RoboLab keeps participating in the "Breakfast and Technology Program" organized by the UEx's School of Technology.
LearnBot gets more expressive. New advances from the EMOROBOTIC project.
CYTED-EcoGram annual coordination meeting at Villa La Angostura, Nuequén, Argentina, October 31th, 2018 with all our friends from México, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, Portugal and Argentina.
RoboLab participates in the CYTED anual coordinators meeting, in Brasilia, with the network EcoGram: Tecnologías de la Información para la Mejora Tecnológicas de Sistemas SilvoPastorales.
RoboLab has participated in the II Congress of Aging and Dependence. The congress took place in Jaén during 27th and 28th of September 27-28. RoboLab presented the EuroAGE project.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]New success of participation in the workshops of RoboLab during the "Night of the researchers"[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][/vc_column][/vc_row]
New paper has been accepted in #waf2018, 'Planning Human-Robot Interaction for Social Navigation in Crowded Environments' @pedromnunez @luisjmanso #robots #sociales #euroage
A new article has been accepted in #IEEE # icarcv2018 #singapure 'A Flexible and Adaptive Spatial Density Model for Context-Aware Social Mapping: Towards a More Realistic Social Navigation'
Robolab en el programa La Aventura del Saber, en TVE. Más información
The main beneficiary of the project, Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón and the rest of the project partners, RoboLab, University of Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Guarda and... read more →
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