Method: This system consists of a physical laparoscopic simulator and a tracking and assessment system of technical skills in laparoscopy. Six surgeons with intermediate experience (between 1 and 50 laparoscopic surgeries) and 5 experienced surgeons (more than 50 laparoscopic surgeries) took part in this study. All participants were right-handed. The subjects performed 3 repetitions of a cutting task on synthetic tissue with the right hand, dissection of a gastric serous layer, and a suturing task in the dissection previously done. Objective metrics such as time, path length, speed of movements, acceleration and motion smoothness were analyzed for the instruments of each hand. Results: In the cutting task, experienced surgeons show less acceleration (P= .014) and a smoother motion (P= .023) using the scissors. Regarding the dissection activity, experienced surgeons need less time (P= .006) and less length with both instruments (P= .006 for dissector and P= .01 for scissors). In the suturing task, experienced surgeons require less time (P= .037) and distance travelled (P= .041) by the dissector. Conclusions: This study shows the usefulness of the evaluation system for the cutting, dissecting, and suturing tasks. It represents a significant step in the development of advanced systems for training and assessment of surgical skills in laparoscopic surgery. {\textcopyright} 2012 AEC.}, author = {S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Juan A. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Francisco M. and {Pagador Carrasco}, Jos{\'{e}} B. and {Oropesa Garc{\'{i}}a}, Ignacio and {G{\'{o}}mez Aguilera}, Enrique J. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Cirugia Espanola}, doi = {10.1016/j.ciresp.2013.01.006}, issn = {1578147X}, keywords = {Assessment of surgical skills,Laparoscopy,Motor skills,Simulation}, number = {6}, pages = {421--428}, title = {Utilidad de un sistema de seguimiento óptico de instrumental en cirugía laparoscópica para evaluación de destrezas motoras}, volume = {92}, address = {Madrid}, year = {2014} }
F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.A. Sánchez Margallo, I. Oropesa García, E.J. Gómez Aguilera, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Evaluación objetiva de las destrezas quirúrgicas en laparoscopia urológica basada en análisis de los movimientos del instrumental». LXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Urología, Junio 12 – 15, 2010, Granada, Spain.
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, I. Oropesa, M. Lucas, J. Moreno, E.J. Gómez. «Comparative Study of Two Laparoscopic Instrument Tracker Designs for Motion Analysis and Image-Guided Surgery: A Technical Evaluation». XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2013), 25-28 September 2013, Seville, Spain.
J. A. Sanchez-Margallo, F. M. Sanchez-Margallo, I. Oropesa, M. Lucas, J. Moreno del Pozo, and E. J. Gomez, «Comparative study of two laparoscopic instrument tracker designs for motion analysis and image-guided surgery: a technical evaluation bt – 13th mediterranean conference on medical and biological engineering and computing 2013, medicon 2013, september 25,» in Ifmbe proceedings, Seville, 2014, p. 41–44.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-comparative, abstract = {Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are a key element in image-guided interventions, which requires high accuracy to be used in a real surgical scenario. In addition, these systems are a suitable option for objective assessment of laparoscopic technical skills based on instrument motion analysis. This study presents a new approach that improves the accuracy of a previously presented system, which applies an optical pose tracking system to laparoscopic practice. A design enhancement of the artificial markers placed on the laparoscopic instrument as well as an improvement of the calibration process are presented as a means to achieve more accurate results. A technical evaluation has been performed in order to compare the accuracy between the previous design and the new approach. Results show a remarkable improvement in the fluctuation error throughout the measurement platform. Moreover, the accumulated distance error and the inclination error have been improved. The tilt range covered by the system is the same for both approaches, from 90 to 7.5. The relative position error is better for the new approach mainly at close distances to the camera system. Springer International Publishing Swit zerland 2014.}, author = {Sanchez-Margallo, Juan Alberto and Sanchez-Margallo, F M and Oropesa, I and Lucas, M and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Gomez, E J}, booktitle = {IFMBE Proceedings}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-00846-2_10}, issn = {16800737}, keywords = {Biochemical engineering,Design,Instruments,Laparoscopy,Medical computing,Tracking (position)}, pages = {41--44}, title = {Comparative study of two laparoscopic instrument tracker designs for motion analysis and image-guided surgery: A technical evaluation BT - 13th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, MEDICON 2013, September 25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00846-2_10}, volume = {41}, address = {Seville}, year = {2014} }
J.B. Pagador Carrasco, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, L.F. Sánchez-Peralta, J.A. Sánchez Margallo, S. Enciso, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Objective assessment of basic laparoscopic skills using automatic video-based technique». Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol (volume, 7. sup, 2. pages, 305-313), 2012.
J.M. Repilado Regodón, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, M. Lucas, B. Pagador Carrasco, J. Moreno. «Wii Balance Board as a tool for ergonomic evaluation during surgical training». 24th Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT 2012), September, Barcelona-Sabadell, Spain.
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J.B. Pagador, I. Oropesa, M. Lucas, E.J. Gómez, J. Moreno. «Technical evaluation of a third generation optical pose tracker for motion analysis and image-guided Surgery». 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted (MICCAI 2012), Niza, France, October, 2012.
J. A. Sánchez-Margallo, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. B. Pagador, I. Oropesa, M. Lucas, E. J. Gómez, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Technical evaluation of a third generation optical pose tracker for motion analysis and image-guided surgery,» in Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), Berlin, 2013, p. 75–82.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-technical-evaluation, abstract = {Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are an essential component in image-guided interventions and offer new possibilities to improve and automate objective assessment methods of surgical skills. In this study we present our system design to apply a third generation optical pose tracker (Micron-Tracker{\textregistered}) to laparoscopic practice. A technical evaluation of this design is performed in order to analyze its accuracy in computing the laparoscopic instrument tip position. Results show a stable fluctuation error over the entire analyzed workspace. The relative position errors are 1.776±1.675 mm, 1.817±1.762 mm, 1.854±1.740 mm, 2.455±2.164 mm, 2.545±2.496 mm, 2.764±2.342 mm, 2.512±2.493 mm for distances of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 mm, respectively. The accumulated distance error increases with the measured distance. The instrument inclination covered by the system is high, from 90 to 7.5 degrees. The system reports a low positional accuracy for the instrument tip. {\textcopyright} Springer-Verlag 2013.}, author = {S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Juan A. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Francisco M. and Pagador, Jos{\'{e}} B. and Oropesa, Ignacio and Lucas, Marcos and G{\'{o}}mez, Enrique J. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-38079-2_10}, isbn = {9783642380785}, issn = {16113349}, keywords = {Image-guided surgery,Laparoscopic tool tracking,Motion analysis,Optical pose tracker}, pages = {75--82}, address = {Berlin}, title = {Technical evaluation of a third generation optical pose tracker for motion analysis and image-guided surgery}, volume = {7761 LNCS}, year = {2013} }
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, I. Oropesa, E. Gómez, J. Moreno. «Validación constructiva de un sistema de seguimiento óptico de instrumental laparoscópico para la evaluación de destrezas motoras». XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2012), San Sebastián, Spain, November, 2012.
J.M. Repilado, J.B. Pagador, M. Lucas, J. Moreno, F.M. Sánchez. «Estudio de la clasificación de las pisadas según zonas de máxima presión plantar con fines ergonómicos usando un sistema con dos Wii Balance Boards». XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2012), San Sebastián, Spain, November, 2012.
J.B. Pagador, L.F. Sánchez, J.L. Moyano, J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. Moreno. «Estudio sobre la distorsión estática producida por el instrumental laparoscópico en el dispositivo ARH». XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2012), San Sebastián, Spain, November, 2012.
PhD Thesis, Elsa Chinita Soares Rodrigues. «Desarrollo de una nueva metodología para la evaluación de software ergonómico en educación primaria». Advisor José Moreno. University of Extremadura, Polytechnic School of Cáceres. December 2012.
E. Chinita Soares Rodrigues, «Desarrollo de una nueva metodolog\’\ia para la evaluación de software ergonómico en educación primaria,» PhD Thesis, Universidad de Extremadura, 2012.
[Bibtex]@phdthesis{soares-desarrollo, title={Desarrollo de una nueva metodolog{\'\i}a para la evaluaci{\'o}n de software ergon{\'o}mico en educaci{\'o}n primaria}, author={Chinita Soares Rodrigues, Elsa}, year={2012}, school={Universidad de Extremadura}, note = {Advisor: Moreno del Pozo, Jose} }
J.B. Pagador Carrasco, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.A. Sánchez Margallo, J.L. Moyano García, E. J. Gomez Aguilera, J. Moreno del Pozo, J. Uson Gargallo. «Decomposition and analysis of laparoscopic suturing task using Tool-Motion Analysis (TMA): improving the objective assessment». International Journal of Computer Assisted radiology and Surgery. Vol 6 (suppl1) 262-263, 2011
J. B. Pagador, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, L. F. Sánchez-Peralta, J. A. Sánchez-Margallo, J. L. Moyano-Cuevas, S. Enciso-Sanz, J. Usón-Gargallo, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Decomposition and analysis of laparoscopic suturing task using tool-motion analysis (tma): improving the objective assessment,» in International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, Berlin, 2012, p. 305–313.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pagador-decomposition-laparoscopic, abstract = {PURPOSE: The laparoscopic suturing task is a complex procedure that requires objective assessment of surgical skills. Analysis of laparoscopic suturing task components was performed to improve current objective assessment tools.\n\nMETHODS: Twelve subjects participated in this study as three groups of four surgeons (novices, intermediates and experts). A box-trainer and organic tissue were used to perform the experiment while tool movements were recorded with the augmented reality haptic system. All subjects were right-handed and developed a surgeon's knot. The laparoscopic suturing procedure was decomposed into four subtasks. Different objective metrics were applied during tool-motion analysis (TMA). Statistical analysis was performed, and results from three groups were compared using the Jonckheere-Terpstra test, considering significant differences when P ≤ 0.05.\n\nRESULTS: Several first, second and fourth subtask metrics had significant differences between the three groups. Subtasks 1 and 2 had more significant differences in metrics than subtask 4. Almost all metrics showed superior task executions accomplished by experts (lower time, total path length and number of movements) compared with intermediates and novices.\n\nCONCLUSION: The most important subtasks during suture learning process are needle puncture and first knot. The TMA could be a useful objective assessment tool to discriminate surgical experience and could be used in the future to measure and certify surgical proficiency.}, author = {Pagador, J. B. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, F. M. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Peralta, L. F. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, J. A. and Moyano-Cuevas, J. L. and Enciso-Sanz, S. and Us{\'{o}}n-Gargallo, J. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery}, doi = {10.1007/s11548-011-0650-9}, issn = {18616410}, keywords = {ARH,Augmented reality haptic,Laparoscopic suturing,Minimally invasive surgery,Objective assessment,TMA,Tool-motion analysis}, number = {2}, pages = {305--313}, pmid = {21842396}, title = {Decomposition and analysis of laparoscopic suturing task using tool-motion analysis (TMA): Improving the objective assessment}, volume = {7}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2012} }
J.A. Sánchez Margallo, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, P. Bustos, J. Moreno del Pozo. «A laparoscopic hybrid simulator for skills assessment and augmented reality surgical applications». International Journal of Computer Assisted radiology and Surgery. Vol 6 (suppl1) 263-264. 2011.
J. A. Sanchez-Margallo, F. M. Sanchez-Margallo, J. B. Pagador, P. Bustos García, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «A laparoscopic hybrid simulator for skills assessment and augmented reality surgical applications,» in International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery.conference: computer assisted radiology and surgery – 25th international congress and exhibition, cars 2011 berlin germany.conference start: 20110622 conference end: 20110625.conference p, Berlin, 2011, p. June–.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-simulator-skills, abstract = {Purpose: In minimally invasive surgery, surgeons traditionally begin their surgical education by observing experienced surgeons in the operating rooms. However, objective assessment of the surgeons' skills is still a challenge, because nowadays there is no an automatic objective assessment method of basic laparoscopic surgical skills that are widely used [1]. During this evaluation process and execution of the training tasks by the surgeon, images displayed on monitors provide the main source of information for the surgeon. A real-time system for training assistance in laparoscopic surgery is presented. This system provides support visual content during the execution of the laparoscopic training procedures, tools to carry out an automatic three-dimensional video-based tracking of the laparoscopic instruments, and a more reliable image of the surgical scenario. Methods: To assist the laparoscopic training process, we insert support content into a stable position of the workspace using a visual tracking method of a point marked by the surgeon in the field of vision. A stereoscopic system inside the physical laparoscopic simulator SIMULAP-ICO5 (CCMIJU, Caceres, Spain) has been installed to track the position of the laparoscopic instrument during the training tasks (Fig. 1). To evaluate the system's precision in calculating the depth position of laparoscopic instruments, we computed the accumulated distance error [2]. (Figure presented) Results: We implemented a dynamic artificial environment which represents the working area of the training procedure to show the three-dimensional location of the laparoscopic instrument and the visual support content. The maximum depth error obtained by the tracking system is 5.750 mm at 415 mm from the stereo system (Fig. 2). Conclusion: The proposed system provides surgical assistance during the laparoscopic training process and performs a three-dimensional video-based tracking of the laparoscopic instrument's tip which is a useful tool to carry out an objective assessment of surgical skills. Similarly, this device is an important step in the development of surgical support scenarios based on Augmented Reality}, author = {Sanchez-Margallo, J A and Sanchez-Margallo, F M and Pagador, J B and Bustos García, Pablo and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.Conference: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - 25th International Congress and Exhibition, CARS 2011 Berlin Germany.Conference Start: 20110622 Conference End: 20110625.Conference P}, doi = {10.1007/s11548-011-0614-0}, isbn = {1861-6410}, issn = {1861-6410}, keywords = {*computer,*laparoscopy,*radiology,*simulator,*skill,*surgery,*videorecording,Application,Environment,Operating Rooms,Reality,Spain,accuracy,augmented realities,augmented reality,augmented-reality,device,education,error,evaluation,eye tracking,laparoscopic surgery,methods,minimally invasive surgery,operating room,procedures,simulator,skill,surgeon,surgery,surgical training,training,vision}, number = {pp S263-S264}, pages = {June--}, title = {A laparoscopic hybrid simulator for skills assessment and augmented reality surgical applications}, volume = {6}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2011} }
Pagador, JB; Sánchez, LF; Sánchez, JA; Bustos, P; Moreno, J; Sánchez-Margallo, FM. «Augmented Reality Haptic (ARH): An approach of electromagnetic tracking in Minimally Invasive Surgery». International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (2011 Mar; vol. 6(2):pags. 257-63;ISSN=1861-6429 )
J. B. Pagador, L. F. Sánchez, J. A. Sánchez, P. Bustos García, J. Moreno del Pozo, and F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, «Augmented reality haptic (arh): an approach of electromagnetic tracking in minimally invasive surgery,» in International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, Berlin, 2011, p. 257–263.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pagador-augmented-reality-hepatic, abstract = {PURPOSE: Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a widely used surgical technique that requires a long training process due to its difficulty and complexity. We developed an Augmented Reality Haptic (ARH) System based on electromagnetic tracking devices for use in creation training models (computer-enhanced trainers), in computer-assisted surgery or telemanipulation applications. METHOD: The ARH system consists currently in a Linux driver and a calibration protocol to acquire the tooltip position of conventional laparoscopic tools in real time. A Polhemus Isotrack({\textregistered}) II was used to track surgical endoscopic tooltip movements. The receiver was mounted on the tool handle in order to measure laparoscopic tools positions without complex modifications. Two validation tests were done to guarantee the proper functioning of the ARH system in a MIS environment. The first one checks the driver operation and the second measures the accuracy and reliability of the tooltip pose estimation process. RESULTS: Jitter and orientation errors for the first test were 2.00±0.10 and 2.00±0.09 mm, respectively. Relative position error of 0.25±0.06 cm for a distance of 5 cm was found. Jitter error for the second test was 127 ± 60, 117 ± 40 and 122 ± 39 mm in Z, Y and X rotations, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results obtained with the ARH system are sufficiently accurate for use in MIS training. A supplementary correction procedure would be necessary to use this ARH system in computer-assisted surgery or telemanipulation.}, author = {Pagador, J. B. and S{\'{a}}nchez, L. F. and S{\'{a}}nchez, J. A. and Bustos García, Pablo and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, F. M.}, booktitle = {International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery}, doi = {10.1007/s11548-010-0501-0}, isbn = {1861-6429 (Electronic)\r1861-6410 (Linking)}, issn = {18616410}, keywords = {Computer-assisted surgery,Electromagnetic device tracking,Minimally invasive surgery,Surgical assessment,Surgical training}, number = {2}, pages = {257--263}, pmid = {20596898}, title = {Augmented reality haptic (ARH): An approach of electromagnetic tracking in minimally invasive surgery}, volume = {6}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2011} }
Pagador JB, Usón J, Sánchez MA, Moyano JL, Moreno J, Bustos P, Mateos J, Sánchez-Margallo FM. «Electronic Device for Endosurgical Skills Training (EDEST): study of reliability». International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (2011 May; vol. 6(3):pags. 367-74)
J. B. Pagador, J. Uson, M. A. Sánchez, J. L. Moyano, J. Moreno del Pozo, P. Bustos García, J. Mateos Sánchez, and F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, «Electronic device for endosurgical skills training (edest): study of reliability,» in International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, Berlín, 2011, p. 367–374.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{pagador-electronic-device, abstract = {Purpose: Minimally Invasive Surgery procedures are commonly used in many surgical practices, but surgeons need specific training models and devices due to its difficulty and complexity. In this paper, an innovative electronic device for endosurgical skills training (EDEST) is presented. A study on reliability for this device was performed. Method: Different electronic components were used to compose this new training device. The EDEST was focused on two basic laparoscopic tasks: triangulation and coordination manoeuvres. A configuration and statistical software was developed to complement the functionality of the device. A calibration method was used to assure the proper work of the device. A total of 35 subjects (8 experts and 27 novices) were used to check the reliability of the system using the MTBF analysis. Results: Configuration values for triangulation and coordination exercises were calculated as 0.5 s limit threshold and 800-11,000 lux range of light intensity, respectively. Zero errors in 1,050 executions (0%) for triangulation and 21 errors in 5,670 executions (0.37%) for coordination were obtained. A MTBF of 2.97 h was obtained. Conclusions: The results show that the reliability of the EDEST device is acceptable when used under previously defined light conditions. These results along with previous work could demonstrate that the EDEST device can help surgeons during first training stages. {\textcopyright} 2010 CARS.}, author = {Pagador, J. B. and Uson, J. and S{\'{a}}nchez, M. A. and Moyano, J. L. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Bustos García, Pablo and Mateos Sánchez, José and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, F. M.}, booktitle = {International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery}, doi = {10.1007/s11548-010-0516-6}, isbn = {1154801005166}, issn = {18616410}, keywords = {Electronic device,Minimally invasive surgery,Skills training,Surgical assessment}, number = {3}, address = {Berlín}, pages = {367--374}, pmid = {20700663}, title = {Electronic device for endosurgical skills training (EDEST): Study of reliability}, volume = {6}, year = {2011} }
J. Franco Campos, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J.L. Moyano García, J. Moreno, P. Bustos, R. Leal, J.A. Fatás Cabeza, F.M. Sánchez Margallo. «Creation of a 3D catalog of the femur for 2D/3D shape registration». Proceedings, 25nd International Conference of the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), June 22 – 25, 2011, Berlin, Germany.
J. Franco Campos, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J.L. Moyano García, L.F. Sánchez-Peralta, J. Moreno, P. Bustos, J.I. Pérez Chávez, E. Hernández, R. Leal, F.M. Sánchez Margallo. «Evaluation of the Usefulness of a Low Cost Haptic Device for Computer Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery». Proceedings, 23rd Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT 11), September, 2011, Tel Aviv, Israel.
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. Usón, J.B. Pagador, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Sistemas basados en vídeo para la evaluación automática y objetiva de las habilidades técnicas laparoscópicas». Proceedings, XXXII Jornadas de Automática, September, 2011, Sevilla, Spain.
J. Repilado Regodón, J. Moreno del Pozo, B. Pagador Carrasco. «Análisis de la Wii Balance Board para su uso como plataforma de fuerza en estudios ergonómicos durante procedimientos quirúrgicos mínimamente invasivos». Proceedings, Asociación Española de Bioingeniería (CASEIB), November, 16-18, 2011, Cáceres, Spain.
P. Manzano Gómez, A. Hidalgo Paniagua, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Augmented Reality Books: software educational tool for surgeons in training». Proceedings, Asociación Española de Bioingeniería (CASEIB), November, 16-18, 2011, Cáceres, Spain
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J. Usón Gargallo, P. Bustos García de Castro, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Diseño de herramientas de seguimiento de instrumental laparoscópico basadas en vídeo para la evaluación de las habilidades quirúrgicas.» XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2011) November, 2011.
J. A. Sánchez-Margallo, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. B. Pagador, J. Usón, P. Bustos García, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Diseño de herramientas de seguimiento de instrumental laparoscópico basadas en vídeo para la evaluación de las habilidades quirúrgicas,» in Xxix congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (caseib 2011), Cáceres, 2011, p. 551–554.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-herramientas, author = {S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, J.A. and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, F.M. and Pagador, J.B. and Us{\'{o}}n, J. and Bustos García, Pablo and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Espa{\~{n}}ola de Ingenier{\'{i}}a Biom{\'{e}}dica (CASEIB 2011)}, pages = {551--554}, address = {Cáceres}, title = {Diseño de herramientas de seguimiento de instrumental laparoscópico basadas en vídeo para la evaluación de las habilidades quirúrgicas}, year = {2011} }
J.A. Sánchez-Margallo, F.M. Sánchez-Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J. Usón Gargallo, P. Sánchez-González, I. Oropesa García, E.J. Gómez Aguilera, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Sistema de seguimiento de instrumental laparoscópico basado en marcas artificiales: pruebas iniciales.» XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2011) November, 2011.
J. A. Sánchez Margallo, F. M. Sánchez Margallo, J. Pagador Carrasco, J. Uson Gargallo, P. Sánchez González, I. Oropesa Garc{‘i}a, E. J. Gómez Aguilera, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Sistema de seguimiento del instrumental laparoscópico basado en marcas artificiales: pruebas iniciales,» in Xxix congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingeniería biomédica (caseib 2011), Cáceres, 2011.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-sistema-seguimiento, title={Sistema de seguimiento del instrumental laparosc{\'o}pico basado en marcas artificiales: pruebas iniciales}, author={S{\'a}nchez Margallo, Juan Antonio and S{\'a}nchez Margallo, Francisco Miguel and Pagador Carrasco, JB and Uson Gargallo, Jes{\'u}s and S{\'a}nchez Gonz{\'a}lez, Patricia and Oropesa Garc{\'\i}a, Ignacio and G{\'o}mez Aguilera, Enrique J and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, year={2011}, booktitle = {XXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2011)}, address = {Cáceres} }
L.J. Manso, P. Bustos, P. Bachiller, J. Moreno. «Multi-cue Visual Obstacle Detection for Mobile Robots». Article, Journal of Physical Agents, ISSN 1888-0258. Vol 4, No 1, pp 3-10. January, 2010.
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, and P. Bachiller Burgos, «Multi-cue visual obstacle detection for mobile robots,» Journal of physical agents, vol. 4, iss. 1, p. 3–10, 2010. Red de agentes físicos.
[Bibtex]@article{manso-visual-obstacle, abstract = {Autonomous navigation is one of the most essential capabilities of autonomous robots. In order to navigate autonomously, robots need to detect obstacles. While many approaches achieve good results tackling this problem with lidar sensor devices, vision based approaches are cheaper and richer solutions. This paper presents an algorithm for obstacle detection using a stereo camera pair that overcomes some of the limitations of the existing state of the art algorithms and performs better in many heterogeneous scenarios. We use both geometric and color based cues in order to improve its robustness. The contributions of the paper are improvements to the state of the art on single and multiple cue obstacle detection algorithms and a new heuristic method for merging its outputs.}, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar}, issn = {18880258}, journal = {Journal of Physical Agents}, keywords = {[Autonomous robots, Obstacle detection, Visual nav}, number = {1}, publisher = {Red de Agentes Físicos}, pages = {3--10}, title = {Multi-cue visual obstacle detection for mobile robots}, volume = {4}, year = {2010} }
Juan A. Sánchez-Margallo, Francisco M. Sánchez-Margallo, José B. Pagador, Enrique J. Gómez, Patricia Sánchez-González, Jesús Usón, José Moreno. «Video-based assistance system for training in minimally invasive surgery». Editor, Springer Verlag, International Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, Australia. 2010
J. a Sánchez-Margallo, F. M. Sánchez-Margallo, J. B. Pagador, E. J. Gómez, P. Sánchez-González, J. Usón, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Video-based assistance system for training in minimally invasive surgery,» in Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : mitat : official journal of the society for minimally invasive therapy, New York, 2011, p. 197–205.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sanchez-margallo-video-based-assistance, abstract = {In this paper, the development of an assisting system for laparoscopic surgical training is presented. With this system, we expect to facilitate the training process at the first stages of training in laparoscopic surgery and to contribute to an objective evaluation of surgical skills. To achieve this, we propose the insertion of multimedia contents and outlines of work adapted to the level of experience of trainees and the detection of the movements of the laparoscopic instrument into the monitored image. A module to track the instrument is implemented focusing on the tip of the laparoscopic tool. This tracking method does not need the presence of artificial marks or special colours to distinguish the instruments. Similarly, the system has another method based on visual tracking to localize support multimedia content in a stable position of the field of vision. Therefore, this position of the support content is adapted to the movements of the camera or the working area. Experimental results are presented to show the feasibility of the proposed system for assisting in laparoscopic surgical training.}, author = {S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Juan a and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo, Francisco M and Pagador, Jos{\'{e}} B and G{\'{o}}mez, Enrique J and S{\'{a}}nchez-Gonz{\'{a}}lez, Patricia and Us{\'{o}}n, Jes{\'{u}}s and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies : MITAT : official journal of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy}, doi = {10.3109/13645706.2010.534243}, isbn = {1365-2931 (Electronic) 1364-5706 (Linking)}, issn = {1364-5706}, keywords = {laparoscopic instrument tracking,laparoscopy,training,video-based system,visual tracking}, number = {4}, pages = {197--205}, pmid = {21091379}, address = {New York}, title = {Video-based assistance system for training in minimally invasive surgery}, volume = {20}, year = {2011} }
Francisco M. Sánchez-Margallo, Juan A. Sánchez-Margallo, José B. Pagador, José L. Moyano, José Moreno, and Jesús Usón. «Ergonomic Assessment of Hand Movements in Laparoscopic Surgery Using the CyberGlove». Computational Biomechanics for Medicine (2010 Jun; vol. 2 cap 13 pags. 121-128).
Sánchez-Margallo, F. M, Sánchez-Margallo, J. A, Pagador, J. B, Moyano, J. L, J. Moreno del Pozo, and J. Usón, Ergonomic assessment of hand movements in laparoscopic surgery using the cyberglove, Springer, 2010.
[Bibtex]@book{sanchez-ergonomic-cyber-globe, title={Ergonomic assessment of hand movements in laparoscopic surgery using the CyberGlove}, author={S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo and Francisco M and S{\'{a}}nchez-Margallo and Juan A and Pagador and Jos{\'{e}} B and Moyano and Jos{\'{e}} L and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Us{\'{o}}n, Jes{\'{u}}s}, booktitle={Computational Biomechanics for Medicine}, pages={121--128}, year={2010}, publisher={Springer} }
J.A. Sánchez Margallo, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J.L. Moyano García, E. J. Gomez Aguilera, J. Moreno del Pozo, J. Uson Gargallo. «Development of a video-based system for assistance in laparoscopic surgical training». Proceedings, 22nd International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT), September 2 – 4, 2010, Trondheim, Norway.
J. Franco Campos, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J.L. Moyano García, J. Moreno del Pozo, P. Bustos, R. Leal, F.M. Sánchez Margallo. «An approach to a new fluoroscopic X-ray image to a CT-like atlas registration algorithm of long bone fracture sites». Proceedings, 22nd International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT), September 2 – 4, 2010, Trondheim, Norway.
J.A. Sánchez Margallo, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, F.J. Pérez Duarte, M.A. Sánchez Hurtado, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Estudio comparativo de la distorsión de la imagen en nuevos abordajes en cirugía de mínima invasión: NOTES y LESS». Proceedings, Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), November 24 – 26, 2010, Madrid, Spain
F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, L.F. Sánchez-Peralta, J.A. Sánchez Margallo, S. Enciso, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Estudios de validez de un dispositivo háptico de realidad aumentada (ARH) para la evaluación objetiva de la sutura laparoscópica intracorpórea». Proceedings, XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Cirugía, November, 2010, Madrid, Spain.
S. F. M. Margallo, P. J. B. Carrasco, L. F. Sánchez-Peralta, S. J. A. Margallo, S. Enciso, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Estudios de validez de un dispositivo háptico de realidad aumentada (arh) para la evaluación objetiva de la sutura laparoscópica intracorpórea,» in Xxviii congreso nacional de cirugía, Madrid, 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{arh-estudio-validez, author = {F.M. S{\'{a}}nchez Margallo and J.B. Pagador Carrasco and L.F. S{\'{a}}nchez-Peralta and J.A. S{\'{a}}nchez Margallo and S. Enciso and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, title = {Estudios de validez de un dispositivo háptico de realidad aumentada (ARH) para la evaluación objetiva de la sutura laparoscópica intracorpórea}, booktitle = {XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Cirugía}, address = {Madrid}, year = {2010} }
Sánchez-Margallo, FM; Sánchez-Margallo, JA; Pagador, JB, Moyano, JL; Usón, J; Bustos, P; Moreno, J. «Sistema de análisis de vídeo laparoscópico para la asistencia durante la formación en cirugía de mínima invasión». Cirugía Española (2010 Dec; vol. 88:pags. 59;ISSN=0009-739X).
Luis J. Manso, Pablo Bustos, Pilar Bachiller, Jose Moreno. «Obstacle Detection on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using Color and Geometric Cues». Proceedings, X Workshop de Agentes Físicos (WAF’2009), pp 95-101. September 10 – 11, 2009, Cáceres, Spain.
L. J. Manso Argüelles, P. Bustos García, P. Bachiller Burgos, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Obstacle Detection on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using Color and Geometric Cues,» in Workshop of physical agents, Caceres, Spain, 2009, p. 95–101.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{manso-obstacle-detection, abstract = {Autonomous navigation is one of the most essen- tial capabilities of autonomous robots. In order to navigate autonomously, robots need to detect obstacles. While many approaches achieve good results tackling this problem with lidar sensor devices, vision based approaches are cheaper and richer solutions. This paper presents an algorithm for obstacle detection using a stereo camera pair that overcomes some of the limitations of the existing algorithms and performs better on heterogeneous circumstances. We use both geometric and color based cues in order to improve its robustness. The contributions of the paper are improvements to the state of the art on single and multiple cue obstacle detection algorithms and a new heuristic method for merging its outputs.}, author = {Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Bustos García, Pablo and Bachiller Burgos, Pilar and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents}, address = {Caceres, Spain}, pages = {95--101}, title = {{Obstacle Detection on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using Color and Geometric Cues}}, url = {http://www.jopha.net/waf/index.php/waf/waf09/paper/viewPDFInterstitial/49/39}, year = {2009} }
J. De Matías, J.J. Guerrero, J. Moreno. «A multi-view dense reconstruction for rock glacier modelling». Proceedings, 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, September 9 – 12, 2009, Vienna, Austria.
D. M. Bejarano, Javier, J. Moreno del Pozo, and G. C. J. J., «A multi-view dense reconstruction for rock glacier modelling,» in Vsmm 2009 – proceedings of the 15th international conference on virtual systems and multimedia, Viena, Austria, 2009, p. 163–168.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{muti-view-reconstruction, abstract = {Rock glacier is a rare case of study for 3D modelling. This type of models has particular properties which make it a special application for multi-view stereo reconstruction algorithms. In this work we analize different types of methods for dense reconstruction from wide base-line views. Besides that we select a method which was adapted and implemented for the specific case of rock glacier modelling. Principally we add two suitable innovations: implement a pyramidal image structure for get more efficient computation and use a feature-based method to obtain a initial terrain surface and improve the depth estimation. The proposed method has been tested in a real rock glacier example (Veleta in Sierra Nevada, Spain) with good results.}, author = {De Mat??as Bejarano and Javier and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Guerrero Campo Jos?? J.}, booktitle = {VSMM 2009 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia}, doi = {10.1109/VSMM.2009.30}, isbn = {9780769537900}, keywords = {Computer vision,Dense reconstruction,Photogrammetry,Rock glaciers}, number = {September}, pages = {163--168}, address = {Viena, Austria}, title = {A multi-view dense reconstruction for rock glacier modelling}, year = {2009} }
J.A. Sánchez Margallo, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J.L. Moyano García, J. M. Asencio Pascual, J. Moreno del Pozo, J. Uson Gargallo. «Estudio de la angulación de la articulación de la muñeca durante la Cirugía Laparoscópica». Proceedings, XXVII Reunión Anual de cirugía, October 24, 2009, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
J.A. Sánchez Margallo, F.M. Sánchez Margallo, J.B. Pagador Carrasco, J.L. Moyano García, J. Moreno del Pozo, J. Uson Gargallo. «Automatic method for assessment of wrist movement in laparoscopic surgery». Proceedings, 21st Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT’09), October 7 – 9, 2009, Sinaia, Romania.
E.R. Rodrigues, J. Moreno. «Main Path to learning using interactive Adjustable Software». Proceedings, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2009), November 16 – 18, 2009, Madrid, Spain.
- E. R. Rodrigues and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Main path to learning using interactive adjustable software,» in International conference of education, research and innovation (iceri2009), Madrid, Spain, 2009, pp. 2506-2513.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{main-path-to-learning, author = {Rodrigues, E.R. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, title = {MAIN PATH TO LEARNING USING INTERACTIVE ADJUSTABLE SOFTWARE}, series = {2nd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation}, booktitle = {International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2009)}, isbn = {978-84-613-2953-3}, issn = {2340-1095}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, month = {16-18 November, 2009}, year = {2009}, pages = {2506-2513}}
J. de Matías Bejarano, J.J. Guerrero Campos, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Una aproximación al desarrollo de un restituidor digital automático». Proceedings, Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica, January 3, 2008, Valencia, Spain.
J. de Matías Bejarano, J. Moreno del Pozo, J.J. Guerrero Campos. «Automatización de trabajos fotogramétricos mediante técnicas de visión artificial. Automatización de trabajos fotogramétricos mediante técnicas de visión artificial». Proceedings, Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica, January 3, 2008, Valencia, Spain.
J. D. Matías, J. Moreno del Pozo, and J. J. Guerrero, «Automatización de trabajos fotogramétricos mediante técnicas de visión artificial,» in Congreso internacional de ingeniería geomática y topográfica, Valencia, 2008.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{automatizacion-trabajos-fotogrametricos, author = {Mat{\'{i}}as, Javier De and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Guerrero, Jos{\'{e}} J}, title = {Automatización de trabajos fotogramétricos mediante técnicas de visión artificial}, booktitle = {Congreso Internacional De Ingeniería Geomática Y Topográfica}, address = {Valencia}, year = {2008} }
Elsa Soares, Vicente Grau and José Moreno. «Desenvolvimento de Software Interactivo Educacional, para o primer Ciclo Básico». Revista E-Ciencia, Volumen I, pages 13-15. Lisboa, 2007.
E. Soares Rodrigues, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Uma proposta para o desenvolvimento de software educacional». Proceedings, International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, March 11, 2007, Monguaguá e Santos, Brazil.
F.J. Gómez Morcillo, J.A. Gutiérrez Gallego, J.M. Paniagua Sánchez, A. Jiménez Barco, M. Rufo Pérez, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Mapa magnético de la ciudad de Cáceres». Proceedings, XIV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica, June, 2007, Santander, Spain.
F.J. Gómez Morcillo, J.A. Gutiérrez Gallego, J.M. Paniagua Sánchez, A. Jiménez Barco, M. Rufo Pérez, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. Antolín Salazar. «Sistema de información geográfica para el estudio de campos magnéticos en la ciudad de Cáceres». Proceedings, III Congreso Internacional de ordenación del Territorio, July, 2007, Guijón, Spain.
E. Soares Rodrigues, J. Moreno del Pozo. «An Approach for Interactive Educational Software in a Classroom Setting». Proceedings, IV International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education, November 22, 2006, Sevilla, Spain.
V. Masero, J.M. León-Rojas, J. Moreno del Pozo, J.B. Pagador. «Active Contour On The Basis of inertia». Proceedings, ACM symposium on Applied computing, March 14 – 17, 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus.
J. B. Pagador, J. Moreno del Pozo, V. Mosero, and J. M. León-Rojas, «Active contour on the basis of inertia,» in Proceedings of the 2004 acm symposium on applied computing – sac ’04, New York, 2004, p. 307.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{active-contour-inertia, author = {Pagador, J. B. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Mosero, V. and Le{\'{o}}n-Rojas, J. M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC '04}, doi = {10.1145/967900.967965}, isbn = {1581138121}, number = {January}, pages = {307}, title = {Active contour on the basis of inertia}, address = {New York}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=967900.967965}, year = {2004} }
J.M. Paniagua Sánchez, J. Moreno del Pozo, J. M. Martín. «Percolación en gradientes generados por difusión». Proceedings, XXVII Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, August, 2004, Valencia, Spain.
J.M. Paniagua Sánchez, A.S. Baeza Espasa J. Moreno del Pozo, J.A. Galeano, J. Nieto, F. Vinagre Arias, I. Esparrago, J.F. Guerra. «Diseño de experiencias de radiactividad ambiental para alumnos de enseñanzas medias». Proceedings, XXVII Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, August, 2004, Valencia, Spain.
PhD Thesis, Juan Miguel León Rojas. «Comparison judgments, linguistic inferences and decision acts in effectively computable knowledge representation systems based on vague shaped units». Advisor José Moreno. University of Extremadura, Polytechnic School of Cáceres. July 2003
J. M. León Rojas, «Comparison judgments, linguistic inferences and decision acts in effectively computable knowledge representation systems based on vague shaped units,» PhD Thesis, Escuela Politécnica, 2003.
[Bibtex]@phdthesis{comparison-judgemnts, author = {León Rojas, Juan Miguel}, title = {{Comparison judgments, linguistic inferences and decision acts in effectively computable knowledge representation systems based on vague shaped units}}, year = {2003}, school = {Escuela Politécnica}, note = {Advisor: Moreno del Pozo, Jose} }
J.J. de Sanjosé Blasco, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. Bejarano Borrega. «Fotogrametría digital automática aplicada al estudio de estructuras geomorfológicas dinámicas. Aplicación sobre el glaciar rocoso de las Argualas». Proceedings, Congreso Nacional de Teledetección, September 17 – 19, 2003, Cáceres, Spain.
S. J. J. de Blasco, J. Moreno del Pozo, and B. A. Borrega, «Fotogrametría digital automática aplicada al estudio de estructuras geomorfológicas dinámicas. aplicación sobre el glaciar rocoso de las argualas,» in Congreso nacional de teledetección, Cáceres (España), 2003.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{fotogrametria-digital-glaciar, author = {J.J. de Sanjos{\'{e}} Blasco and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and A. Bejarano Borrega}, keywords = {climatolog{\'{i}}a,geodesia,sistemas}, title = {Fotogrametría digital automática aplicada al estudio de estructuras geomorfológicas dinámicas. Aplicación sobre el glaciar rocoso de las Argualas}, address = {Cáceres (España)}, booktitle = {Congreso Nacional de Teledetección}, year = {2003} }
Del Río Pérez L. Mariano, Alvarez LLorente J. María, Pewsey Arthur y Moreno, José. «Prácticas de simulación sobre la teoría microscópica de los dieléctricos». Revista Española de Física, Volumen 16, pages 46-49. Madrid, 2002.
Valentín Masero, Juan M. León-Rojas and José Moreno. «Volume Reconstruction for Health Care: A survey of Computacional Methods». Techniques in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics, volumen 980, pages 198-211, 2002, New York.
J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, V. Masero, J.M. León, F.M. Andrés, C. Nuevo, J. Chambel. «Tutor + Editor de Mundos 3D = Diedricad». Meridionália. Revista do Pálo de Beja da Universidade Moderna, volumen 2, pages 265-274, 2001, Portugal.
Valentín Masero, Juan M. León-Rojas and José Moreno, A.M. Silva. «Sistema de Reconstrucción Automática Tridimensional de Imágenes Radiológicas para Telemedicina». Novótica-ATI. Monográfico: Las TIC Factor de Cambio en la Sanidad, volumen 149, pages 26-29, 2001.
Valentín Masero, Juan M. León-Rojas and José Moreno, A.M. Silva. «Automatic Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Radiological Images for Telediagnosis». Informatik/Informatique-SVI/FSI (Swiss Federation of Professional Informatics Societies), volumen 2, pages 13-16, 2001.
V. Masero, J. M. León-Rojas, J. Moreno del Pozo, and A. M. Silva, «Automatic three-dimensional reconstruction of radiological images for telediagnosis.» 2001.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{three-dimensional-telediagnosis, author = {Valent{\'{i}}n Masero and Juan M. Le{\'{o}}n-Rojas and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and A.M. Silva}, title = {Automatic Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Radiological Images for Telediagnosis}, journal = {Informatik/Informatique-SVI/FSI (Swiss Federation of Professional Informatics Societies)}, publisher = {Automatic Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Radiological Images for Telediagnosis}, year = {2001} }
Valentín Masero, Juan M. León-Rojas and José Moreno, A.M. Silva. «An Information System for Automatic Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Radiological Images for Telediagnosis». Upgrade-CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies), volumen 2, pages 21-24, 2001.
Paniagua J.M., Sánchez J.M., José Moreno, Jiménez A., De la Montaña M. «Rutherford simple and multiple scattering by computer simulation». European Journal of Physics, volumen 22, pages 157-167, 2001.
P. J.M., S. J.M., J. Moreno del Pozo, J. A., and D. M. la M, «Rutherford simple and multiple scattering by computer simulation,» European journal of physics, 2001. Iop publishing.
[Bibtex]@article{rutherford-simple-scattering, author = {Paniagua J.M. and S{\'{a}}nchez J.M. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Jim{\'{e}}nez A. and De la Monta{\~{n}}a M}, title = {Rutherford simple and multiple scattering by computer simulation}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, year = {2001} }
E.S. Mahon, J.A. Fernández Amigot, Antonio Baeza Espasa, María C. Moro Benito, D. G. Pomar, J. Moreno y J.M. Lanaja del Busto «Proyecto MARNA. Mapa de radiación Natural». Book, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, 2001.
V. Masero Vargas, J. Moreno del Pozo, J.M. León Rojas, A.M. Silva Luengo. «Telediagnóstico basado en Reconstrucciones Tridimensionales construidas mediante Técnicas de Procesamiento de Imágenes». Proceedings, IV Congreso Nacional de Informática de la Salud-Aplicaciones Biomédicas, March 1 – 2, 2001, Madrid, Spain.
V. Masero Vargas, A.M. Silva Luengo, J.M. León Rojas, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. Antolín Salazar. «Segmentation of MR Images for 3D Volume Reconstruction». Proceedings, I International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, June 25 – 28, 2001, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. León Rojas, V. Masero Vargas, A.M. Silva Luengo, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. Antolín Salazar. «Selection Making using a Nearness Indicator based on Fuzzified -Percentiling». Proceedings, Workshop on Preference Modelling and Applications, April 1, 2001, Granada, Spain.
J.M. León Rojas, V. Masero Vargas, A.M. Silva Luengo, J. Moreno del Pozo. «A Type 2 Fuzzy Based Indicator of the Compatibility between Versatile Agents Teams and Task Sets». Proceedings, I International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 25 – 28, 2001, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. León Rojas, A.M. Silva Luengo, V. Masero Vargas, J. Moreno del Pozo. «Two Type 2 fuzzy Set Applicatipns in Image Processing:Linguistics Pixels and Foreign Body Recognition from Tomographies». Proceedings, I International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 25 – 28, 2001, Las Vegas, USA.
J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, V. Masero, F. Andrés, J.M. León.«Focus: A New Algoritm for Measure and count.pollen grains». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques. in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 25 – 28, 2001, Las Vegas, USA.
J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, V. Masero, F. Andrés, J.M. León.«AutoFocus Algoritm to complete the Automation of a Pollen Grains Classifier System». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques. in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 25 – 28, 2001, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. Paniagua Sánchez, A. Jiménez Barco, M. Rufo Pérez, J.A. Gutiérrez Gallego, F.J. Gómez Morcillo, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. Antolín Salazar. «Map of magnetic fields in the city of Cáceres (Spain): Integration into a geographic information system». Proceedings, 5th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association, September 6 – 8, 2001, Helsinki, Finland.
A.M. Silva, J.M. León, J. Moreno, V. Masero.«Un Modelo Evolutivo de Optimización de Particiones Difusas basado en Políticas Predictivas». X Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy, ISBN: 84-699-3040-0, 2000, Sevilla, Spain.
A.M. Silva, J.M. León, J. Moreno, V. Masero.«Un Enfoque Icónico para la Enseñanza de Programación de Ordenadores a Personas con Necesidades Especiales de Aprendizaje. Tecnologías de Apoyo para la Discapacidad Iberdiscap». IBERDISCAP 2000, ISBN: 84-699-3253-5.
A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, J.M. León, V. Masero. «Una Interfaz Tridimensional para la Interactividad Hombre/Máquina de Personas con discapacidades Sensoriales. Tecnologías de Apoyo para la Discapacidad Iberdiscap». IBERDISCAP, ISBN: 84-699-3253-5, 2000.
Masero V., Moreno J., Silva A.M., Andrés F., Chambel J. y Usón J.«Image Processing from Computerized Tomography Images: Virtual Recognstruction for Telediagnosis». Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, volumen 6, pages 94-96, 2000.
Masero V., Moreno J., Silva A.M., Andrés F., Chambel J. y Usón J.«Telereconstruction from Computerized Tomography Images for Distance Teaching of Medicine». Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, volumen 6, pages 90-94, 2000.
J.M. León, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, M. Morales. «Malla de Divergencias entre Conjuntos Borrosos». Proceedings, XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, pp 795-796, April 10, 2000, Vigo, Spain
J.M. León, J. Moreno, M. Morales. «Divergencias cruzadas entre conjuntos borrosos». Proceedings, XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, pp 797-798, April 10, 2000, Vigo, Spain.
J.M. León, J. Moreno, M. Morales. «Una Familia de Divergencias entre Conjuntos Borrosos». Proceedings, XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, pp 797-798, April 10, 2000, Vigo, Spain.
V. Masero, J. Moreno. «Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction of Radiological Images:an Active Contours Application». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. León, A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, M. Morales. «Lambda-Divergences Analysis in Hand Motor-Skills Evaluation and Rehabilitation Processes». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. León, A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, M. Morales. «Application of the (,)-Divergences between -Probabilistic Sets in Hand Motor-Skills Evaluation and Rehabilitation Processes». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. León, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, M. Morales, F. Andrés. «Lambda-Similarity Inference of Characteristical Symptomatologies and Bayesian Diagnosis based upon a Large Collection of Clinical Histories». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
F. Andrés, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, J.M. León. «Kappa: A New Methodology to Measure and Count Pollen Grains». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
A.M. Silva, J.M. León, J. Moreno. «Inference of Symptomatologies and Diagnosis using Fuzzy Automata Optimization Techniques». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, J.M. León, F. Andrés. «Hierarchical Hand Gesture Recognition Model for Virtual Reality Applications in Medicine». Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), June 1, 2000, Las Vegas, USA.
J.M. León, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, M. Morales. «A Family of Divergences between Phi-Probablistics Sets with Application to Handshape Recognition». Proceedings, 8th International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition + 3rd International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition IAPR Joint Workshops on Statistical, Structural and SyntacticalPattern Recognition (S+SSPR), August 23, 2000, Alicante, Spain.
J. M. León, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. M. Silva, and M. Morales, «A family of divergences between phi-probablistics sets with application to handshape recognition,» in 8th international workshop on structural and syntactic pattern recognition +3rd international workshop on statistical techniques in pattern recognition iapr joint workshops on statistical, structural and syntactical pattern recognition — s+sspr 2000 — icp, Alicante, Spain, 2000.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{family-divergences-phi-probablistics, author = {J.M. Le{\'{o}}n and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and A.M. Silva and M. Morales}, title = {A Family of Divergences between Phi-Probablistics Sets with Application to Handshape Recognition}, year = {2000}, booktitle = {8th International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition +3rd International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition IAPR Joint Workshops on Statistical, Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition — S+SSPR 2000 — ICP}, address = {Alicante, Spain} }
J.M. Barrigón, J.M. León, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, V. Masero, F. Andrés, R. González. «SpyEyes: Go through Universe». Proceedings, 16th. IFIP World Computer Congress — ICEUT. Educational Uses of Communication and Information Technologies, August 1, 2000, Beijing, China.
J.M. León, M. Morales, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, V. Masero, F. Andrés, J.M. Barrigón. «Computer Assisted Learning of Alternative and Augmentative Global Communication Systems». Proceedings, 16th. IFIP World Computer Congress and ICEUT. Educational Uses of Communication and Information Technologies, August 1, 2000, Beijing, China.
V. Masero, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, J.M. León, F. Andrés, J. Usón, J.M. Barrigón. «A Model for Teleteaching of 3D Reconstruction of Medical Images». Proceedings, 16th. IFIP World Computer Congress and ICEUT. Educational Uses of Communication and Information Technologies, August 1, 2000, Beijing, China.
A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, J.M. León, V. Masero, F. Andrés, J.M. Barrigón, A. Molinero. «Babe++: Visual Approach to Kids Programing Comprehension». Proceedings, 16th. IFIP World Computer Congress and ICEUT. Educational Uses of Communication and Information Technologies, August 1, 2000, Beijing, China.
J. Moreno, V. Masero, A.M. Silva, J.M. León, C. Nuevo. «Tutor + Editor de Mundos 3D = Diedricad». I International Congress in Quality and Innovation Technical Education, September 22, ISBN: 84-7585-380-3, 2000, San Sebastián, Spain.
J. Moreno, V. Masero, A.M. Silva, J.M. León, C. Nuevo. «Tutor + Editor de Mundos 3D = Diedricad». Proceedings, VIII Congreso de Innovación Educativa en Enseñanzas Técnicas, September 22, 2000, San Sebastián, Spain.
V. Masero, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, J.M. León, J.M. Barrigón, J. Usón. «Teleteaching of Digital Image Processing and 3D Visualization applied to Medical Imaging». Proceedings, I International Congress in Quality and in Technical Education Innovation, September 22, 2000, San Sebastián, Spain.
J.M. Barrigón, J.M. León, A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, V. Masero, R. Gonález. «Prácticas Computerizadas de Astronomía: Experimente con el Universo». I International Congress in Quality and in Technical Education Innovation, ISBN: 84-7585-380-3, 2000, San Sebastián, Spain.
J.M. León, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, V. Masero, M. Morales, J.M. Barrigón. «E/A Asistida por Computador de Sistemas de Comunicación basados en Signos». Proceedings, ISBN: 84-7585-376-5, I International Congress in Quality and in Technical Education Innovation, September 22, 2000, San Sebastián, Spain.
A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, J.M. León, V. Masero. «A Dynamic Approach to Human Gesture Recognition». Proceedings, I International Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects IAPR — AMDO — ICPR Satellite Event, September 3, 2000, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
J.M. León, M. Morales, A.M. Silva, J. Moreno, V. Masero. «Happy: un Sistema de Ayuda por Computador para el Aprendizaje de Sistemas de Comunicación basados en Signos Gestuales y Gráficos». Proceedings, III Congreso Iberoamericano de Comunicación Alternativa y Aumentativa y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo para la Discapacidad, October 18, 2000, Madrid, Spain.
V. Masero, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, J. Chambel, J. Usón. «Image Processing for Telereconstruction from CT Images: a Virtual Reconstruction for Telediagnosis». Proceedings, 1st. International Congress on Telehealth and Multimedia Technologies, August 8, 1999, Edmonton, Canada.
V. Masero, J. Moreno, A.M. Silva, J. Chambel, J. Usón. «A Virtual 3D Reconstruction for Teleteaching of Medicine: Telereconstruction from CT Images». Proceedings, 1st. International Congress on Telehealth and Multimedia Technologies, August 8, 1999, Edmonton, Canada.
Moreno J., León J.M. y Silva A.M.«Sistema de Traducción Automática del Lenguaje de Signos Español». Novatica, volumen 136, pages 60-65, 1998.
J. Moreno, L.M. Del Río Pérez, A. Baeza Espasa, N. González Jiménez. «Programa RSU para la gestión integrada de la recolección de residuos Sólidos Urbanos». Proceedings, XXII Reunión de Estudios Regionales, November 11, 1997, Valencia, Spain.
Janczuk B., Bruque J.M., González-Martín J.M., Moreno del Pozo J.,A. Zdziennicka y F. Quintana Gragera.«The Usefullnes of the Ecuation of State for Interfacial Tensions Estimation in Some Liquid- Liquid and Solid-Liquid Systems». J. Colloids and Interface Sci., volumen 181, pages 108-117, 1996.
B. Jańczuk, J. M. Bruque, M. L. Gonzalez-Martin, J. Moreno del Pozo, A. Zdziennicka, and F. Quintana-Gragera, «The usefulness of the equation of state for interfacial tensions estimation in some liquid – liquid and solid – liquid systems,» in Journal of colloid and interface science, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 108–117.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{usefulness-liquid-solid, author = {Ja{\'{n}}czuk, B. and Bruque, J.M. and Gonzalez-Martin, M.L. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Zdziennicka, A. and Quintana-Gragera, F.}, booktitle = {Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, keywords = {4,be a,contact angle,equation of state for,interfacial tension,liquid and solid surface,liquid interfacial tension to,parameter of interfacial interac-,tension,they proposed the solid,tions,unique function of the}, pages = {108--117}, address = {Amsterdam}, title = {The Usefulness of the Equation of State for Interfacial Tensions Estimation in Some Liquid – Liquid and Solid – Liquid Systems}, volume = {117}, year = {1996} }
Janczuk B., Bruque J.M., González-Martín J.M., Dorado C.,Moreno del Pozo J.«The Relationship between Interfacial Free Energy of Micellization of Triton X-100». J. Colloids and Interface Sci., volumen 176, pages 352-355, 1995.
B. Janczuk, M. L. GonzalezMartin, J. M. Bruque, C. DoradoCalasanz, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «The relationship between the interfacial free energy and the free energy of micellization of triton x-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfonate,» in Journal of colloid and interface science, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 352–357.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{relationship-interfacial, abstract = {The contact angles for water and Triton X-100 on Teflon; for water, glycerol, formamide, and diiodomethane on Teflon covered with a Triton X-100 film and a sodium dodecyl sulfonate film and glass covered with a sodium dodecyl sulfonate film; and for water, glycerol, and diiodomethane on glass were measured, Also, the surface tension of Triton X-100 and the interfacial tensions of Triton X-100-n-dodecane and Triton X-100-diiodomethane were measured. From the results of these measurements, the Lifshitz-van der Waals component and the electron-acceptor and electron-donor parameters of the acid-base component of the apolar and polar moieties of Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfonate were determined. Next, taking into account the molecular dimensions of these surfactants, the free energy of interfacial interaction through water was calculated for the apolar and polar parts of Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfonate. Also, the electrostatic free energy of interactions between DSs(-) ions was evaluated. Good agreement between the free energy of micellization obtained from the cmc data and the free energy of interaction between molecules of surfactant through water was found. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.}, author = {Janczuk, B and GonzalezMartin, M L and Bruque, J M and DoradoCalasanz, C and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, doi = {10.1006/jcis.1995.9958}, isbn = {0021-9797}, issn = {00219797}, keywords = {acid-base interactions,adsorption,components,contact-angle measurements,interfacial free energy,lifshitz-van der waals interactions,liquids,micellization,sodium dodecyl sulfonate,sulfates,surface free-energy,tension,triton x-100,water}, number = {2}, pages = {352--357}, title = {The relationship between the interfacial free energy and the free energy of micellization of triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfonate}, address = {Amsterdam}, volume = {176}, year = {1995} }
Janczuk B., Bruque J.M., González-Martín J.M., Moreno del Pozo J.«The Surface Free Energy of Fluorite in Presence of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate». Powder Technology, volumen 80, pages 127-131, 1994.
J. B., B. J.M., G. J.M., and J. Moreno del Pozo, «The surface free energy of fluorite in presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate,» in Powder technology, Amsterdam, 1994, p. 0–4.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{surface-free-energy, author = {Janczuk B. and Bruque J.M. and Gonz{\'{a}}lez-Mart{\'{i}}n J.M. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Powder Technology}, number = {94}, pages = {0--4}, address = {Amsterdam}, title = {The surface free energy of fluorite in presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate}, volume = {6779}, year = {1994} }
Janczuk B., Bruque J.M., González-Martín J.M., Moreno del Pozo J.«The Influence of Oleate Absortion at the Fluorite/Water Interface on Fluorite Surface Energy». Applied Surface Science, volumen 72, pages 201-207, 1993.
B. Janczuk, M. L. Gonzalez-Martin, J. M. Bruque, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «The influence of oleate adsorption on fluorite surface free energy at the fluorite / water interface,» in Applied surface science, Amsterdam, 1993.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{influence-oleate-adsorption, author = {Janczuk, B. and Gonzalez-Martin, M. L. and Bruque, J. M. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Applied Surface Science}, address = {Amsterdam}, title = {The influence of oleate adsorption on fluorite surface free energy at the fluorite / water interface}, year = {1993} }
Janczuk B., Bruque J.M., González-Martín J.M., Moreno del Pozo J.«Determination of Components of Casiterite Surface Free Energy». J. Colloids and Interface Science, volumen 161, pages 209-222, 1993.
B. Jańczuk, J. Bruque, M. González-Martín, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Determination of components of cassiterite surface free energy from contact angle measurements,» Journal of colloid and interface science, vol. 161, iss. 1, p. 209–222, 1993. Elsevier.
[Bibtex]@article{determination-free-energy, title={Determination of components of cassiterite surface free energy from contact angle measurements}, author={Ja{\'{n}}czuk, B and Bruque, JM and Gonz{\'{a}}lez-Mart{\'{i}}n, ML and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, volume={161}, number={1}, pages={209--222}, year={1993}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Janczuk B., Bruque J.M., González-Martín J.M., Moreno del Pozo J.«Wettabbility and Surface Tension of Fluorite». Colloids and Surface A., volumen 75, pages 163-168, 1993.
B. Jańczuk, J. M. Bruque, M. L. González-Martín, and J. Moreno del Pozo, «Wettability and surface tension of fluorite,» in Colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, Amsterdam, 1993, p. 163–168.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{wettability-surface, abstract = {Measurements of the contact angle for water, glycerol, formamide, diiodomethane and bromoform on a fluorite surface with different initial treatments were carried out. Using the measured values of contact angle, the Lifshitz-van der Waals and the acid-base components of the surface tension of fluorite were calculated. The electron-acceptor and electron-donor parts of the acid-base component were also determined. From these results it appears that "dry" fluorite is hydrophobic and that only Lifshitz-van der Waals intermolecular interactions are the origin of its surface tension. Under the influence of water, HF and Ca(OH)2 aqueous solutions, the fluorite surface exhibits hydrophilic behaviour, and its tension, apart from Lifshitz-van der Waals intermolecular interactions, results from acid-base interactions due to the hydration process taking place in the treatment. {\textcopyright} 1993.}, author = {Ja{\'{n}}czuk, B. and Bruque, J. M. and Gonz{\'{a}}lez-Mart{\'{i}}n, M. L. and Moreno del Pozo, Jose}, booktitle = {Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects}, doi = {10.1016/0927-7757(93)80427-G}, issn = {09277757}, keywords = {Fluorite,Surface tension,Wettability}, number = {C}, pages = {163--168}, title = {Wettability and surface tension of fluorite}, volume = {75}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {1993} }
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Teaching» tab_id=»1489407763784-5736c86d-938e»][vc_column_text]
Actualmente imparte las asignaturas de Informática Gráfica y Tratamiento de Imágenes en Ingeniería Informática, SITA en el Máster MUIT y Computación Gráfica en el Máster TINC en la Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row]