Felipe Cid Burgos

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Felipe Cid Burgos

fecidb (at) alumnos.unex (dot) es
PhD. Student
Computer and Communication Technology Dept.[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=»Biography» tab_id=»1489660074900-8ef3cbf1-39c9″][vc_column_text]

Brief Biography Description

Felipe Cid B. is a MSc. student. He is Electronic engineer since 2010, at the University Austral (Chile). He has been working in Robolab (Robotics and Artificial Vision Laboratory of the University of Extremadura) since 2010.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Research» tab_id=»1489660074977-768a5a5e-b165″][vc_column_text]


His research area is Human-Robot Interaction[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=»Publications» tab_id=»1489660133211-cc415e9e-9986″][vc_column_text]

Article, Books, Refereed Journals and Conferences

F. Cid, L. J. Manso and P. Núñez. «Improvements and considerations related to human-robot interaction in the design of a new version of the robotic head Muecas». In Proceedings of FinE-R 2015 IROS Workshop, 2015.

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Improvements and considerations related to human-robot interaction in the design of a new version of the robotic head muecas,» in Ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems (iros2015), Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    title = {Improvements and considerations related to human-robot interaction in the design of a new version of the robotic head Muecas},
    year = {2015},
    booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015)},
    address = {Hamburg, Germany}

F. CidL. J. Manso and P. Núñez. «A Novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach for Affective Human Robot Interaction». In Proceedings of FinE-R 2015 IROS Workshop, 2015

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A Novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach for Affective Human Robot Interaction,» in Proceedings of the workshop on multimodal and semantics for robotics systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    title = {{A Novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition Approach for Affective Human Robot Interaction}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal and Semantics for Robotics Systems},
    year = {2015},
    address = {Hamburg, Germany}

F. Cid, J. MorenoP. Bustos and P. Núñez. «Muecas: A Multi-Sensor Robotic Head for Affective Human Robot Interaction and Imitation». Sensors 2014, (Impact Factor 1.953, 14(5), 7711-7737; doi:10.3390/s140507711). April 2014

  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Cid Burgos, J. Moreno del Pozo, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation,» Sensors (basel, switzerland), vol. 14, iss. 5, p. 7711–37, 2014. Mdpi.
    abstract = {This paper presents a multi-sensor humanoid robotic head for human robot interaction. The design of the robotic head, Muecas, is based on ongoing research on the mechanisms of perception and imitation of human expressions and emotions. These mechanisms allow direct interaction between the robot and its human companion through the different natural language modalities: speech, body language and facial expressions. The robotic head has 12 degrees of freedom, in a human-like configuration, including eyes, eyebrows, mouth and neck, and has been designed and built entirely by IADeX (Engineering, Automation and Design of Extremadura) and RoboLab. A detailed description of its kinematics is provided along with the design of the most complex controllers. Muecas can be directly controlled by FACS (Facial Action Coding System), the de facto standard for facial expression recognition and synthesis. This feature facilitates its use by third party platforms and encourages the development of imitation and of goal-based systems. Imitation systems learn from the user, while goal-based ones use planning techniques to drive the user towards a final desired state. To show the flexibility and reliability of the robotic head, the paper presents a software architecture that is able to detect, recognize, classify and generate facial expressions in real time using FACS. This system has been implemented using the robotics framework, RoboComp, which provides hardware-independent access to the sensors in the head. Finally, the paper presents experimental results showing the real-time functioning of the whole system, including recognition and imitation of human facial expressions.},
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Moreno del Pozo, Jose and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    doi = {10.3390/s140507711},
    issn = {1424-8220},
    journal = {Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)},
    publisher = {mdpi},
    keywords = {Biomimetics,Biomimetics: instrumentation,Computer Communication Networks,Computer Communication Networks: instrumentation,Equipment Design,Equipment Failure Analysis,Head,Head: anatomy {\&} histology,Head: physiology,Humans,Man-Machine Systems,Robotics,Robotics: instrumentation,Transducers},
    month = {jan},
    number = {5},
    pages = {7711--37},
    pmid = {24787636},
    title = {Muecas: a multi-sensor robotic head for affective human robot interaction and imitation},
    url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=4063071{\&}tool=pmcentrez{\&}rendertype=abstract},
    volume = {14},
    year = {2014}

F. Cid and P. Núñez. «Learning Emotional Affordances based on Affective Elements in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios». WAF 2014. 15th Workshop of Pĥysical Agents, León, Spain 2014

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Learning Emotional Affordances based on Affective Elements in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios,» in Xv workshop of physical agentes (waf2014), León, Spain, 2014, p. 1–10.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    number = {June},
    pages = {1--10},
    booktitle = {XV Workshop of Physical Agentes (WAF2014)},
    title = {{Learning Emotional Affordances based on Affective Elements in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios}},
    year = {2014},
    address = {León, Spain}

F. Cid, J.A. Prado, P. Manzano, P. Bustos, P. Núñez. «Imitation System for Humanoid Robotics Head». Journal of Physical Agents, volume 7, number 1, pages 22-29, January 2013.

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, J. A. Prado, P. Manzano, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Imitation system for humanoid robotics heads,» Journal of physical agents, vol. 7, iss. 1, p. 22–29, 2013. Redaf.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Prado, J. A. and Manzano, P. and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    journal = {Journal of Physical Agents},
    issn = {18880258},
    keywords = {Facial expression recognition,Human robot interaction,Imitation},
    number = {1},
    pages = {22--29},
    title = {Imitation system for humanoid robotics heads},
    volume = {7},
    publisher = {RedAF},
    year = {2013}

F. Cid, A. J. Palomino and P. Núñez. «A New Paradigm for Learning Affective Behaviors: Emotional Affordances in Human Robot Interaction». Proceedings of the XIV Workshop on Physycal Agents (WAF-2013), Madrid, September 18-19, 2013

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, A. J. Palomino, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A new paradigm for learning affective behaviors : emotional affordances in human robot interaction,» in Xiv workshop de agentes físicos (waf 2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013, p. 47–52.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Palomino, A J and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    pages = {47--52},
    title = {A New Paradigm for Learning Affective Behaviors : Emotional Affordances in Human Robot Interaction},
    year = {2013},
    booktitle = {XIV Workshop de Agentes Físicos (WAF 2013)},
    address = {Madrid, Spain}

P. Romero, F. Cid and P. Núñez. «A Novel Real Time Facial Expression Recognition system based on Candide-3 Reconstruction Model». Proceedings of the XIV Workshop on Physycal Agents (WAF-2013), Madrid, September 18-19, 2013

  • [PDF] P. Romero, F. Cid Burgos, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A Novel Real Time Facial Expression Recognition system based on Candide-3 Reconstruction Model,» in Xiv workshop on physical agents (waf 2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013.
    author = {Romero, P and Cid Burgos, Felipe and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    title = {{A Novel Real Time Facial Expression Recognition system based on Candide-3 Reconstruction Model}},
    year = {2013},
    booktitle = {XIV Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF 2013)},
    address = {Madrid, Spain}

C. Doblado, E. Mogena, F. Cid, L. V. Calderita and P. Núñez. «RGB-D Database for Affective Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction». Proceedings of the XIV Workshop on Physycal Agents (WAF-2013), Madrid, September 18-19, 2013.

  • [PDF] C. Doblado, E. Mogena, F. Cid Burgos, L. V. Calderita Estévez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «RGB-D Database for Affective Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction,» in Xiv workshop on physical agents (waf2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013, p. 35–40.
    author = {Doblado, C and Mogena, E and Cid Burgos, Felipe and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    pages = {35--40},
    title = {{RGB-D Database for Affective Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction}},
    year = {2013},
    booktitle = {XIV Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF2013)},
    address = {Madrid, Spain}

F. Cid, José Augusto Prado, P. Bustos and P. Núñez. «A Real Time and Robust Facial Expression Recognition and Imitation approach for Affective Human-Robot Interaction Using Gabor filtering». International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, November 3-8, 2013, Tokyo, Japan

  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Cid Burgos, J. A. Prado, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A real time and robust facial expression recognition and imitation approach for affective human-robot interaction using gabor filtering,» in Ieee international conference on intelligent robots and systems, Tokio, 2013, p. 2188–2193.
    abstract = {Facial expressions are a rich source of communicative information about human behavior and emotion. This paper presents a real-time system for recognition and imitation of facial expressions in the context of affective Human Robot Interaction. The proposed method achieves a fast and robust facial feature extraction based on consecutively applying filters to the gradient image. An efficient Gabor filter is used, along with a set of morphological and convolutional filters to reduce the noise and the light dependence of the image acquired by the robot. Then, a set of invariant edge-based features are extracted and used as input to a Dynamic Bayesian Network classifier in order to estimate a human emotion. The output of this classifier updates a geometric robotic head model, which is used as a bridge between the human expressiveness and the robotic head. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed approach compared to similar systems.},
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Prado, Jose Augusto and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
    doi = {10.1109/IROS.2013.6696662},
    isbn = {9781467363587},
    issn = {21530858},
    address = {Tokio},
    pages = {2188--2193},
    url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs{\_}all.jsp?arnumber=6696662},
    title = {A real time and robust facial expression recognition and imitation approach for affective human-robot interaction using Gabor filtering},
    year = {2013}

F. Cid, R. Cintas, L. J. Manso, L. V. Calderita, A. Sánchez and P. Núñez. «Engaging human-to-robot attention using conversational gestures and lip-sinchronization», In Journal of Physical Agents ISSN 1888-0258 .Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 3-10. March 2012.

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, L. J. Manso Argüelles, L. V. Calderita Estévez, A. Sánchez Domínguez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Engaging human-to-robot attention using conversational gestures and lip-synchronization,» in Jopha, Spain, 2012, p. 3–10.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    number = {1},
    pages = {3--10},
    booktitle = {JoPhA},
    title = {{Engaging human-to-robot attention using conversational gestures and lip-synchronization}},
    volume = {6},
    year = {2012},
    address = {Spain}

F. Cid, J.A. Prado, P. Bustos, P. Núñez. «Development of a Facial Expression Recognition and Imitation Method for Affective HRI». Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF2012), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 3-4 September 2012

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, J. Prado, P. Bustos García, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «Development of a facial expression recognition and imitation method for affective hri,» in Workshop of physical agents, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España, 2012, p. 1–6.
    abstract = {This paper presents a system for recognizing and imitating facial expressions using visual information acquired by a robot. The proposed approach is capable of estimating the emotion state of a human interlocutor through the recognition of facial expressions (i.e. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, neutral) using a Bayesian approach, which is achieved in real time. This information updates the knowledge of the robot about the people in its field of view, and thus, allows the robot to use it for future actions and interactions. In this paper, the human facial expression is imitated by Muecas, a 12 degree of freedom (DOF) robotics face. This paper also introduces the concept of the human and robot facial expressions models, which are included inside of a new cognitive module that builds and updates selective representations of the robot and the agents in its environment for enhancing future HRI. Experimental results demonstrate the quality of the detection and imitation using different scenarios with Muecas avatar},
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Prado, JA and Bustos García, Pablo and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    booktitle = {Workshop of Physical Agents},
    pages = {1--6},
    address = {Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España},
    title = {Development of a Facial Expression Recognition and Imitation Method for Affective HRI},
    url = {http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pablo_Bustos/publication/235887168_Development_of_a_Facial_Expression_Recognition_and_Imitation_Method_for_Affective_HRI/links/0deec51f7d2f9c1fc9000000.pdf},
    year = {2012}

F. Cid, R. Cintas, L. J. Manso, L. V. CalderitaA. Sánchez and P. Núñez. «A real-time synchronization algorithm between Text-To-Speech (TTS) system and Robot Mouth for Social Robotic Applications». Proceedings, Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF2011), pp 81-86. September, 2011, Albacete, Spain

  • [PDF] F. Cid Burgos, R. Cintas Peña, L. J. Manso Argüelles, L. V. Calderita Estévez, A. Sánchez Domínguez, and P. Núñez Trujillo, «A real-time synchronization algorithm between Text-To-Speech ( TTS ) system and Robot Mouth for Social Robotic Applications,» in Waf, Albacete, Spain, 2011.
    author = {Cid Burgos, Felipe and Cintas Peña, Ramón and Manso Argüelles, Luis Jesús and Calderita Estévez, Luis Vicente and Sánchez Domínguez, Agustín and Núñez Trujillo, Pedro},
    isbn = {4300002010},
    booktitle = {WAF},
    title = {{A real-time synchronization algorithm between Text-To-Speech ( TTS ) system and Robot Mouth for Social Robotic Applications}},
    year = {2011},
    address = {Albacete, Spain}

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