[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Stereo Head: As part of Sebastian's Thesis, he designed a stereo robotic head that was built and placed on the robot substituting the old one. This new head is faster... read more →
Insex is a hexapod machine built by last year undergraduates. It's parts are made with a Nylon-Fiberglass compound. Joints are powered by 12 servo motors controlled by three cascaded commertial... read more →
Miura is the stereo version of Pulguita. Five degrees of freeedom with digital PID controlled servos and two ISight Firewire cameras. Specially indicated for the new dual-core processors. Paper submitted... read more →
Patente de invención con nº de solicitud P200702659(7) de 9 de Octubre de 2007 (concedida con fecha de 12/04/2011, publicándose en el BOPI de 26/04/2011). Inventores: Jesús Usón Gargallo, Francisco... read more →
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pulguita is a quick algorithm demonstrator that lives on our desks. It can be connected to any computer and is used to try and debug vision and navigation algorithms. The... read more →
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