Patente de invención con nº de solicitud P201101176 de fecha de 26/10/2011. INVENTORES: Pagador Carrasco, José Blas; Sánchez Margallo, Fco. Miguel; Usón Gargallo, Jesús; Lucas Hernández, Marcos; Moyano García-Cuevas, José... read more →
The RoboLab team was invited to give a talk at the School of Therapy of the University of Extremadura on March 3rd, 2011. The robot Ursus was presented to an... read more →
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ursus is an assistive robot developed in the Laboratory of Robotics and Artificial Vision of the University of Extremadura in collaboration with the Virgen del Rocío Hospital. It is designed... read more →
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Robolab is building a new robot (Ursus) in collaboration with the Hospital Virgen del Rocío at Sevilla, within the ACROSS project. It is designed to propose games to children with... read more →
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