Pablo Bustos
Pablo Bustos
PhD in Computer Science
Computer and Communication Technology Department
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Pilar Bachiller
PhD in Computer Science
Computer and Communication Technology Department
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Pedro Núñez
PhD in Telecommunication (Univ. of Málaga)
Computer and Communication Technology Department
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Trinidad Rodriguez Dominguez
Technical Staff
Medical and Surgical Therapy Department
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Beatriz Montalbán Pozas
PhD in Architecture
Construction Department
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Francisco Serrano Candela
PhD in Architecture
Construction Department
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Graduado en Ingeniería de Computadores por la Universidad de Extremadura y Máster en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial por la Universidad de León.
Estudiante predoctoral encargado de Hardware, Diseño e impresión 3D y software de dispositivos robóticos.
Sergio es Ingeniero en Telecomunicaciones por la Universidad de Extremadura. Actualmente es investigador asociado a proyectos de robótica y sensorización.
Graduado Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Master en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación por la Universidad de Extremadura. Doctorando en redes de sensores inalámbricas.
Graduado en Ingeniería Informática en Computadores por la Universidad de Extremadura. Personal científico investigador.
Graduado en Ingeniería de Sonido e imagen en Telecomunicaciones por la universidad de extremadura. Personal Científico Investigador.
Marta has a Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering and a Master's Degree in Methodology for Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Collaborative Project Development. She is currently working as a Researcher in Sustainable, Efficient and Smart Buildings
Beatriz has a Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering and a Master's Degree in Research in Engineering and Architecture. She is currently working as a Researcher in Sustainable, Efficient and Smart Buildings
Beatriz has a Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering and a Master's Degree in Innovation Management and Product Development. She is a Senior Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention. She is currently working as a Project Technician in the 5G Pilot Project
Inmaculada has a Master's Degree in Architecture, a Master's Degree in Advanced Architecture and City Project (Architecture and Environment Specialty), and a Master's Degree in Methodology for Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Collaborative Project Development. She is a Predoctoral Researcher (FPI-Junta de Extremadura) in the area of knowledge of Sustainability, Green and Circular Economy, Innovation, Heritage and Sustainable Territorial Development
Mónica has a Master's Degree in Architecture. She is a PhD student in the area of knowledge of Sustainable Territorial Development and Research Academic Staff (Valhondo PhD Fellowship)
Irene has a Master's Degree in Architecture, a Master's Degree in Building Energy and a Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education, specializing in Technology. She is a PhD student in the field of energy efficiency, usage and consumption of existing public buildings in Extremadura
PhD in Computer Science Researcher Computer and Communication Technology Department More Info
marcog (at) unex (dot) es PhD. Student Computer and Communication Technology Dept.PhD. Student More Info
lvcalderita (at) unex (dot) es PhD Student Computer and Communication Technology Department More Info
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