New article has been published in Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (Impact Factor: 1.512) , "Object Recognition and Semantic Mapping for Underwater Vehicles Using Sonar Data". The work is also a cooperation with... read more →
New article published in Sensors (Impact Factor: 2.677) together with brasilian researchers Matheus Machado, Pedro Ribeiro, Prof. Silvia Botelho and Paulo Drews-Jr from NAUTEC-FURG. The work shows the lastest advances in... read more →
Pedro Núñez participa en el congreso Accesibilidad Cognitiva organizado por Plena Inclusión, contando las experiencias de @robolab_uex en el área de la rehabilitación física y cognitiva con robots.
Unos 5000 niños y niñas llenaron ayer los cuatro campus de la UEx para conocer de primera mano el trabajo de los investigadores extremeños y promover las vocaciones científicas. 500... read more →
Pablo Bustos gives an invites talk at the IX International Conference in Silvipastoral Systems, Manizales, Colombia, 6-9-2017, presenting the EcoGram network and mobile application.
RoboLab participates in a new project funded by the Extremadura Government with the goal of improving emocional responses in primary school children with robots.
RoboLab's member, Pablo Bustos in the kick-off meeting of the "Red Iberoamericana para la mejora tecnológica de los sistemas silvi-pastorales" in Manizales, Colombia.
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