Trinidad Rodríguez Domínguez

Trinidad Rodriguez Dominguez

trdomin (at) unex (dot) es
Technical Staff
Medical and Surgical Therapy Department. UEX.

Brief Biography Description

Trinidad Rodríguez is Assistant Professor associated to Medical and Surgical Therapy Department, at University of Extremadura (Spain). She is Fisiotherapy since 1994 and Documentalist since 2008, and PhD in 2013, at the University of Extremadura (Spain). In 2000 she starts as professor at University of Extremadura, whitin the GIEMO (Grupo de Investigación en Enfermedades Metabólicas Óseas) group. She sarts whitin the Robolab (Laboratorio de Robótica y Visión Artificial) group in september 2018.




Grado en :
– Terapia Ocupacional
– Cinesiterapia
– Tecnología de la rehabilitación, ayudas técnicas y ergonomía
– Deontología profesional y legislación.