[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Workshop en Agentes Físicos ( WAF2010 ).
J. Mateos, A. Sánchez, Luis J. Manso, Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos. «RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform». Proceedings, Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF2010), Valencia, Spain, 2010.
J. Mateos, a Sánchez, L. Manso, P. Bachiller, and P. Bustos, «RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform,» Jophanet, 2010.
[Bibtex]@article{mateos-open-hardware, abstract = {Autonomous robots are usually given a considerable sensing capacity. However, they are seldom equipped with the necessary actuators to perform active perception techniques or human-like tasks. This paper presents two robot actuators and RobEx, the robot platform where they have been tested. The first of the actuators is a forklift. The other presented actuator is a four DOF stereo head. Both, the mechanical and electronic designs are released as open-hardware. The software that controls all the presented robotic hardware is also available under the GPL license.}, author = {Mateos, J and S{\'{a}}nchez, a and Manso, Lj and Bachiller, P and Bustos, P}, journal = {Jophanet}, title = {{RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform}}, url = {http://www.jopha.net/waf/index.php/waf/waf10/paper/viewPDFInterstitial/69/55}, year = {2010} }
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