Tornasol is our first medium-sized robot. He has an aluminium frame and 4-wheels (not very good idea) carrying all the electronics and computer on board. We designed and built for him the power amplifiers and a microcontroller-based board using a risc 100MHz Hitachi SH3 for PID control of the electrical motors. On top of these elements an AMD K7 processor takes care of image adquisition and processing, and navigation control. In addition, it is connected to the world through a Gbit Ethernet link.
In the upper structure we have placed a robotic stereo head with three degrees of freedom and two Firewire cameras. The robot is able of generating an approximated 3D reconstruction of its environment at a frame rate of 4Hz. Here you can see some snapshots of these results.
Pilar Bachiller, J. Vicente, Pablo Bustos. «Modelado 3D Dinámico del entorno por un robot móvil con visión estreoscópica». Proceedings, III Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF’2002), March 14 – 15, 2002, Murcia, Spain
P. Bachiller, J. Vicente, and P. Bustos, «Modelado 3D Dinámico del entorno por un robot móvil con visión estreoscópica.,» in Iii workshop en agentes físicos, 2002.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{bachiller-dinamico-vision, author = {Bachiller, Pilar and Vicente, J and Bustos, Pablo}, booktitle = {III Workshop en Agentes F{\'{i}}sicos}, title = {{Modelado 3D Din{\'{a}}mico del entorno por un robot m{\'{o}}vil con visi{\'{o}}n estreosc{\'{o}}pica.}}, year = {2002} }
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